OK, here we go with the 3rd. and last part. In this discussion we will look at the food connection and a lot of related material. One of the biggest "in things" out there today is the talk about how our foods do not contain much nutrition. Another one is that our soils are mined out to the point of they offer nothing to help with nutrition. I want to point out that this is a load of squat, IE; Crap. Yes our soils are being mined out, in that the nutrients are being pulled out at a faster rate than they are being replaced. Eventually it will hit a point of where the crops won't grow, then that is when we are officially in the category of not containing any nutrition. Keep this in mind, plants need nutrition too. If they have none, they won't grow. But the bigger threat that we face in today's world is yes, a lack of nutrition. But it is not as you have been schooled. The problem is the various nutrients are out of balance in most respects. As a general rule, Calcium, for example, is out there in abundance. Yet we take Calcium supplements. The problem is that the Calcium is "locked up", in the sense that it can't be used because of various reasons leading up to the "locked up" situation. Keep in mind that plants need Calcium at a ratio of 80% Calcium to 20% Magnesium. Humans need the ratio to be closer to 50-50 of these two. That automatically creates an imbalanced situation. That is just one example. Many of these nutrients are present within the Earth's crust. They will eventually work their way into the plant's system, if certain conditions are present. In this discussion we will examine this in more detail. Another factor and this is likely the most likely source of nutrient depletion, that is how the food is prepared and used. This will be the focus of our discussion here today.
To review. Previously we talked about how Silica, aka, Silicone, seems to always attach it's self to water. In fact, in most nutritional forms of Silica, we see the Silica molecule moving into the water molecule, saying it this way is perhaps the simplest way for an average person on the street could picture it. We used Selenium as a comparative to Silica in as how it is also moved by water. But with Selenium, it is typically moved by water by attaching, albeit a weak attachment, to the water molecule. Basically a hitch hiker so to speak. Then I used the example of how the herbicide Glysophate, will attach to the plant material, rather than the water molecule as a general rule. BTW, that one is very, as in very sticky and it doesn't even wash off easily, if at all, in most situations. It is made to attach to the material dry and harden, kind of like a glue. Then we have a herbicide that is now being used with Glysophate and that is Diacambia. Now this one is very runny, IE; extremely low viscosity, IE; runnier than water for the most part. So if the Glysophate doesn't cover it the Diacambia will. LOL. Got to love the stuff. LOL> One is very "Anti-water" and the other is "Water friendly". Eventually both will end up in the soil and mix with the water and crowd out the Silica and Selenium. Both Silica and Selenium needs to have Carbon to hang out with to properly function. So we have all of these running around with the help of water. So in this case, these man made chemicals shut off the Selenium and Silica function in the plant. They also shut off many other nutrients. I say many, but not all, which causes an out of balance situation, which leads to the same symptoms as various deficiencies. What does this mean? It means that "man" has interfered with "nature" and then we blame something else for the problem.
Likely the single worst threat to the nutrient depletion of food is how it is prepared. In this sense, for example, you put a bunch of water in a sauce pan, and either bring it to a boil first or just put the food in the water then bring to a boil together. In the sense of nutrient depletion, it doesn't matter, both brings about the same end result. When you apply heat to the water it facilities the transference of the nutrient to the water. Selenium will just float on the water, the Silica will seek to move into the water molecule. When you boil your food,, you really should throw out the food and drink the water. You would be better "fed" nutritionally by using the water than the food, at least with respect to Selenium and Silica.
So how do you get around this deal of cooking your food using the medium of water? Soup. Yes, just make those foods that you would boil or steam, into a soup. Everyone knows how nutritionally helpful soup is. Simple solution to nutrient retention. The key with this method is to not bring the temperature of the water in the soup up to the rolling boiling point. That way you won't send the nutrient particle up with the steam mist and away from the food particles. Remember in a previous discussion when I told you that a nutrient like Silica would be found in the Distillate water of the steam distillation of essential oils, yet the essential oil will likely not have the Silica nutrient in it. Not all minerals/nutrients will behave in this respect. For example, in my Bio-Balance Blend #1, we see the Sodium staying in the Coriander, the Potassium staying in the Dill, the Iodine staying in the Orange oil and the Chloride staying in the the Black Pepper. But we have to go to a higher charge level to find the Silica and in that we had to go to a fixed oil, in this application, Rosehip oil to find retained Silica that works really well. Selenium is a bit different in that we found it present in Lemongrass, so we could use it at a lower charge level in another blend. Interestingly however, is that the Lemongrass for the Selenium and Rosehip for the Silica sources are both in the negatively charged category. As a side note, both the Iodine and Chloride are both negatively charged as well. Of course processed foods all fit into this category.
Essential Oil connection:
I want to move on to another aspect of this as I think we are getting to bogged down on side trails. So lets look at the Essential Oil connection. So what EO would you use to likely get some benefit based on what we have talked about here? Lemongrass is the main one. It is one of the better ones and less costly of them all. Here is some of my rationale in selecting this oil. Normally this oil is raised where the soil is low and water will pool and stagnate somewhat. As we learned Silica will move inside of the water, so to speak, so it would go to where ever the water goes. The water would soak into the soil and then the resultant mineral would be taken up by the plant. The unfortunate thing here is that even though it is taken up by the plant, the way we process it, it ends up removing most of the Silica, as in the processes mentioned in previous paragraphs. However, it does take with it the signature of Silica and that will offer help, in a way, sort of like a flower essence would in water, which can be very therapeutic in its own right. What makes this work is that Lemongrass will carry a lot of Selenium. Selenium is a business partner so to speak to Silica. They work together and really need each other as well to work, along with their entourage of other nutrients. Which includes Boron, provided for by Rosemary, 1,8 CT. Orange oil, only particular types here, provides for the Iodine aspect.
When I bring up the idea of Selenium with regards to plants, many people will claim that Selenium is not needed by the plants and that Selenium is a hitch hiker of sorts and really only benefits the user of the plant. I don't buy into that idea. Just because we, at the present time don't understand the use of Selenium in plant growth use, it does not mean it won't be discovered to have a useful purpose. But we do know that Silica is vital. In plants we have a hollow stem, so to speak, called the Meristem. This goes from the tip of the roots to the top of the plant. It provides for movement of sugars and other nutrients up and chemical energy from photosynthesis down. This is made possible by Silica, forming the clear and flexible, yet solid channel for this to happen. Of course, Boron is what directs the movement of the nutrients, up and down. Then we go on out from there in nutrient usage to the plant.
There is a factor that is vital that doesn't get much mention. In a lot of this stuff, we see Rumenic acid sneaking its influence in here and there. Remember what that is from previous discussions? Think Omega 7 trans fat. Oh really? Does that play into this stuff? Yeah, it does. Here I have to look at another oil to best explain it here. One of the cruelest things that a human can do to a horse is to feed it dairy quality hay. Here is what I mean. A horse does not digest what is essentially a processed food diet IE; a diet that is high in carbohydrates/low in fiber. Dairy hay is purposely bred, raised and harvested for when the leaves are at a maximum nutrient level, for how it is used in dairy rations. The stem is no very well developed. So a dairy hay will naturally be low in Silica, yet high in other nutrients. Remember the zero sum game of food and nutrients.. 100% and when one percentage goes down, and another one goes up. The 100% balance is always maintained. Fiber is also lowered in this type of ration. The idea here is to use food stuffs for the cow or goat or whatever is giving milk, to utilize nutrients from certain foods that enhances overall production and even specific production of certain elements. Cows have a Rumen. This is a specialized part of the digestive tract that in simple terms ferments the food stuff eaten. Most of the food utilized by the cow is fermented. I would love to get bogged down in technicalities here, but it isn't necessary for this discussion. So the cow gets her food fermented. A horse does not have this fermentation tank, but has a larger than large large intestine. A small amount of fermentation takes place here. The amount contributes to the horse being able to utilize cellulose. It is not sufficient to ferment the finer types of foods, such as certain types of small grains and well, dairy quality hay and Gluten containing grains and high Fat grains.. The horse needs a diet more or less of a lot of fiber and roughage as it is often refereed to in animal circles. Oh, BTW, a horse does not have a Gallbladder. That is another unrelated factor here but a gee whizz none the less. That brings with it another curve ball when considering diets. But the bottom line here is that a horse ends up with all sorts of bad gut issues when he gets away from a fibrous, simple diet, yet benefiting from fermentation taking place to make it work. So how does this relate to essential oils?
I need to qualify what I am going to say. I know in most aromatherapy circles Wintergreen Essential Oil is frowned upon. Most of it comes out of China and based on their track record with food type products, which this would be classified under, it is a legitimate concern. But not all Wintergreen oil is produced in China and in many cases the Wintergreen concern is not exactly founded on rational concerns. I have no qualms about using Wintergreen in some situations. Now as we move on. When they do Birch Essential Oil, they essentially do a fermentation of the bark from these Birch trees/willows. While both of these oils contains more 90% of a certain chemical, they are not the same in technical aspects, so you really can't use them interchangeably on a 1 to 1 basis. But my bringing this up is that in order to get this oil from the bark, then have to ferment it. Pretty much as a horse has to do with its food. Since we do know that the Birch oil and the Wintergreen oil is not technically the same, and the Birch works more effectively for health issues and the Wintergreen works more effectively for food flavorings and external applications, such as sore muscles. we have to look at what is the difference? I would submit that the fermentation process elicits a change and brings in the factor of the Omega 7 deal to the Birch oil. So that produces a transformation to a more healing aspect than with Wintergreen being simply steam distilled. Now Wintergreen will work OK with the human digestive tract when used as a food type thing as in flavorings. But Birch does much better for healing and therapeutic purposes. The down side is that most Birch oil is cut with Wintergreen. True Birch will many times cost like 4 times as much (my cost from the suppliers) on the average than Wintergreen does. Now don't go taking we wrong with the Birch/Wintergreen oils deal. If I only had Wintergreen oil when I needed, in my opinion, Birch oil and did not have Birch, yes I would use Wintergreen without question. But given the choice between the two if both was available, I would choose Birch, without question.
The end result here is that by the Omega 7 aspect doing its thing, it also brings with it a myriad of other action potentials to the table. This is how all of these oils work. So as you can see it is very easy to get distracted when you get talking about this stuff because one item leads to another and we have to talk about the 3rd. item because it comes into play here with the first, through the second one mentioned, ah.. it gives you a mind warping experience. The one that comes into play here is the Type 2 Diabetes deal. It comes around to the Selenium/Silica/Boron/Iodine and a number of other super trace nutrient matrix. Many of these typical issues come back to Silica at the top of the heap.
So what other oils fit into this Fermented" oils box? Cypress is one, Calamus Root is another one, but never use that one as a single. I use it in blends, usually for Brain issues. These are but 2 more examples of being fermented in a natural setting and the difference is overwhelming by comparisons to other oils containing similar chemical properties.
I want to talk about this more, but we are getting too long with this discussion as it is. I have discussed a lot of these deals into exhaustion in many other discussions. So I hope you enjoy learning these new concepts. As you can tell, I love talking about these various aspects of nutrition. I find it to be exciting. As a side note maybe you can see why I just roll my eyes when we see a person demanding to see a GC/MS report on an oil and just by glancing at it, makes a declaration as to quality, etc. BTW, there are many people out there that are very good at understanding this stuff, such as what I am discussing here. I am in no way claiming exclusivity to this stuff. Until the next one. have a good day.
End of Discussion. KK
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