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 Leiann's Essential Oil Blog

Corona Virus Related.

I would like to take a moment to discuss with everyone an important part of this aromatherapy thing as it applies to the Corona Virus issue.
It is important to remember to NOT make claims of curing or healing with regards to essential oils or aromatherapy modalities. In order to make these types of claims, whatever item being referenced has to have gone through extensive test trials over a long period of time under precise protocols and controls.
Since this virus is somewhat new, it has not had enough time to have tests done on it and in relationship to ANY type of cure or data to carry the claim of healing. For example, I have seen claims that Vitamin C will "cure" it. Then I see people claim that a claim of Vitamin C being able to cure it is false. One is just as false as the other as no study has been done to support or deny those claims. For one thing, not enough time has elapsed to make a study of this new specific type of pathogen.
Based on previously known...
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Zinc in the Spotlight of Health.

Today's discussion is centered around Zinc. I wanted to deviate a bit from the scheduled subject and touch on this for several reasons. For example, the other day I attended an annual farm machinery auction that takes place in this area. What I observed was somewhat disturbing. I know that in the past I looked pretty rough, health-wise, and perhaps I was in rough shape. But over the past few years, I have taken measures to change the direction that I was headed. I am sure my particular health challenges contributed to the observations of others, but I did have some issues outside of those, but, now I feel like they are getting under control so as I do feel great and a number of people have told me that I am looking like I might actually live. I must have looked pretty rough. So I will use my story a little bit to discuss what I have learned from my self and from others during the past 5 or so years.

So what was so disturbing to me at the auction? Aside from some obvious trends...

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Dumbest Claim in Aromatherapy.

Dumbest Claim in Aromatherapy.

As I look back on the past 40 years of being involved in or with Aromatherapy in one form or another, I have just about heard it all. Much like the one Farmer's Insurance commercial that we see once in a while in media. You know the one where the guy says something to the effect of, "We have seen a thing or two". So it is with me in aromatherapy.

Fast forward to the present era of time. I was an observer on the sidelines here in Utah as what have become two of the biggest essential oil marketing companies around. They say they are the biggest. I say, so.. it isn't always best to be out there in the front, too much crap and nonsense to deal with. There is more to life than the accolades and ego of being the alpha dog of the pack. Well for some us anyway. So where am I going with this discussion? OK, fair enough, let's get to the bottom line. There are a lot of myths out there in aromatherapy and in particular with the essential oils. Drum roll.... the...

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Perspective on Dumbest Claim in Aromatherapy.

This is a guest post by Amanda Clegg from the UK.


Kent , reading your recent article about the dangers of ingesting essential oils made me think about some of my experiences with the companies he refers to, one of which is now big in the UK.

Three or four years ago I was invited to join a Facebook Aromatherapy group. Fairly new to social media at the time, I thought ‘oh, what fun: how nice’, and proceeded to join in discussions and give opinions in my capacity as a UK-qualified practicing aromatherapist. All went well until the lady who ran it started posting alarming ‘tips’, culminating in my very negative response to a suggestion from her that placing black pepper oil under your tongue would negate cravings for nicotine. I was thrown out of the group!

Around the same time, several of my fellow Neal’s Yard Remedies Organics colleagues were also having similar issues, and some lively discussions resulted in our private group. (NYRO is the...

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I would like to take a moment to discuss this whole idea of this virus and share some various perspectives. Here goes.
The current generation of people living has had a life of very little resistance to being given a life that generations of the past could only dream of if they could even comprehend a life without the resistance of the everyday, common challenges that they had to work with every day of their life. Their easiest day was much more difficult than our very worst day. In many parts of the world, everyday life is very difficult. Fortunately, anyone that is reading this does not experience the life of struggles that many people in various countries deal with daily. Many people in our world are living a life that has no cognitive comprehension of reality in this world.
The reality of this world is that we are subject to the law of nature. Some people out there claim a belief in a supreme being. There are as many different versions of this...
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Disruptive Innovation

Disruptive Innovation.
In a FB post conversation about the Dunning-Kruger Effect, I made mention of this business theory, Disruptive Innovation. This is a fantastic concept. It essentially explains why if a business does not innovate, it will go down.  It walks hand in glove with the Dunning-Krugger Effect. Well, many of these business theories go hand in glove as they do work together. The discussion also mentioned this guy that is credited with inventing the concept and term of Disruptive Innovation.
One of the interesting concepts of how this theory plays out is in this whole essential oil business. The secret of the main big MLM that successfully made the application of this theory is Young Living. Then a number of years later, actually about the right number of years along comes the upstart, DoTerra. They then successfully applied this theory. But since then, no one has pulled it off. Likely the best explanation is that all of these break-offs from these 2...
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Hisidine Amino Acid

Histidine Amino Acid.
Today's discussion centers around the Histidine Amino Acid. I am moving this in a slightly upscaling of these discussions to cover Amino Acid. We are looking at these because of their importance. We say the minerals are at the center of all of this stuff, and yes they are as they are the base elements of the next step which is Amino Acids. The minerals don't do much more than just set there unless we have a blend of sorts of them along with other factors, to give them energy and give life to them. An Amino Acid is the next step in giving life to the minerals. They are the building blocks of proteins, which we are essentially a collection of proteins. So with that, we will move on. Keep in mind that later down the road we will look at the other factors. But for now, step by step and the next step is Amino Acids I hope you enjoy this one, it will include some interesting perspectives, of which will give you the wow effect, at least in your mind.
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February Gardening Tips; A Balanced Diet

So as we are approaching the time of the year when the weather doesn't know what it is supposed to be doing, from appearances, but in reality, it does, so all is well, even though it drives us insane. But the good thing about it is that it gives us a little more time to get up and ready for our gardening project.

So what does a Balanced Diet have to do with the soil in the garden? What you need to do is consider the soil to be as you are, you need a balanced diet to be healthy and to function. The reason why we are looking at the soil in the garden area in this light is that the soil is full of all kinds of living organisms that require a balanced diet, much as we have the same requirement. So when we feed the soil we are actually feeding all of those little creepy crawly things that we might be able to see, not only them but untold numbers of little tiny ones that we can't see. They require all kinds of diets. Many of them depend on other creepy-crawly ones for their diet. I don't...

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Neroli Distillate Water


Leiann asked me to do a write-up for all of you with this particular item that you received.

   Neroli water, as we will call it from here on out, is one of the more widely used distillate waters of all of the ones that are used. Neroli water is used in a number of different food products as an aromatizer. For the most part, it is used in a number of North African cuisines as well as a few Middle eastern areas for an ingredient in their cuisines.  It is also used in Mexican Wedding Cakes and some specialized foods in the US. Since I am not much of a cook, I can't give you any real unique ways and amounts to use in your cooking. But I am sure that most of you are very good at making creative dishes, so I think you can cover that aspect. It is also used as a freshener for people's hands before dining at some high-end facilities in some countries. But that practice is sort of going by the wayside.

   Neroli water is also used as a medicine in some...

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Farm and Food Conference Perspectives

A few weeks ago I mentioned here that Leiann and I were going to a Farm and Food Conference. It was held in Cedar City, Utah and we have been in attendance for the past 3 days. I was asked to post here after each day's activities that went on that day. But as things happened, it moved a little faster than I could keep up with, so I didn't do it. So tonight I wanted to make mention of it and make note of a few highlights.

The First day I was supposed to attend a certification class that was related to the FSMA, aka; Food Safety Modernization Act. I have made mention of this Federal Level series of "policies" that have been signed in to law. This is a massive overhaul of the laws regarding food production in the US. I mean this is massive and has far-reaching effects on many aspects of food production and even the serving and selling of food. Our friends in the great white north also have their version of this law with similar far-reaching effects. Anyway, the people that were doing...

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