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 Leiann's Essential Oil Blog

Pet Care in Extreme Heat Levels.

At the present time in most of the USA, we are experiencing record high temperatures. Sometimes we as the people responsible for our pet's welfare will overlook their needs, even if it is for a short period of time. We need to be careful to not overlook their basic needs. As many of you know, the most common companion animals don't sweat as we do to help remove the heat from their bodies. They will pant. When they pant for long periods of time, the thurst that sets in is unbearable. So we need to make sure they have available water at all times and have access to it as they feel the need to drink or rather lap up the water. Sometimes, based on a range of factors, they experience a similar thing that we experience and that is no matter how much water we drink, the thurst is still there. So I would like to suggest a few things that you might consider doing. Here goes;
Consider putting a little bit of PDM in their water. This would be maybe at the rate of a drop in one ounce of water....

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August Gardening Tips.

Today we are going to discuss our compost pile and your yard equipment purchasing.

One of the easiest built composters is done with old used car tires. Not just any car tire will do. Well, sort of, but the easiest to work with are a certain type. Here is what you are going to need, 5 used tires That should be easy enough, right? Note, I said five, but you will only use 4 at first. So what you are going to do is go down to your tire dealer and ask them if they have some old used tires that you can get. They might want to charge you a little bit. If they do they are just trying to maximize profits. The people's car that they came off from has already paid a disposal fee. So if you take the tire, then they won't be disposing of the tire, so they can keep the fee already collected. Anyway, if they are smart, they will give you the old tires, it is good for business. Maybe you will come back when you need tires. Once you have the ties, bring them home and lay the first tire on its side....

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What does Diabeties, Weight Loss and Your Navel Have in Common?

Today's discussion is centered around a topic that has been discussed of late. Here is the question. Does rubbing essential oil on the navel work?
I will answer this with concrete proof. But to support my position, I will discuss some heavy and important stuff. So here goes.
Does rubbing essential oil around or on the navel work? Yes, it does, without question. Because of how I have brought about an answer on this is proven by the way I am testing a new essential oil blend.  The new essential oil blend is centered around support for type 2 Diabetics. This blend appears to be working very effectively for weight loss as well. My motivation for this is blend is dealing with the disease that is growing, yet no being directly addressed. It appears that all of the mainstream medical is centered around managing the symptoms. The natural side appears to be trying to work with it from a digestive aspect. However, the overall knowledge appears to be very limited at best. There...
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July Gardening Tip- Serving the Garden.

By this time in the growing season, most of you have gotten the seeds in the ground and are so excited as you watch the plants grow. With some people, especially the beginners, the excitement is beginning to wane. Why do you ask? Well, the leaves are starting to show a yellow color and not the vibrant green that they had just a few days ago. When this happens the old stand by of, "You have an Iron Deficiency" is heard. Many times this is not a true observation. In this segment, we will look at the yellowing and address it in its true light and that is this, STRESS. The plant is stressed and the first tale tail sign of stress is the yellowing of the leaves. So we will look at the symptoms of stress in plants and some solutions. I am not sure which stress is the most vital to address and which one is of very little significance as anyone will cause the same result as the other, that being a poor performance from the plant and in some situations, stress will cause the plant to die.


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June's Gardening Tips

By now you should be well underway for the initial planting of your garden to be completed. So now it is set back and watch and water and enjoy your garden, well largely I guess. We will always have the little things to do and that is to thin and water and keep critters from enjoying the garden more than yourself. But you don't need a tip to do that stuff. Maybe to do it better perhaps, but there are many depends to be factored in on that one. You know like is using a nuclear bomb allowed in your neighborhood? Seems like at times it is a tempting thought when dealing with some critters.

Anyway, let's keep t real and in the reality arena. Tip #1. Start watching for sales on seeds at your hardware stores, seed supply places, etc. Normally the places that supply in bulk seed sales will have large amounts of some seeds still on hand, other seeds were sold out long ago. But they do not like to keep these seeds on hand over the winter and they will usually package them up and sell them at...

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Defender Essential Oil Blend. R&D Program Oil.

In May's R & D program with Essential Oils Unleashed, a new oil blend was introduced, referred to as Defender. The basic idea of this oil blend is centered around a heavy hitter when it comes to the weird type of off the wall bacteria and pathogens. It is designed to be used as a companion oil with the yet to be presented Guardian. Guardian is planned to be offered in June's offering. Although it can be used as a stand-alone single oil if the user knows or has a pretty good idea of the targeted pathogen, as general use, it would be better to use it with Guardian. One might use them alternatively for better coverage.  In a previous month's offering, a blend called Deplague was offered. That oil is in the same neighborhood as the Defender and Guardian but is designed more for parasites and to be used as a stand-alone oil blend. Although it may be indicated for use with any blend and even singles.  Comically, we sent it out with tooth powder and a few people didn't read...

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Purr Essential Oil Blend.

The Purr essential oil blend is used in most applications as an emotional blend. It is not formulated to be used internally or for physical applications. Although a person might find that it does indeed work for physical needs, but that would be mostly be found by doing a trial and error over time to find where it would fit in within this respect. This blend was developed as part of an evolutional process in an attempt to develop a different type of physical blend. As we were working with it, it kind of took on a life and direction of its own and when the "dust" settled, we discovered we had formulated an excellent emotional blend. When we finished with the blend, I asked our daughter Elisabeth to pick out a name for it. After she enjoyed the aroma for a while she came back with "Purr". I asked her why that name and she said that once you really take in the aroma from the blend, it just makes you calm like when you are petting a cat and the cat starts to Purr. So this is how this...

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Understanding the Nature of the Problem. Naturally Occurring Elements.

Florine and Iodine.

In our discussion today we are going to take the nature of the problem discussion from weaponized elements to naturally occurring elements. These are elements that are not, for a lack of a better description, the GMO's of natural elements. These are just used straight or in their various forms of decomposition. With this discussion, we will turn our focus to Florine in its natural base form or as most people know of it as the Floride form, the most commonly known and used form of Florine. While I would love to go into an extensive discussion of Florine/Floride, it would make a paper into the long suspense, multi-volume paper, or book that many people claim my discussions turn into. So we will try to avoid that and just focus on the high lights, although briefly, about Florine and its application to our health on a base level.

Florine is considered to be a trace element that is absolutely necessary for health and body functioning. The keyword here is "Trace" in...

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Understanding the Nature of the Problem- SOLUTIONS to deal with Biological Warfare.

This is the second installment in this discussion. I chose to use the term Biological Warfare for two reasons, one is that it is actually a state of warfare and it is also a state of war to actually deal with his stuff. In the first discussion, I made mention that pretty much everyone that has passed through puberty has been exposed to these weaponized pathogens. Also, I made mention that fully one-third of all the health issues are because of these weaponized pathogens. Many health issues are also traced back to nutritional deficiencies. With those, we can mechanically make a connection, essentially a stimulus/response type of solution to solve the problems. Same with psychological driven health issues. The ideas are all pretty canned as to identifying the problem and coming up with a solution. But when it comes to these weaponized pathogens, it becomes much more difficult. Well, most of the time. It seems like once the actual base source of the issue is identified, there is...

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Understanding the Nature of the Problem- Biological Warfare.

Hi Everyone,

Well, here we are for another discussion. I feel like this is an important discussion, one that I am afraid that I will lose many of you. At this point, I am not sure what difference it really makes. People are very emotionally attached to whatever construct they have formed and it makes it very difficult to talk logic and rationally. Please understand that I am not condemning anyone or even bad-mouthing anyone. I actually feel quite the opposite. When you really think about it, it makes you want to just break down and cry for them as well as for yourself. It seems like everyone out there is about ready to go postal, or at least something like just as the scriptures says, "Their hearts just gave out". (Essentially, depending on what version you are reading from). In my lifetime I have never seen a period of time when there is so much hopelessness among such a large percentage of the population, across the board. You, the reader might be saying by now, man this punk is...

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