By now everyone is about finished with their gardens for the year. Well except for those of you in the wild down under land. So you just need to go back to the Garden Tips of the 2nd. Quarter of 2021. If you are confused, just jump on the merry-go-round and see where you end up.
I would hope that you did not haul your residual plant material from your garden off to the land fill. If you did, you just threw away a lot of money. The best deal for that material is to compost it and then apply the material next year. In simple terms is inoculates your garden soil against any pathogens that were thinking about haunting you next year. Plus, you have the fertilizer values there as well.Anyway, time to move on.
Generally, this is the best time to begin preparations for next year. The main reason for making all of the preparations that you can make right now is that it allows for all of the microbes to do their jobs more thoroughly. These things do not work like an instant magic trick at the...
After the last discussion regarding this one particular hormone and Diabetes, I really didn't leave you with much of a solution for the deal. (That was on purpose). So this discussion is an attempt to present some solutions and tie it in with other issues.
When doing the verification aspect of this discussion, as with the last discussion, it seems like we keep running around in circles. The solution for Weight Loss shares some cause and effect aspects to other issues. Then you look at Type 2 Diabetes and the same type of solutions come around again. About all that changes is the topic or the point of discussion on the topic. Just insert the word, Diabetes, in place of weight loss or weight loss in the slot with Diabetes. They share about 97 or 98% commonality. Many people claim that we descended from Monkeys because we share about 93% commonality of the DNA with them. But yet direct transplants usually just don't work and the other 7% or so makes a huge difference. Now when we look...
This should be an interesting discussion. In this one we will look at the joys of what Covid has brought to the table and how it relates to Type 2 Diabetes. I am not being sarcastic either, I am sincerely saying that the deal has brought a lot of stuff out. We can see a lot of research into repurposing of known effective pharma drugs, for those who prefer to go that route. On the natural side, we have better insight into some of these diseases and the research side of the road is becoming more pronounced as to the sincere researchers and those that are bought and sponsored by some special interest. So yes, some very good stuff. In the past I haven't been too proficient in citing sources. I have been hesitant in doing so as I don't want to sound like I am just trying to show everyone how "proficient" I am in citing others and performing a contest in how long my source list can be. So with this one, at the end I will cite some of the major sources that I used to verify the information...
Here we are with the 3rd. and final installment of the Current State of Affairs. The main thrust of this series of articles is primarily focused around the Covid, "Rona", thing. I fully realize that after the last two articles, and especially after the 2nd. one, I am sure I have pretty much lost everyone. All I can say, is oh well. Sorry. But if you are still with me, lets move on the solutions.
In the first two, I try to justify how I feel like this was an "engineered disease". A lot of really mentally solid people, that really knows their stuff in respect to Virology and related diseases and have not been bought out by special interests, that have really studied this thing and with the resources to do so, have, for the most part, gotten their head around the concept and sees it for what it really is. In light of these people's work, I try to go into detail and show how one possible disease has been GMO'ed or Biologically Re-engineered to meet a certain group's desires. I use this...
Well, we are here again to discuss this deal. As mentioned in Part 1, we would look at possible causes and possible solutions to this whole Covid deal.
In the social media live session that I did I mentioned what I thought could be what this is actually is. Now keep in mind that this is an opinion, I do base it on some logical and documented information. Also, as mentioned, most anyone out there with any kind of rational thought, after removing their emotional bias, generally see this as a form of a Biological Weapon. Again, just from what I have run across and an opinion. I say to those who see it differently, prove it. Prove that it isn't a Biological Weapon being used on us.
Generally, most of the treatment protocols that actually work, are centered around this being a serious Bacterial Infection. Yes, the Viral part is obviously a virus, IE; the virus is the vector. But what is carried on that virus is a Bacteria. Along with this Bacteria, we have the usual parasite entourage...
Today we are going to look at some important stuff. Last week I did several FB Live sessions to deal with this. Now I would like to put this in print form and try to make it short and sweet. Please keep in mind that the ideas presented here are solely my ideas, they do not represent the ideas or opinions of anyone out there. I am sure there is no agency of any kind that would approve much of anything coming from me. This material is presented for educational and some entertainment mixed in. Anything that you might use from here, you do so at your own choice. Does that cover the disclaimers?
One of the big things, obviously, in today's world is this whole Covid deal. Everyday we get a new set of information that is touted as the most current available. Unfortunate for most people is that everyday conflicts with any previously held belief. I keep wondering how many different versions and takes we can come up with. From most appearances, there is no rhyme or reason to any of this. Many...
Today we are going to take things in a little different route. I have wanted to talk about this one subject, but thought that maybe I should go a lot easier on the subject in that I only do a quick overview. So lets talk about a few fun items.
One fun thing is Tomatoes. I know there are some people out there with credentials that claim that Tomatoes are horrible. They cause all kinds of inflammation and all kinds of stomach issues that aren't good. Then all you have to do is turn around and an equal number of people will claim the opposite. It is enough to drive you insane. Which for some of us, from all appearances it is obvious that something like that may have just happened. LOL> But lets look at the the facts. Nothing personal or emotional here, just the facts. So what is so magical about a simple Tomato? For starters one particular nutrient; Lycopene. This is the element that accounts for the red or orange color. What if you over do it on Tomatoes? About the only real...
OK, here we go with the 3rd. and last part. In this discussion we will look at the food connection and a lot of related material. One of the biggest "in things" out there today is the talk about how our foods do not contain much nutrition. Another one is that our soils are mined out to the point of they offer nothing to help with nutrition. I want to point out that this is a load of squat, IE; Crap. Yes our soils are being mined out, in that the nutrients are being pulled out at a faster rate than they are being replaced. Eventually it will hit a point of where the crops won't grow, then that is when we are officially in the category of not containing any nutrition. Keep this in mind, plants need nutrition too. If they have none, they won't grow. But the bigger threat that we face in today's world is yes, a lack of nutrition. But it is not as you have been schooled. The problem is the various nutrients are out of balance in most respects. As a general rule, Calcium, for example, is...
I thought I would be able to just leave this discussion with the one part and then move on. But as events appear on the horizon and then run you down, well, you have to clear up some points. Plus I can see that since this is such an important topic, we need to make sure we cover it well.
What is Diatomaceous Earth ? I did mention it in the last discussion as a source of Silica. When I discussed this topic with Leiann she made mention that some people asked some questions about D.E. as I use it in the Tooth Powders and in a new liquid Pet supplement that I am running through the test phases. As a side note, it works very well. Anyway, the concern was that some people had talked with this one person that is very popular within certain circles and has a Dr. in front of his name. He told them that D.E. is a bad thing because the shells are sharp and will make cuts in the walls of your digestive tract and will cause leaky gut and all kinds of stuff like that. I stayed awake the other...
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