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 Leiann's Essential Oil Blog

Essential Oil Toxicity

Many times we have questions come up concerning the use of oils, if they are dangerous, and what is the toxic level for various oils?

Most oils are really not dangerous if used in a responsible manner. In reality water, good old drinking water, can be toxic and will kill you if you drink too much. But in order to drink that much you would have to stick a hose down your throat and turn the hose on. Normal human reflexes would likely not allow you to "drink" that much.

But with oils, it is slightly different. Most people will have a problem if they are dehydrated. Their negative reaction is related to the degree of dehydration. Notable symptoms related to dehydration are; when the oils just set on the skin, the person develops a head ache, or the oil becomes offensive. Usually if the person will drink some water and rest for a while then those symptoms will go away. In extreme cases of when the person is sick they might vomit or develop a rash. In cases like this it is best to consult...

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Weeds...Masters of Survival


My name is Kent King. You guessed it...I'm Leiann's other half, her husband. And I want to share with you and have you ponder, as I have, about weeds.

As we go along this path of looking at healthy foods, etc., and working with herbs and oils, we find a lot of interesting information.  Since I have lived in the same general area pretty much my whole life, I see a lot of trends.

For example, when I was younger, there seemed to be a wide spectrum of crops been grown and animals raised.  Now it is more specialized so the observations are more limited to a smaller grouping.  As a young child I remember certain weeds that were growing like wild fire, and many of those weeds were and still are used in herbal solutions for various health challenges. What I observe in the "Wild Crafting" arena and in looking at the weeds and knowing a lot of the health problems in the area at the time, then looking at those weeds and their uses, I am amazed at the solutions that nature...

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Happy Beard Day

Have you noticed this beard trend at all recently? Men everywhere have them, from the fancy restaurant waiters, to suited-up businessmen, to just your average Joe Shmoe.

Our whole marriage my husband has never been able to grow a beard, and I personally have never been able to grow one either, and that's why we are perfect for one another.

So with that out of the way … all you normal-faced people who shoot hair out of their faces like Play Doh spaghetti, put on your manly boots and neglect your razor for several weeks.

Once you get to your desired potential of beardhood, you'll notice something. Beards are wiry, tangled, dirty, oily, smelly, and you may have gathered some fungal bumps. No, wait – stop! Put the razor down! There is still hope, Mister.

Have you heard of beard oil? Now don't go running to Walmart and buy yourself a chemical-filled box of disappointment. I happened to be an essential oils expert and I care about your face too much to let that happen. I...

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Recently, I was invited to do a FB Live program with Leiann as she was conducting a discussion of Fennel Essential Oil. I did a part that dealt with a few items that are not normally found in various write ups and discussions on this particular essential oil. So I would like to convey some of those ideas and add to what was discussed.

Fennel oil can be expressed in two types, one is Sweet Fennel and the other is Bitter Fennel. In aromatherapy we find that Sweet Fennel is the one normally used. The only real difference between the two is the levels of the constituents and their ratios. Many times Bitter Fennel is passed off as Sweet Fennel. In my opinion, for most aromatherapy applications it isn't that big deal, except that it is being misrepresented. The constituent levels and ratios are the main concern for this particular oil. Fennel, whether in the herbal forms or essential oil form, tastes much like black licorice.

Perhaps one of the main concerns with using this oil is the...

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Clay and Essential Oils

I have made the comment a number of times about doing a discussion on clay. This is sort of out there because none of the companies doing essential oils, that most are familiar with, does anything with clay.

Clay is used in a wide range of industrial applications,healthcare products, and herbal applications. In many aspects clay is a very useful item. When used in Herbal or Natural Product applications it is used both internally as will as externally. Now don't get me wrong, I am not telling you to use it internally, I am simply discussing what some people do with it. Got that straight? Good!

Clay is simply volcanic ash. There are many different settings where it can be found and depending on the settings, you will find various types of clay. Also, there are different colors of clay. This is generally attributed to the dominate mineral content of the clay itself. Red Clay usually has a high Iron content. White clay usually has a high calcium content, Grey clay usually has a...

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Small farm Production Part 2

In Part #1 of this series we discussed the situation where small farmers are trying to succeed in growing veggies for the local market.  Many of them are really struggling and facing a bleak future. So in this part we will look at the nature of the issue.

One of my mentors, in a weird sort of way, is Albert Einstein. I am a huge fan of this man as I feel that he had a rational scientific mind, yet recognized the fact that there is an intelligent design in the universe. I enjoy studying his theories and his practical advice.  One part of the practical advice he gives says the following; " To understand the solution to a problem one must understand the nature of the problem." So in part 1 we threw out a problem. In part 2 we will understand the nature of the problem and in part 3 we will present some solutions and how to work with with them.

The very first concept that we have toexamine is Rural Flight. This is the name given to the flight of people from the rural areas...

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Memes and memory (Rosemary)


According to a study, the increase in memory actually ranged from 60 to 75 percent. You can read details here:

The memory-boosting qualities of Rosemary were known even to William Shakespeare. According to the linked article, “Rosemary has been long been linked to memory, with the most famous literary reference found in Hamlet when Ophelia declares: ‘There’s rosemary, that’s for remembrance: pray, love, remember.’”

Rosemary essential oil also supports and strengthens natural immunity. However, when those defenses are breached, Rosemary helps relieve coughs, bronchitis, sinusitis and ear aches (but NEVER use an essential oil INSIDE the ear). It even helps relieve pain in joints.

Other areas Rosemary essential oil boosts the body: circulatory system, liver, gallbladder and the endocrine system, especially the adrenals.

Although it is non-toxic, non-irritating and...

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