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Highlights of Previous Essays. Part 3 of 3.

Today we are going to discuss two classes of parasites; Nematode and Trematode.
As a general rule the Nematode have up to 1 million different species by some scientific
accounts. But for the most part there are a little under 100,000 that are either a concern to
animal life forms or plant life that most people have an active study of in daily life. This class
is affectionately known as Roundworms. Most roundworms that are of a concern to plant and
animal life are basically round in nature and have some degree of length to them. When I
say of concern to animal and plant life, I need to add that these Nematodes are soil borne.
Most of them have 3 stages of life/reproduction cycles. They originate in the soil and then
they eventually return to the soil.
Nematodes can’t really be grouped into a group that you can call, “bad” or a group called,
“good”. This is because only about of them are generally considered to be parasitic. The
rest are generally considered to be...

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Highlights of Previous Essays. Part 2 of 3.

Today we are going to continue on our walk down the pathway of the parasites and their
effect on our body. Of course I can’t go over every detail, but I can discuss, in general terms,
the ones that have the greatest effect on the general population. So let's get going.
Have you ever heard of Toxoplasma gondii? This is a protozoan parasite that is primarily
associated with felines, IE; cats. This parasite has to pass through the digestive tract of a cat
in order to complete its life cycle. The concern here is the effect it has on behaviors of any
host that it passes through. What the evidence is showing is that it tweaks human behaviors,
human health and even the personalities of humans. One area that it directly affects is the
Amygdala in the brain. This is a part of the brain that deals with decision making, emotional
responses, such as aggression, anxiety and memory. Then next we have the Temporal
Lobe. This is one of the 4 main parts of the brain that deals with comprehension,...
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Highlights of Previous Essays. Part 1 of 3.

I wanted to give a quick overview of some key points in some of the long winded
essays/discussion that has been conducted over the past while. I know some of you will not
see it as I do, some will tar and feather me and on and on. But it seems to be a logical
explanation to the items being discussed and is fully backed up by current research or with time tested trial and error. So here goes:
In our discussions we have reviewed the topic of parasites. I love this topic. It is a very
important one, despite being one of my favorite topics. When it comes to cancer, many
cancers are introduced by parasites. Not all are, but many are, especially ones dealing with
organs and or the body cavity. Other cancers are based on corrupted DNA and toxic
chemical exposure. However, one must always remember that parasites serve many roles,
such as being called in to break down diseased and dead tissues. However, some parasites
are there to actually help us. Some will end up doing both, depending on the...

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Locally Distilled EO's and their Related Health Functions. Sagebrush, Artemisia.

Today I would like to explore a little bit of perspective on some locally distilled EO’s and how
a person’s health is affected by those plant’s contributions.
The oil that we will focus on comes from the Great Western Sagebrush, found primarily in
the Great Basin of the Western US. The Latin primary name is Artemisia. Although the
primary name of this plant is found in many parts of the world, the various sub types are
world wide and will contribute similar results and be used for similar purposes. There are
over 500 different varieties of this Artemisia plant world wide.
As a general rule, in certain circles, they will make various claims as to why you shouldn’t
use the natural versions of the extract and so on. But we all know the reasons as to why they
say that. However, to avoid the issues of over use and so on, just be national about it. Try
not to “drink” the oil/extracts/etc.. Overall a topical application will usually produce safe and
effective use...
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Parasites; Some Good Stuff and Related Perspectives.


In this discussion I take a different look at parasites and present some very positive material about them. In addition to this, I present some simple relationships between diseases and the causation/solutions.Which in turn makes the whole deal a simple deal. Really!

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Parasites; Recognization and Rehabiliation from the Parasite Damage.

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Trematode Parasites.


This video centers around the Trematode class of parasites. Attention is specifically given to the cancer connections as well as some comparative discussion to non-parasite cancers.

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Viewing the Basics; Salt, Water and Overall Balanced Ratios.


This video is really for the clinical level students. Although the self help crowd can benefit greatly from these concepts, There are 4 new concepts introduced here in this discussion, they are as follows;

#1- Genomics: What could happen in living organisms.

#2- Transcriptomics: What seems to happen.

#3- Proteomics: What is provoked so that it does happen.

#4- Metabolomics: What happened in the past and what is happening in the moment.

These concepts are used in order to develop a protocol that will lead to an improvement in an individual's life. If any of these ideas are not evaluated, then a less than effective protocol is likely not able to be properly constructed. These concepts are necessary for natural solutions to be effective. This discussion talks about some of the various solutions that are basic to life.

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Distilled Water, Salt and Related Discussion.

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Viruses; Current and Cancer Associated.


Here are some highlights of a few takeaways from the whole discussion.

1- A virus is a submicroscopic infectious agent that replicates inside of a cell of an organism. 

2-  a GMO is designed to overcome the natural barriers between species.

3- [Dr. Thomas Sinks, the associate director for science at the National Center for Environmental Health at the Centers for Disease Control] clarified that nobody ever developed cancer because of chances. There was always a cause, and the challenge in Fallon would be to discover the common denominator among the 11 children. The unifying cause was not yet known, but eventually science would identify the commonality. The probability of the Fallon cluster being a chance event was described by Dr. Sinks as being unlikely. ( This quote is related to a cancer, leukemia, that happened in Fallon, NV. The 11 children mentioned were the main ones used as a sampling of an outbreak of a high cancer cluster in the 1999-2000 time frame).

4- In simple...

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