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Molybdenum; One of the most important minerals, Part 2 of 2 .

Feb 15, 2024

In our discussion of Molybdenum, in this part 2, we are going to be looking more the various
ounces of Molybdenum and the interaction/interrelationships that allow Molybdenum to
The one area that we need to see clearly is that Molybdenum serves a somewhat direct role
in just about everything. In some areas it serves a passive role and in others it serves a
direct role. The easiest way to describe this is to look at some of the direct roles and just say
anything not mentioned in dissect roles is served in the indirect roles.
The one direct role that is forefront is the interaction with Sulfur. If you get too much Sulfur in
the relationship, then you end up with sulfide buildup and all kinds of things go weird as in
bad digestion to non-digestion taking place. Then it ripples from there. From there we end up
with a Copper buildup and a copper toxicity or even on the other end of the scale a lack of
Copper.In simple terms here we see Copper going wacko and all kinds of problems going
wrong there as far as functional health is concerned. If a person cannot handle Onions and
Garlic, then that is a sure sign of a Molybdenum deficiency. This is largely an imbalance of
the Sulfur/Copper/Molybdenum ratios. As we look at Molybdenum and its entourage of other
related nutrients, we soon see the relationships of Copper and Sulfur coming into play in a
direct role with Molybdenum.
As another aspect, we see Molybdenum building up when there is a Copper issue as in
mainly a lack of Copper, IE; the Copper cannot function, even if it is there. Many times this
comes into play when there is a lack of Boron and Silicon. Oh OK, here we introduce two
more vital nutrients, Boron and Silicon. These two are vital in the functioning of Copper and
the whole Copper thing is based on a proper balance and the functioning of the Molybdenum
and Copper relationship. If one of these goes up, the other goes down as far as the
balancing relationship functions. Of course pH plays a role in allowing this to take place. So
in reality, this is a check and balance thing. As you purposely move this pH from the base, it
creates a new balance fulcrum point and can manipulate the whole balance of this deal and
it is supported by in the intake of nutrients.
As a general rule, with the Molybdenum driven point of the balance, if the Copper gets out of
control, we see males being affected more acutely with physical issues. We see females
being more acutely with mental issues. However, both genders are affected with similar
issues, it is just that females are weighted toward the mental and males more toward the
physical as front line issues as it relates to Molybdenum. As you might recall, in part 1 of this
discussion, it was clearly mentioned that Molybdenum has everything to do with Digestion,
Reproduction and Toxin disposal. So as you make a mental picture of Molybdenum, keep
these three areas in mind. It affects both genders the same as it applies to Toxin disposal.
IE; no Molybdenum then you have very little or even no toxin removal from the body. When it
comes to this area, the key to remember there is that if a non-organic element is released,
such as copper, into the system, it is the same as a lack of that mineral, as organic is defined
as an element that does not have a carbon molecule attached to it. This is typical with
Herbicides. Many herbicides have copper in them, but it is the inorganic form and the body
systems see it as, well, not as copper and even if it does see it as copper, then it can’t be
utilized because of the lack of a carbon molecule properly attached.

Other areas that require a balance of Molybdenum as a driving force are the whole of the
roles of Phosphorus, Calcium, Selenium and Iron. So the proper functioning of these
minerals is dependent on the role of Molybdenum. I guess the simple thing to consider here
is that the role of Molybdenum is that of a referee. That is really the simple speak of this
whole deal.
Sources of Molybdenum;
If the food material is grown in the proper environment for Molybdenum, then the best foods
to obtain Molybdenum and its entourage of supporting nutrients are in this order, Beans, all
varieties, Peppers, all varieties. Root cops; Potatoes, Turnips, Carrots, IE; the common
varieties of root crops that we have used as food staples. Above the ground fruits and
vegetables; .Cabbage, Corn, Cucumber, Peas, Tomatoes, Parsley, Ginseng, Grapefruit,
Mellon, Plums, and Peaches are among the primary sources.When it comes to essential
oils, we have a primary oil and that is the Cedar oil as in the Juniper types. The oils that are
next in line are Rabbit Brush, Sage Brush, Rosemary, Grapefruit, Lemon, Orange are among
the primary ones.Honey is one of the quick acting foods that affect the whole vertical
integration of this area with Molybdenum being at the pinnacle. However, all of these
sources are dependent on not being saturated with herbicides. Why? Because herbicides,
as a general rule largely depend on blocking certain key elements, such as Copper, from
doing there job and essentially induces a deficiency of these minerals/elements. They also
mess with enzymes and related amino acids functioning in anything they adhere to. That in
turn carries over to the human and other animal forms.
In addition to the before mentioned aspects, Molybdenum affects everything that is related to
Nitrogen and Legume based foods. Many of the herbs grown in the wild are likely to contain
Molybdenum. The down side of Molybdenum not being there in the soil is that this mineral,
like many others, is easily moved by water. Also, in farmed situations, the Molybdenum has
been “farmed out” or “mined” from the soil that is farmed. As a perspective, you only need
about 5 grams per acre for a proper amount of Molybdenum to be present for an adequate
amount to be taken up by the crop being grown. Generally, when Molybdenum is applied to
a farmed field, the Molybdenum is factored into the other nutrient applications, such a s
Phosphate.However, when it is applied as a direct element, usually only about 1 to 2 pounds
per acre is applied. This amount will last for years.
If there is one thing to remember about Molybdenum is this; Molybdenum is a vital part of the
whole, it is essentially a Referee, perhaps the lead referee. The other two referees are Boron
and Silicon. Molybdenum has a direct relationship with Sulfur and acts as a counter balance
to Sulfur. You also need to consider the triad of Molybdenum, Boron and Silica as being key
to life. If you have an issue with any of these three, you will have health issues, far and wide.
If you have health issues, then you can be assured that it goes back to one of these three
being messed up.
Perhaps another way to think of this whole deal is to picture it as our solar system. The sun
is the source of Photosynthesis, which it is in reality. As we go out from there, we have all of
these planets circling around the sun. Each of these planets are critical/vital elements for
life. Think of their moons as the supporting entourage support factors. The first 3 planets are
Silica, Boron. And Molybdenum, in order of importance as a general rule. But all other minerals/elements fan out from there. However, many times the order of importance is the
action of musical chairs, so to speak. Does that sum it up clear enough?

Thank you for your interest. I hope this gives a perspective of understanding. KK


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