Do herbicides and pesticides survive the distillation process?
A- Yes, they do.
This is really an area that is really misunderstood. You don't necessarily "destroy" some of these chemicals by heating them. Yes, heating does cause a condition where the chemicals are no longer there. What actually happens is this, the heat causes steam, anything less than that 300 (more or less) molecular weight will be carried off by the steam and dispersed into the air. Think; your little vaporizer that you put Vicks or something like that. That is an open system In the distillation process, you have a closed system. It doesn't "disperse" out into the air. It is held captive and cooled then the liquid is collected. This liquid contains all that comes over, in either the EO or in the distillate water. It can be in either the water or the oil. It is easier, in my opinion, to detect them in the oil than in the water. This is why we walk very carefully when it comes to the distillate waters. Most...
Today we will be looking at several aspects of what should be going on during this month in your garden in preparation for next year's bountiful harvest.
I would like to remind you of
Mar 7 2017
After I posted the last discussion on this topic, I felt like I really didn't put the finishing touches on it. So here goes;
When people first come on board with the Essential Oils, they are excited and want to share. However, the challenge they have is that most of the people they want to share with are already using oils and for the most part those friends that they want to share with are from one of the two big EO companies. Please keep in mind that I am not bashing those 2 big EO companies, just some of their practices and the actions of a few people associated with them. Very seldom do you see behaviors from people associated from other companies like you see in this this grouping. Anyway, people ask this question; What can I say or what can I do to show them that our oils are better? I always answer the question this way, You can't! Some of the reasons are related to what I have mentioned in...
Hi Everyone,
My name is Andrea Brightwell and I am one of the guest bloggers for I'm taking over this week to talk about CARROTS! Thanks to this weeks Webinar all about gardening, I'm getting my seeds in a row, literally. And of course in my garden, carrots are a staple. So let's talk this week about carrots and the essential oil, carrot seed.
Carrots in general are so good for you. Good for your eyes and getting energy. When it comes to the essential oil, you get even more benefits. Carrot seed oil is usually used for skin care to help reduce the signs of aging (YAY!) as well as for internal organs like the kidneys, liver and pancreas, to help support them.
So what does this mean for you in your day to day life? Well, a little carrot seed oil in your face cream will help with signs of aging and will help with the appearance of wounds and scars. If looking for something to help with inflammation, a couple drops mixed with 1/4 cup of Dead Sea Salt in your bath will do...
It’s nearly August and … ahhhh … the lazy days of summer! An excellent essential oil for this lovely month is Peppermint.
During these lazy days it’s easy to reach for that last piece of I-shouldn’t-have-eaten-that. If your tummy feels like it’s taken one turn too many on a county fair ride, turn to Peppermint. It’s first aid for your digestive system – that upset stomach, bloating, re flux … and those things your kids are really amused by … gas and flatulence … relax, this is the month they go back to school.
I was very sore last week from a big project. Many hours at the computer added up to a tight neck, back, shoulders and a mouse injury. No, I wasn’t attacked by a wild rodent. All that mousing around at the computer with my right hand made the muscles around my elbow very painful. I put a couple of drops of Peppermint in some grape seed carrier oil, then put it on the affected areas (with a little help...
If that cheer takes you back to high school, then you may be – or feel like – a senior! And I’m not talking about someone who will graduate in 2016. I was in pep club, not a cheerleader, though I’m often asked if I was. *
If you grunt and hobble out of bed first thing in the morning, you may be a senior … or just feel like it. If so, Marjoram, Sweet might just be the essential oil for you. Of course, this oil can help people of any age.
I’ve found that pronouncing it can be tricky. When I say it correctly, MAR-jor-rum (last syllable like rum, the drink), I often have to repeat myself because others ask, “margarine?” When I say MAR-jor-ram (incorrect – last syllable like ram, an animal), I’m corrected. I can’t win saying it but ol’ whats-its-face seems to help a lot of people.
However you say it, remember the M. Marjoram is for muscles and the things in your body connected to them – joints and bones....
Hi Everyone,
Summer is here and the weather is warm! You know what that means? Sweat. With fun in the sun, yard work, or just feeling the heat, we get sweaty. Sweating is a super important function of your body. It helps to regulate body temperature, rid the body of toxins, and cleanse pores, just to name a few. Working up a sweat is good for us, but sometimes the smell that comes with it not so desirable. Standard antiperspirants rob our bodies of the health benefits of sweating, not to mention all the potentially harmful ingredients that are used to suppress your body's natural sweat response. Commercially made deodorants may let you sweat, but they also contain yucky stuff that could be hazardous to your health.
So, you want to sweat, but don’t want to smell? Here is an easy and inexpensive way to stop the smell. You probably already have what you need right in your cupboards.
Easy Essential Oil Deodorant
- ½ cup baking soda
- ½ cup coconut oil (this oil...
As any parent knows, drive time with kids can be less than delightful. With the “She is touching me!”, “I’m hungry!”, or any other request, demand, or even the happy singing, it can get loud and tense in no time at all. On long trips little ones can get woozy. The in-and-out at stops along the road is a sure way to pick up unwanted germs.
Kick that crazy to the curb with these simple car companion oils.
Suggested Uses:
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