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Balancing Specific Minerals.Calcium, Part 3 of 3.

When I started this discussion, I intended it to be a single discussion. The I realized that it needed to be split into 2 parts. Then after doing the part 2, I then realized that it needed to have part 3 to polish it off. At least I hope 3 parts will end up putting the shine to it all. I also  need to apologize for calling a big group of people some derogatory terms. Even though they are those in reality, I shouldn’t say it out loud. So the nicer term would be to use these: Those who think in terms of one dimension, or those who think in terms of 2 dimensions and those who think and see things in a 3 dimensional form.  In our discussions we are attempting to communicate in this last form, 3 dimensional. In many cases, Aromatherapy is thought of and applied in the 1 dimension form. Sometimes it will be applied in the 2 dimensional form. In this number 2 form, a lot of weird stuff can happen and many times does so. But when you move Aromatherapy into the 3 dimensional...

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Balancing Specific Minerals.Calcium, Part 2 of 3.

Well here we are on part #2 of this discussion. In this one I want to go more from the solution side than the shock and awe of getting past the nonsense of the psychopaths and make an attempt to deal with reality. In the previous discussion I tried to explain that a lot of this stuff about our foods being totally devoid of nutrition, as taught by a number of people, is a load of crap. Yes, there are lower levels as compared to the past, whatever the past might be defined as, but the bigger problem is the lack of  ability to work with that issue, as a general rule. In light of this concept, it has produced a system of out of balance ratios. This is mainly where the problem lies and to further make this a serious issue is the herbicides used on these plants. Many of these herbicides are designed to create out of balance ratios in many of the plant’s chemicals. That is their mechanism of how they work. They kill the plant by messing with the chemical/nutrient ratios. Then we...

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Balancing Specific Minerals.Calcium, Part 1 of 3.

Sometimes you run across an idea and for some strange reason, it just seems to want to be talked about. So with this article, we will talk about the …drum roll please….the essential oil connection and having it focused around Calcium and some other things too. 

 Calcium seems to be the major focus of many people as they walk the path of trying to up their game when it comes to “all things health wise”. Really, most people are right on the money when it comes to this nutrient. It is important. For the most part Calcium makes up from 1% to 2% of the average person’s body weight. A lot of recommended daily dosages seem to start at around 1000 mg to maybe upwards of 1500 mg.per day. The reason for the spread has a lot to do with.. well it depends.. on the needs and the conditions of the individual person being evaluated. Also, about 99% of this Calcium is stored in the bones and the other 1% is scattered throughout the body in places like the...

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Working With the Brain. Article #3, The Hypothalamus. The Anterior Part.

Finally we are getting past the ground rules of learning to walk Pavlov’s dogs and begin to see what that walking of Pavlov’s dogs might look like. In this discussion we will be looking at the Hypothalamus. This is one of the most important parts of the human brain as it relates to aromatherapy. Well, that can be argued, but in reality all parts of the brain are important when it comes to aromatherapy. But since we are talking about the brain and aromatherapy. At least in part, and the role the Hypothalamus plays with Hormones, well, maybe it is kind of like the saying goes, “Everyone is equal, but some are more equal than others”. That might be the best way to describe the Hypothalamus in relation to other parts of the brain. I feel like this part of the brain is really influential because of the role hormones play in our actions. 


The Hypothalamus is divided into 3 main parts, namely, the Anterior, the Middle and the Posterior. Each one of these...

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Non-Organic Elements Undergoing a Conversion to Organic Elements.

A while ago I made mention that a person can use non-Organic Selenium and still get a huge benefit from it. But in a way that runs contrary to some known facts and that that is the whole deal about not being able to utilize non-organic forms of the nutrients. I have also made that claim, as we know of those perspectives from really astute researchers. So just how do we reconcile this deal? Since you asked, we are going to look at it. The truth of this is somewhere in the middle.

One element that we must keep in mind and that is when referring to Organic or Inorganic in this type of discussion we are talking about it in a chemical sense. We are not referring  to the typical Organic/Inorganic aspect of traditional thinking with most people. In chemistry and related fields, an Inorganic substance becomes Organic when a Carbon molecule is attached to it. Normally the way it happens in nature, is that the Inorganic form is found in say the soil. As a plant grows in that soil it...

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What is the Deal with Conjugated Linoleic Acid?

Today we are going to take a stroll around the neighborhood of some Essential Fatty Acids. Even though I have suggested that this discussion is centered around Conjugated Linoleic Acid, it is really about a lot more and the CLA is really just a major part or core of it all. Many other aspects are here as well and we will discuss them. As a general rule the Linoleic Acid is usually called Omega 6 Fatty Acid. The Linolenic Acid is usually called Omega 3 Fatty Acid. In this discussion we are going to introduce a new Fatty Acid, actually it isn’t all that new, but new to most people and that is Omega 7 EFA. Also, Vaccenic Acid and Rumenic Acid will be introduced.

CLA is both a trans fatty acid and a cis fatty acid. Normally, a trans fat, it is considered to be bad as it applies to human health. It is, if certain conditions are not met. But when those certain conditions are met, it then can be beneficial. The whole CLA begins its journey in the Rumen of a Ruminate. Rumenic Acid...

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Essential Oil Evaluations and Applications.

One of the largest aspects, at least to many people when evaluating essential oil quality, will usually refer to a GC/MS report as to the tattle tale for their sole purpose of determining quality. These people will need to expand their scope of education to bring their thinking into line with current trends. This is the main trust of this discussion. I want to bring you up to speed, so to speak as to where things are going.

In many of the Analysis Specifications of various oils, such as the fixed oils or essential oils, one will notice that many times they are listing the various methods used to determine the evaluations run on the given sample. With Essential Oils the typical evaluations run are as follows. Keep in mind that these are not the only evaluations run, but the typical.

Refractive Index; This one determines how fast light travels through a medium. Usually that medium is a Refractometer. This also helps to determine the sugar content of a solution being evaluated. Many of...

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Understanding the Nature of the Glyphosate, Glutosinate and the Glutamic Acid problem, Part 1.

In the circles that are common for all of us to run around in, we frequently hear the word Glyphosate or better known as Roundup or in some cases other names. Then at the same time, associated with this topic, we hear all kinds of horror stories. There are a number of other chemicals that will usually surfaces that we hear people carping about. I have written a number of times about one of them,  Glyphosate and have clearly stated my bias against the use of it. We actually have some real good news on this topic this year. The news is that Glyphosate is in limited supply this year. Bayer, the company out of Germany, who is the major company involved in manufacturing the formulated chemical has announced that the manufacturer of a key ingredient has not been able to supply the key ingredient for the final formulated product, Roundup. So their ability to supply this product is severely limited. Officially, by many accounts, the supply available to framers have been cut by around...

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Carbon and Nitrogen Ratio.

Today we are going to look at a situation that is usually not talked about much in many circles, other than agricultural production circles. When it is discussed, then it is only touched on during specific situations and then it is largely a political discussion at best, nothing really meaningful. However, on the human nutrition side, there is really not a lot of discussion, period.  But in reality we really should talk about it. Today is your lucky day!

On average, a normally functioning human, Carbon will consist of about 18% of that person's body weight. In a normally functioning human Nitrogen will consist of about 3% of that person's body weight. Since I will make mention of Potassium in this relationship at a later point in this discussion, I will make mention of Potassium and it will consist of about 1% of the weight of a normally functioning human being. Translation; the 150 pound human will contain about 27 pounds of Carbon. That same 150 pound person will be carrying...

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Gardening Tips; 1st. Quarter of 2022.

Today begins a new volume of the Gardening Tips series. This one we will find the discussion of container gardening being discussed. Although I am involved with gardening on a larger scale, using tractors, various tillage and harvesting tools. Usually this type will cover several areas. Also we do greenhouses as well. But in this line of discussion we will be looking at a method that most people reading this can benefit from and participate in and that is container gardening. Normally people doing container gardening will use smaller containers, like clay pots, gallon cans, etc. But I have found that a 5 gallon bucket or 5 gallon bucket size really works very effectively and in my opinion, best. So in this discussion one needs to keep in mind that we are using these 5 gallon buckets. The information can be adapted to fit any size that works best for you. Remember, one size does not fit all.
Step #1- Here you need to decide how many containers that you would like to have. Get...
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