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Our Brain,;Support and Maintenance. Chapter Two. The Role of Sodium Chloide in the Spinal Fluid.

Jan 11, 2021


In this Chapter we will be talking about the second most abundant element in the Spinal Fluid and that is Sodium. More specifically we are not talking just about Sodium, commonly known as Salt, but a specific type of Salt called Sodium Chloride. So we sort of have to add a 3rd. most abundant element in on this chapter as well. There are all kinds of forms of Sodium and even just plain old Salt. But the most optimal form of Salt for a human being is Sodium Chloride. Yes, we can use just plain Salt, but then we have to go and find the Chloride to add to the mix. Sometimes that can be difficult to get the right one that will work with the Salt we are using and get it in the right ratios. So we just do it the easy way and just go with Sodium Chloride.

One of the interesting things about the Spinal Fluid is that unlike Blood, it is colorless. It also has a different chemical makeup than does blood. While some elements are similar in amounts with each of the two, many of the other elements are used in vastly different amounts, or used in one and not the other to any real degree.  For example, there are 200 times as much protein in Blood as there is in Spinal Fluid. The Calcium and Magnesium levels are about 1 to 1 in the Spinal fluid and in the Blood it is more closely to the ratios of the two elements as found in soil. In soil it is optimal for the Calcium to be 80% and the Magnesium to be 20%. But in blood it is about in the middle of the Soil and Spinal fluid with Calcium in the Blood coming in at about 66% and the Magnesium coming in at 34%. Potassium is about 2 times as much in the Blood as it is in the Spinal Fluid. However, the Sodium and Chloride levels are about the same in both at about 55% Sodium and 45% Chloride. The pH is very close to the same, about 7.3 in the Spinal Fluid and 7.4 in the Blood. Keep in mind that these ratios and amounts are basically an average. Various conditions will cause those numbers to vary.

While we are looking at the main elements in this discussion, I need you to keep in mind that there are numerous other elements that play a major role in various Brain functioning activities, but in this discussion we are talking about the fluid it's self and not necessarily all of the other factors involved in the Brain's operation and activities. Those are covered in other discussions as we talk about each element specifically.

As we consider the role of Sodium, we first must realize that this element is what really makes up the base of the Saline solution in its base form in the Spinal Fluid. The Chloride plays a direct role in making Sodium into the Saline Solution. It also plays roles outside of the Brain in the other part of the immune system. It is involved in Electrolyte balancing throughout the body and in metabolism. Both Sodium and Chloride are vital parts of the Hydrochloride Acid production. Other elements such as Iodine is necessary to work with the Chloride in all areas of the body. When looked at specifically in the body, the Chloride tends to sanitize the inside and the Iodine tends to sanitize the outer parts of the body. As a side note, when I discuss Iodine, you will learn about the root cause of acne. Once the Saline solution is made then Boron will keep the elements in suspension within the Sodium Chloride Saline solution. Silica also plays a role in the Saline solution in that it works with Boron to move things around. Silica adds elasticity and strength to the fixtures of the Brain. This helps to fend off Aneurysms. All of these elements helps to keep problems from arising in the Brain. Such as the accumulation of Aluminum within the Brain. Calcium also can solidify in the brain in the absence of Magnesium, but the Aluminum is by far of greater concern. Most people are Boron deficient, If you are Boron deficient within the Spinal Fluid, and remember that the Spinal Fluid is replaced at least 3 times per day and sometimes even more often when triggered by certain events. Normally, the Boron will piggy back on the Sodium molecule. So when this happens, and the persons Boron deficient, the Aluminum molecule will notice that the Boron molecule is missing and being opportunistic will hook onto the Sodium molecule and move into the Spinal Fluid. I don't see the Aluminum as being in the same bad light as many others. It just depends on how it is viewed. The reason for this is that I see the Aluminum as being a backup protection to Boron in its role to protect the Brain. This whole thing has everything to do with protecting the Brain from radiation, both radioactive and non-radioactive.

Boron is the only element that will attach to a radiation particle and carry it out of the body without receiving any damage from the radiation. This is vitally important if the radiation is radioactive. When this Boron is at sufficient levels, it protects the Brain and the Aluminum is kept out side of the Brain, in the body. Aluminum will deflect radiation. But when the Boron isn't there, then the Brain isn't protected, so the Aluminum will move in to offer the protect by deflecting the radiation. The problem with Aluminum in the Brain is that without Boron and Silica, along with Iodine and Selenium,  it will solidify. So the whole Aluminum causing people to have issues like senior citizens to have Alzheimer's disease is not an Aluminum issue per say but a deficiency of Boron and Silica as primary elements and several others as secondary issues. However, a mineral called Ytterium is also a major factor in this whole deal as well.Anyway now that I have given you some perspectives on the Spinal fluid, we will move on.

I am fortunate to live close to a Sodium Chloride source. Actually, I live about 25 miles from 2 sources of Sodium Chloride. Both are from mined sources. ,One is a strip mine and one is an underground mine. This type is preferred to other salt sources as the possibilities of environmental pollution affecting the salt is very minimal if at all. There are other sources of very high quality Sodium Chloride the world over. The problem with using just straight salt is that even though they might add some Iodine, it usually isn't enough and the fact that they usually add some form of Aluminum so that it won't cake, IE; remain free flowing. This is not good. Recall about the Aluminum piggy backing on the Sodium Molecule? Plus it causes an off balancing of the Sodium-Chloride ratios. Plus the good thing about using the Sodium Chloride that we have access to is that it isn't just plain white salt. It has some minute clay particles. Minerals will attach themselves or become attached to the clay particles. This provides for a wider range of minerals and thus avoidance of getting too much Salt. It just plain helps out in the balancing act. How much salt/sodium should you use? You really shouldn't use salt in cooking. So when you serve up the food, then salt to taste. That will usually provide for enough for your basic needs.

So in this chapter the bottom line is this, You need a really good source of high quality Sodium Chloride. Your Brain depends on you to provide this for it. It has to have it for optimal Spinal Fluid production. In chapter one, we learned that it is equally important to provide a real good high quality, clear drinking water. Your Brain depends on the really good clean drinking water and enough of it on a daily basis for it's needs. If you do not provide these two things, well and other things too, but at least these two things, then you will end up with one or more deficiency diseases and will die a less than favorable death. Remember, our bodies are more or less around 75% water. It is widely believed that 75% of our issues can be traced back to our drinking water and thus 75% of those issues can be solved by fixing the water. So since the minerals that we are talking about amounts to about 1% of the whole, and the Spinal Fluid is 99% water, we still have other stuff, but in the end, water makes up 3/4 of the body overall, and 99% of the Spinal Fluid. One researcher once said that we really are just a skin bladder full of water. So we end up doing everything good and bad to deal with this 25% aspect of our body and the same anything and everything good and bad to affect the 1% in our head. Yet this 25% and 1% usually just isn't enough. Sobering isn't it?

Anyway, lets close this for now. Thank you for your time and interest. I appreciate your interest.

End of Discussion. KK


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