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Molybdenum; One of the most important minerals, Part 2 of 2 .

In our discussion of Molybdenum, in this part 2, we are going to be looking more the various
ounces of Molybdenum and the interaction/interrelationships that allow Molybdenum to
The one area that we need to see clearly is that Molybdenum serves a somewhat direct role
in just about everything. In some areas it serves a passive role and in others it serves a
direct role. The easiest way to describe this is to look at some of the direct roles and just say
anything not mentioned in dissect roles is served in the indirect roles.
The one direct role that is forefront is the interaction with Sulfur. If you get too much Sulfur in
the relationship, then you end up with sulfide buildup and all kinds of things go weird as in
bad digestion to non-digestion taking place. Then it ripples from there. From there we end up
with a Copper buildup and a copper toxicity or even on the other end of the scale a lack of
Copper.In simple terms here we see Copper going wacko and all kinds of problems going
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Molybdenum; One of the most important elements, Part 1 of 2.

 Today I would like to discuss this one particular mineral, Molybdenum. Although we looked at this in a video discussion, the written form will be briefer and cover the essentials. So why is Molybdenum so important and why do we need to understand it? For starters it has everything to do with digestion, reproduction and in dealing with toxins. Although a lack of or a deficiency is not necessarily an either-or deal in and of itself, a less than optimum level makes the aforementioned events lack in their overall performance overall for the body. However, yes, the lack of, leads eventually to a disaster. Basically, in everything you might do from a nutritional aspect, if this element is not present and working, will be an exercise in futility. Molybdenum has a direct relationship with Sulfur. You might see this as a counterbalance with Sulfur. As Sulfur goes up, Molybdenum goes down. When Molybdenum goes up, Sulfur goes down. In order for this to take place it is largely driven by...

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Molybdenum: The Key to The Digestion and Reproduction System Functioning.


Molybdenum has everything to do with digestion and reproduction. This nutrient is totally dependent on pH. Also, this is the only nutrient that gets more active as it moves up the pH scale. Whereas other Nutrients become more active as they move down the pH scale.  Molybdenum is a key element in working with alcoholics and their addiction. .

Also, because of time, I was not able to include the part about being vital to toxin removable. Although Sulfur is an essential part of toxin and heavy metal removal, by natural processes, without Molybdenum, the removable is not effective, IE: ineffective and not anywhere as effective as it could be if Molybdenum were at sufficient levels, level. Ratios with other co-factor/companion minerals should be included in this idea as well. Bottom line here is that Molybdenum is essential for toxin removable.    

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Practical Gardening Series; Getting Serious About the Program, Chapter 4

 Now that we have gotten to the point of being serious about the program of doing some kind of gardening, we now need to get a better view of just how to go about that very thing. So first I want to bring up the idea of looking beyond what we are talking about with us sitting around the table, talking turkey. Here I want to introduce you to a good place to start. 

 Perhaps one of the best books to study is this book, The Vegetable Gardener’s Container Bible, By Edward C. Smith. You can look it up, I bought my copy at Tractor Supply. The listed price is $19.95. But I am sure you can find it without a whole lot of effort elsewhere if you want the book. It would be the best 20 bucks you could ever spend as it deals with getting started. He outlines the many different plants that you can grow in containers and what types of containers work best for that particular plant. On page 16 of the book, he makes mention that the 5-gallon bucket is the likely one of the best...
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Gut Health=Mental Health.


Leiann made a comment after I did this discussion. She liked the whole thing except that she mentioned that a number of people from the class that she taught earlier that was about eating raw. In that class they highly discouraged the use of milk, would get a good laugh from it. As many might know, we sometimes see things differently. So, I say, thank you for supporting my theories. Here goes; Her and I come from extremely different backgrounds when it comes to nutrition. For example, I come from a background where we used milk, cheese, butter, etc. She did not. Her genetic/DNA programming construct was developed by not using milk, cheese, butter. So, the two of us have a whole different DNA construct as to how we extract nutrients and how it is done based on our general food intake. Therefore, our experience is different, IE: we should see things differently. Here is a situation where we both grew up very poor. My family had milk and fresh cheese. I had a range of short season root...

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Tea Tree Essential Oil.

Today we are going to talk about an overwhelming popular essential oil and that is Tea Tree.
In reality Tea Tree Essential Oil is likely one of the best known and used essential oil of all
essential oils. In most Essential Oil companies, if they offer Tea Tree EO, it will likely be one
of their best selling oils. There is a good reason for that, here is why. Tea Tree is all about
the skin and hair care for the most part and some uses that are even indirectly associated
with skin and hair care.
Tea Tree is really effective when dealing with acne. What is acne? It is a condition of clogged
skin pores and usually has some bacteria associated with it. Normally, the root cause of
acne is a deficiency of Iodine. When younger people go through puberty, the Thyroid will
have a sudden need for Iodine and a lot of Iodine at that. When this event takes place, the
skin and hair sufferers as the Thyroid gets priority for the Idone. It usually ends up being a
long term need. But the Iodine sanitizes it from...

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Eucalyptus Globulus Essential Oil..

This Eucalyptus Essential Oil, is considered to be one of the safest of the whole Eucalyptus oils for people to use.This oil is from a medical perspective, the only one that is safe to use internally. Although we don't teach internal use for a number of reasons, it does sometimes happen. When it does this is the only one that is considered safe to use internal applications. To be fair, some people will claim it is not a good oil, but hey, this is aromatherapy, where you can find someone taking opposition to anything that they can do so with, right?
Some good points is this, this oil is sourced from an evergreen tree and as with all evergreens, they support a Homeostatic balance for the human body. This is very important to the whole, overall positive, essential oil experience.  This oil has not had any photo toxic effects known to be reported.  
Eucalyptus Globulus Essential Oil is very effective when used against the various strains of Streptococcus. It has been...
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Practical Gardening Series; Chapter 3, More on Medium and Styles.

With this chapter we will focus on the main styles and the main mediums that most people
would be able to best work with in most situations.
The main one here is when you look at actual food production, the whole idea of the
sprouting of seeds and using the seeds is one of the best methods for year-round food
production, no matter the environment you are living in. The pay back, IE; the money
invested when paired with the return, this is likely the best route to go with.About the only
real investment that you will have is some seeds, which based on the amount of food those
seeds will produce, makes for a low cost food source. Plus, one must not forget that the
seeds are highly nutritious. A seed has all the nutrition that it needs to go from the very
beginning point of its life cycle, to a point to where it has grown enough to take root and
begin the process of obtaining its food from an outside source. I am sure that everyone is
aware of the egg, most of us are familiar with a chicken egg....

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What is the Best Table Salt to Use?

The other day I was asked what my opinion was about the different types of salts. Of course the reason for the question stemmed from an emotional peeing match between several people as to their preferences of salt. One side was arguing that their Celtic Salt was better as compared to the salt another person preferred, which was Redmond Salt, with Lead being the contentious point.

Salt is usually analyzed like most any other product. When you look at the analysis of salt reports, selected randomly, and use a number of them with a running average over all the reports, with the Redmond salt you will see about a .00002% level with their salt for lead. With the Celtic salt, using the same number of analysis reports, running average with randomly selected, you will find about a .00004% amount of lead. So You will always find an outlier in any set of samples analyzed, in any and everything. Normally, the outlier is always kicked out. In research they always use the concentration of the...

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End of Year Review and Perspectives on Generalities.


I wanted to clear up a point about unstable people in some retail companies and especially in MLM situations. I love Ted Talks, here is one  that clears up what I am talking about.

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