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 Leiann's Essential Oil Blog

What is the deal with Basil Essential Oil? Perspectives of Two of the Chemo Types of Basil.

Hi Everyone,
Today we are going to discuss some heavy stuff. So I want to make it simple, but just keep in mind that you need to focus a little bit so that you don't have to go over it a number of times. But then again going over something a number of times isn't really all that bad.

The motivation for this discussion is because I have to make a very critical decision concerning an essential oil and it's placement in my Brain Balancing Program. In this case it has to fit in the Nitrogen slot in the level 3 polarity matrix. Keep in mind that Nitrogen is a very critical element in all aspects of life. In our bodies, Nitrogen accounts for about 3.5% of our body weight. So for me I am packing around a little over 8 pounds of Nitrogen. That is weight I really am not too sure that I want to loose a lot of. A little bit, maybe, but not much. lol. But beyond that, the air we breathe, we always say, I need Oxygen, I need Oxygen.... well the air we breathe is only about 20% Oxygen. We should...

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More on Vitamin D.

I asked Kathryn Grace, who happens to be a legitimate, practicing P.A. if
i could post her perspectives here in order to give some reinforcement to an earlier blog post pertaining to Vitamin D. She consented. These comments were originally posted in a social media group of the Applied Aromatics Institute.  
Vitamin D IS A BIG DEAL in the human body. Great article
! A couple of things I have learned over the years. Vitamin D is actually a fat soluble hormone and involved in over 80, (and counting,) metabolic cascades in the Human Body. Vitamin D2 is not as easily metabolized as Vitamin D3 in the human body. D2 is what most western medical providers prescribe for deficiency, in the form of a prescription, of 35-50k IUs, one time a week. It is hard on a lot of people who complain of bone pain, digestive and energy issues. 8k IUs of Viamin D3, over the counter capsules, (not the white, chalky tablets,) is 56K IUs in the same week. F/u blood levels show markedly...
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Our Brain; Support and Maintenance. Chapter Four. Using Aromatherapy and Food to meet Selenium and Iodine needs.

In our discussions about our Brain and the nutrients found there and required for proper brain function, we have to really discuss more than one at a time as many times one nutrient is dependent on another nutrient to properly function. However, we do start out that way at times, but then by the time we get most of the way through, we end up introducing several more. This is because of that spider web type of connection that is found that gives us the picture of so many dependencies of one nutrient being connected with another to properly function. So with that our discussion today is going be centered around Iodine and Selenium.

The minerals of Iodine and Selenium play a major role in both parts of the immune system. The big difference in the two parts of the immune system is that in the 80% part, which is found in our digestive tract is made of of many and that word many is an understatement, of various microbes and bacteria. I have heard figures of trillions being batted around....

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What is the Deal with Vitamin D and the Aromatherapy Connection?

Today we are going to discuss Vitamin D.
I don't know if you can find very many people out there in the real world that does not know that Vitamin D is an extremely important nutrient that we desperately need. They know that we see it as being added to many foods. Usually it is added to milk, Cereals and such. We see advertisements that promote the use of Foods such as Cod Liver Oil as good source for natural Vitamin D. Among certain diet preferences we see references to the use of certain types of Mushrooms as containing a good source for their dietary preferences. But the most popular source of supplementation for Vitamin D is over the counter self medicating products in a pill or liquid form. For people with remarkable deficiencies of Vitamin D that require a visit to a Health Care Professional, many times we see them prescribing a Vitamin D form of medicine to treat acute cases of Vitamin D Deficiencies among their clients. In fact in the US, the prescriptions for Vitamin D...

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Our Brain; Support and Maintenance. Chapter Three. Pinion Pine EO and Rosemary EO and the Boron Connection.

In previous chapters we have looked at the two most basic elements of the Spinal fluid that contains and makes up the liquid portion of what is needed for the Brain to function. Now we will look at the next important thing that is in the liquid solution. However, we will also mention a number of other elements that are intertwined with this specific element as there are not really any stand alone element. All elements are connected much like one would picture a cob web. These elements are also dependent on each other either directly or indirectly and work as a whole. Basically, no one element works as a stand alone and each one of them have a backup or fill in for each particular element if the one in question cannot be provided for. However, many times the fill in is not a very good alternative on a direct one to one substitute. But in nature's wisdom, at times this "not so good alternative" is there for a secondary purpose. As I go through this discussion it will become much more...

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Photosynthesis, Global Warming, and Plants. Chapter Four.

In this chapter we will be looking at one of the most devastating causes of Global Warming or as it is also known as Climate Change. To begin with, to confirm my bias, I am bias against Globalism, but I will try to be as fair as possible to this discussion.

Perhaps you have heard of the term, Globalism. Globalism entails many different aspects of our lives. But as it applies here is to be meant as how the whole Globalism movement entails moving consumer products from all parts of the world to other parts of the world. Globalism entails all local production to specialize in producing a specific product and then every other local place to specialize in another product and then everyone trades with each other for anything that might be needed. The whole concept sounds really good. But in reality is consumes a tremendous amount of fossil fuels, which those that claim that we have to do something about Climate Change, are responsible for the Globalism movement being carried out.


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Mineral Content and Electrical Charge Blending. Essential Oil Blending Based on Mineral Content and Electricl Polarity of those Minerals.

I did a FB live class on an alternative way to do essential oil blending. The discussion was centered around some of the current issues. I brought up an alternative method of selecting and blending essential oils based on their basic mineral content and their electrical/polarity charge. In trying to further explain and clarify the whole concept. So the following is done using the +2 and -2 electrical charges.
I know a lot of people are screaming about using Zinc. That is rational, but you would not get good results if used in this formulation. Zinc carries a +2 charge, so a good option would be to pair with with Selenium, which carries a -2 charge. Which is a duhh to use the two together. They are attracted to each other based on their charge. To complete that one would need to pair another +2 charged minerals with another -2 charged mineral. Then make sure things check out from there. So do you see the pattern there? So off the top of my head, I would use Copper as the other...
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Thyme, The Essential Oil, Seed and Plant for the Month.

The Thyme we use here is the Thyme, Thymol or otherwise known as Red Thyme. This is a very strong type of Thyme. This type of Thyme is best used for adults. For the elderly and children, you would want to use the Thyme Linalool. The Linalool is much milder and not as harsh on topical applications. Thyme is an excellent anti agent in several areas. Now think about this, Thyme oil, and specifically the Thymol contained in Thyme oil which in most cases is around one half of the total of the oil, is an excellent natural pesticide. It totally degrades when in water in about 2 weeks and about 1 week when used on the soil with zero residues. So when used on a human, it wipes out all kinds of pathogens, both positive and negative charged ones. Wipes out E.coli and many other antibiotic-resistant bacteria's. It is sometimes a touch weak on the fungal side, but ruthlessly strong with the bacteria's. It actually works better on Bovine Mastitis than the drugs specifically developed for that...

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Kent's Personal Opinion related to the Vaccine.

I was tagged in a Social Media group to weigh in on the cv-19 vaccine. I thought maybe the response would be appropriate to post here as well. However, I have edited it from the original social media post and I feel this is the better version.
In my opinion, people are missing the point with this virus thing. First off a virus like this is driven by nature or if by man, then it would be a GMO'ed virus of sorts, but still a virus in any case. The so called GMO'ed types are when they use a virus, as a vector, to carry a pathogen, for what ever the desired use is intended.  Usually these GMO'ed ones  are not understood very well, due to their newness and lack of researched data. Since there is a lot of emotionally charged material coming from the political side, by people that haven't a clue about it, parading as experts, over riding the actual experts, it is questionable if we will ever be able to figure out the truth.
For the most part these things are...
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Our Brain,;Support and Maintenance. Chapter Two. The Role of Sodium Chloide in the Spinal Fluid.


In this Chapter we will be talking about the second most abundant element in the Spinal Fluid and that is Sodium. More specifically we are not talking just about Sodium, commonly known as Salt, but a specific type of Salt called Sodium Chloride. So we sort of have to add a 3rd. most abundant element in on this chapter as well. There are all kinds of forms of Sodium and even just plain old Salt. But the most optimal form of Salt for a human being is Sodium Chloride. Yes, we can use just plain Salt, but then we have to go and find the Chloride to add to the mix. Sometimes that can be difficult to get the right one that will work with the Salt we are using and get it in the right ratios. So we just do it the easy way and just go with Sodium Chloride.

One of the interesting things about the Spinal Fluid is that unlike Blood, it is colorless. It also has a different chemical makeup than does blood. While some elements are similar in amounts with each of the two, many of the other...

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