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Sweat It Don't Smell It

Jul 14, 2017

Hi Everyone,

Summer is here and the weather is warm! You know what that means? Sweat. With fun in the sun, yard work, or just feeling the heat, we get sweaty. Sweating is a super important function of your body. It helps to regulate body temperature, rid the body of toxins, and cleanse pores, just to name a few. Working up a sweat is good for us, but sometimes the smell that comes with it not so desirable. Standard antiperspirants rob our bodies of the health benefits of sweating, not to mention all the potentially harmful ingredients that are used to suppress your body's natural sweat response. Commercially made deodorants may let you sweat, but they also contain yucky stuff that could be hazardous to your health.

So, you want to sweat, but don’t want to smell? Here is an easy and inexpensive way to stop the smell. You probably already have what you need right in your cupboards.

Easy Essential Oil Deodorant


  • ½ cup baking soda
  • ½ cup coconut oil (this oil is solid at room temp)
  • ½ cup cornstarch or arrowroot powder


First, mix up a base of baking soda, coconut oil, and cornstarch or arrowroot powder. It mixes up nicely in a food processor. After you have that mixed, add in your favorite combination of essential oils (see below), and mix a bit more. Place mixture in a small jar and allow to set up for a few hours. At room temperature, your deodorant will stay solid. If it accidentally gets melted, simply remix and allow to harden at room temperature.

To apply, scoop up a pea sized amount and rub into the skin in your underarm. This is also a great time give your lymph nodes a little massage. This is hands down, the best deodorant that you will ever use. It has been tested and loved by desk workers, and avid hikers.


  • 5 drops Tea Tree
  • 5 drops Lemongrass


  • 3 drops Tea Tree
  • 4 drops Rose Geranium
  • 4 drops Bergamot


  • 3 drops Tea Tree
  • 4 drops Cedarwood
  • 4 drops Black Spruce

Thanks so much and hope you all have a great and sweaty summer!


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