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 Leiann's Essential Oil Blog

Lime; Citrus aurantifolia.

Lime oil is not an oil that is just one type of "Lime" oil. There are several types out there. Many times the Lime will carry a qualifier such as Persian, Mexican, etc. This is not in reference to the country that they are sourced from, but rather the type of Lime oil.  I don't want to go into a lot of comparing and contrasting of the types, so we will only make passing references to the other types and focus on the type that we do use. The type we use is the Mexican type, aka Key Lime oil. But the Key lime is sourced from the peel after the fruit has ripened and turned yellow. It is usually steam distilled. The one we typically use is the same Mexican type, but obtained by using the green fruit, before ripening, and the method of extraction is from Cold Pressing or also known as Expressed. The label of cold-pressed is the more common name and that is the name we use. The various types of Lime oil and from the 2 main methods of obtaining the oils will all come in with similar...

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January Gardening Tips. Part 3. Pods, Roots, and Rabbits.

In the first January Gardening tips, toward the latter part, I got into discussing Corn and how the ears set and the kernels, etc. I wanted to show you how one type of plant works in relationship with the nutritional load at any specific time during the growing season. I also wanted to discuss a few other types of plants and how they function. The purpose was to show why we do certain activities at specific times so that we can enable the plant to grow and produce to its full genetic potential. This discussion is a continuation of that effort. As a side note, I got sidetracked by talking about a method of feeding the plants with discussion 2.  I felt like if we didn't discuss that aspect, that you might be lost. So we are back on course now and will discuss some interesting concepts.
The corn plant is what is considered to be a C-4 Carbon Plant Pathway type plant. In my opinion, I feel like this is very important to understand in a few words just what you are...
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January Gardening Tips, Part 2, Humus.

Today we will be discussing Humus along with a lot of whys, to the things we have discussed in the past when I mentioned some of the whats. I hope that makes sense. To begin with we need to define what this Humus is that we are talking about. I know most people associates Humus with Hummus, the stuff you buy at the store that is usually made from beans, all mushed up and swirled around with some other ingredients. I don't really like the bean Hummus, even though I love beans and have a hard time understanding those who don't. They are a powerhouse of nutrition. Now the Carrot Hummus, love it. But the Humus we are talking about is different, it is a product that we use on our soil. Strictly speaking, Humus is a mature Compost.  Mature in the sense that it is Compost that has run it's the full cycle and is no longer in a state of decay, IE; it is fully decayed and ready for use. The reason why we want to talk about it is that when a material is in a state of decay, it...
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January Gardening Tips, Part #1.

Today we are going to discuss some aspects of our gardening endeavors. This won't require a whole lot of physical work but will require some thought to guide your actions later on.  One of the greatest obstacles to a successful garden is the people that are doing the gardening and this is derived from faulty ideas built on myths that no one understands the origins of. Well, I guess we can have some ideas on where they came from and that is from the chemical modeling of farming, and adapting those chemical farming ideas to our gardening.  I have labeled this as part #1, as it will take several parts to discuss the various ideas that you need to get your head around. This part will deal mostly with Nitrogen management. What will be discussed can have a slight variation based on the Carbon Pathway followed, as in the C-3, C-4, and CAM types of plants, but the variation isn't much and the ideas apply just the same, for purposes of this discussion.


When working with...

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Everyone needs to lighten up once in a while, a good laugh for you.

Wizened Proverbs


- Man who run in front of car get tired. Man who run behind car get exhausted.

- Man with one chopstick go hungry.

- Man who scratch bum should not bite fingernails.

- Man who eat many prunes get good run for money.


- War does not determine who is right, war determine who is left.

- Wife who put husband in doghouse soon find him in cat house.

- Man who drive like hell, bound to get there.

- Man who stand on toilet is high on pot.


- Man who live in glass house should change clothes in basement.

- Man who break wind in church sit in own pew.

....And lastly, this one hits a little closer to home for me than for some people;

- Crowded elevator smell different to short person


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Minerals and Some Interesting Perspectives. Part 3. Lanthanum and Phenylalanine.

In today's discussion, we will followup on a mineral that was introduced in part 1.  As I think about it, I see that I have failed to tie in some other aspects to this mineral thing. Namely the associated Amino Acids. This is really important as not only the mineral is important, but the Amino Acids are as well. One does not function without the other, even though the Amino Acids are made up of mineral formulations. Still, the Amino Acids are part of the overall functioning. Also, I like to approach the health aspects of our discussions from looking at one or even several minerals and then walking them forward and examining some of the main, overall functions of those minerals, either as an individual or collectively as a grouping.  So the mineral that we are looking specifically at is Lanthanum and the Amino Acid is Phenylalanine. The chemical formula for Phenylalanine is C9 H11 NO2. So Carbon, Hydrogen and Nitrogen Dioxide, or in simple terms, Nitrogen and Oxygen. This...

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Minerals and Some Interesting Perspectives. Part 2. When Big Al comes calling.

In the last installment, we were discussing some aspects of minerals and got into brain function.  Several people asked about the Alzheimer's connection because we touched on Aluminum as we were talking about Yttrium. So with this discussion, I thought, hey let's just deal with big Al and get that aspect out of the way, as this is of huge interest, especially to those of us that are somewhat "Chronologically Challenged". Of course, it should be of interest, but not just to our group but to all age groups. The reason being is that these things just don't "happen" one day and the next day, the full-blown clinical case presenting itself. In the previous discussion, I mentioned how Yttrium is basically the focal point of mineral being deficient as being the base cause. Of course, it isn't the only one but the primary one. Here is why.  The inverse relationship of Yttrium and Aluminum. As noted, when Yttrium goes down, Aluminum goes up. This is because of the...
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Minerals and Some Interesting Perspectives. Part 1

Many times we hear some reference to minerals. In fact, my kids are getting to the point of being sick and tired of hearing me say, when they say, oh we are sick... I say, oh that is just a yadda yadda mineral deficiency. Take some.... and you will see some improvements. So in this discussion, we will see a few perspectives. I will do several parts to this one as to do it in the one setting would not do it justice.
In this discussion, we will focus on and around Yttrium. I take it that you haven't heard much about this one.  But it does not stand alone, as with all other minerals. They work together and in concert with several others. Another factor is stuff like Amino Acids, Proteins, and vitamins, just to name a few, as they are all just based on formulations of minerals. Well, for the most part, as other factors that are not minerals, factor in as well, such as photosynthesis. We can talk about that some other time. Now, Yttrium; Yttrium is not a mineral that you can...
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December Gardening Tips.

One would not think that we would be talking about gardening here in the northern hemisphere. But we are and the topic is centered around seeds and the selections of seeds for your garden for the upcoming season.
The main point of seed selection is first to determine just what you want to grow. What types of products have a tendency to grow in your area with ease and what produce you will actually use!  Many times it is easy to grow things that you aren't likely to use, yet, those that you would likely use, many times are the hardest to grow. Weird I know, but that is the truth many times. A lot of times when we make the seed selection, we just select all willy nilly and have no rhyme or reason to our selections and choices.  So for a better focus, let us talk about how to focus better. Perhaps picking a theme will be more to your liking.  For example, do you like salsa? OK, if so then let us take that as a theme. With this theme in mind, you would make a list...
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The 300 molecular weight of molecules and Steam Distillation.

    Hi Everyone,

Over the recent past time frame, a very interesting aspect of essential oil quality has come my way. A guy I know that is an EO supplier asked me a question about some insecticides that came up in a special analysis that he had run on some oil that he supplies to a specialized manufacturer. Please keep in mind that a GC/MS DOES NOT typically scan for such items. He had to send it to a specialized lab to have it run. He did not specifically say why he had to run a scan, but I put two and two together and it must have been for a large volume-specific customer that requested it.  Anyway, I am not at liberty to discuss a whole lot about the situation other than some general specifics. He contacted me because he knew that I was involved in agriculture and the chemicals were chemicals that are typically used in agricultural settings, for the most part. He wanted me to help him understand the chemicals and maybe he could understand why they are there and how...

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