A while ago I made mention that a person can use non-Organic Selenium and still get a huge benefit from it. But in a way that runs contrary to some known facts and that that is the whole deal about not being able to utilize non-organic forms of the nutrients. I have also made that claim, as we know of those perspectives from really astute researchers. So just how do we reconcile this deal? Since you asked, we are going to look at it. The truth of this is somewhere in the middle.
One element that we must keep in mind and that is when referring to Organic or Inorganic in this type of discussion we are talking about it in a chemical sense. We are not referring to the typical Organic/Inorganic aspect of traditional thinking with most people. In chemistry and related fields, an Inorganic substance becomes Organic when a Carbon molecule is attached to it. Normally the way it happens in nature, is that the Inorganic form is found in say the soil. As a plant grows in that soil it takes in nutritional elements and one of those elements is Carbon. The plant then attaches a Carbon molecule to the deal and then it becomes Organic and it behaves as an Organic element. But in this discussion from here on out, we are going to learn about how this happens when the Inorganic element becomes Organic, outside of a plant doing the conversion.
A number of elements can be converted in this sense, and yet many more cannot be converted by this method, so they are restricted to the plant uptake route. Selenium and Magnesium are two of the types that this can happen with, at least where I have seen evidence of this happening to a biological entity, such as an animal, including humans. One has to keep in mind that this route of conversion is not as efficient as the plant uptake route, but nonetheless, it happens. I think it is fair to say that if the route is the plant uptake is taken, a person might be looking at at least 75% efficiency to a number approaching the 95% mark. If this alternative route is taken, then the efficiency is marginally past the 0% mark and up to maybe 35% for some elements. A lot of this is dependent on a number of conditions, if present, being met. Now having brought up some qualifiers, so to speak, let's move on to the big idea.
This conversion of an Inorganic element to an Organic element takes place in the digestive system. The one thing that has to be present is a fair amount of Nitrogen. Also, sufficient Carbon levels have to be present. Wow, this sounds like a proper Carbon and Nitrogen ratio. If that is your thought, then you are correct. Normally a person will have a respectful amount of Carbon as a natural course of life, but there are exceptions to the rule. But the Nitrogen can be a real problem or a challenge. Normally one would consume a decent amount of vegetables. Many root crops contain a respectable amount of Nitrogen and some “fruits” and the one that really works well here is Cucumbers and in the various forms, such as pickled types. Dill is helpful. The support factor that comes from these plants is the Sulfur aspect. So I hope you can see the obvious need for this to happen in a lower pH setting, at least down in the 6.0 range will accommodate this conversion to take place. Some of the other plants such as Basil and Thyme will help this a lot. Overall, a good, large portioned, broad spectrum salad will usually do the job, if consumed on a regular basis. Some people have voiced their observations that Lemongrass will help in this process as well. With that, I feel like it is obvious that it would, in fact I don’t see how it couldn’t work positively in this respect.
To recap this; To convert the Inorganic element to an Organic element, it has to take place in the stomach. You need a proper Carbon/Nitrogen ratio to be present. Other supporting elements, such as Sulfur has to be there for support. You need a pH situation with the Sulfur to be at least down to the 6.0 range. High Nitrogen greens work remarkably well to assist in this conversion process. Obviously a number of “foods” will aid in this process. (I am trying to be brief in presenting this idea). Also, if a person is consuming a diet that contains a large amount of processed foods, then really, that person shouldn’t even bother with trying to go this route. As long as the person is consuming a reasonably good diet, this route will usually do a good job in making this process route work. This works well rather you are a Vegan, Vegetarian or an Omnivore
Some of the things a person needs to watch for is that the Nitrogen here will use a lot of Calcium, so one must keep a close eye on this aspect. One also must keep a close eye on the Calcium/Magnesium ratio. The most important thing for this one is to make sure you are drinking a lot of water. If you are using Magnesium as one of the nutrients being converted, then the Magnesium must be closely monitored. Since most people are Magnesium deficient in addition to Selenium anyway, it is just all part of the deal no matter if you are doing the conversion of either Magnesium or Selenium. Both of these elements are closely related as to what they need in order to function, then hey, just do both of them together. If you do this, you will find that your needs in both of these areas will work wonders for you. Nature always has a backup plan or a plan B to pretty much everything and always includes several levels of fail/safe switches.
I hope you find some hope in what I have presented to you in this discussion.
End of Discussion. KK
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