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Zinc in the Spotlight of Health.

Mar 15, 2020

Today's discussion is centered around Zinc. I wanted to deviate a bit from the scheduled subject and touch on this for several reasons. For example, the other day I attended an annual farm machinery auction that takes place in this area. What I observed was somewhat disturbing. I know that in the past I looked pretty rough, health-wise, and perhaps I was in rough shape. But over the past few years, I have taken measures to change the direction that I was headed. I am sure my particular health challenges contributed to the observations of others, but I did have some issues outside of those, but, now I feel like they are getting under control so as I do feel great and a number of people have told me that I am looking like I might actually live. I must have looked pretty rough. So I will use my story a little bit to discuss what I have learned from my self and from others during the past 5 or so years.

So what was so disturbing to me at the auction? Aside from some obvious trends developing within the agriculture sector that is part of a major shift, was that I saw a lot of men my age, with a +/- of say 5 years each way, that was in as rough of shape as I once was, with some even worse I might add. Here I saw men that could barely move. Some were using walkers with wheels like my 80-year-old mother uses to assist her walking. These men were clearly in worse shape than she is and 20 years younger. So what are their problems? Basically 2 things, High Blood Pressure, and Type 2 Diabetes. Other issues are plaguing them, but those 2 are at the core of their struggles.

I titled this discussion, Zinc in the Spotlight of Health, because at the center of their health problem seems to be Zinc. Many others are in the spotlight as well but Zinc is at the center in light of this discussion. Although we have to work on other Minerals, Vitamins, and Amino Acids before we get to Zinc and these issues specifically, we do need to discuss these so that we can have a road map of where to take this thing. So from here on out let us jump into this and then look at some solutions.

First off in all of these discussions and even everywhere out there we hear the word "Deficiency". So what does this mean? Generally, in the context that we are using it, it will mean a level below or lack of sufficient amount needed for a normal range to function normally as a human being, animal or even as a plant. But a side note it also applies to the item being locked up in the sense that it can't be accessed for usage by the human, animal or plant. In this sense, when it is not there for use then a whole myriad of processes are either stopped or thrown out of balance and when that happens, we get junk actions taking place. The most common cause of Zinc deficiency is by a reduction of access or input through dietary means. One must keep in mind that when the resupply is cut off or reduced, then the reserves are accessed and eventually those run low and to the point of it beginning to affect the person's health. Let us keep in mind that the same procedure applies to plants and animals as well, so we will just say humans from here on out. Zinc is one that really shows it's coloring under the Law of the Minimum. That means a lot of body actions are directly affected. As a general rule any time you get to the point of observing a Zinc deficiency, then you take remedial steps to correct it, you can figure that it will likely take up to six months to get to the point of making the observation that it is actually working. It is a tough pill, so to speak, to swallow, that long period of time, but it is what it is. Perhaps one of those reasons is that it is a very trace mineral and it has to be distributed far and wide, among many places, and then those functions at those places have to adjust, well, we can see why it takes a long time for those outward observations to start showing up.

In my own observations over time, I have had people tell me that I have to do this or that to solve whatever the issue might be. But as I have observed and in some cases personally experienced, I have come to see a different picture. Take type 2 Diabetes, if a Zinc deficiency is there, you end up with a reduction in the secretion of insulin. Then on top of that, you end up with a reduction of secretion of Leptin, which leads to an issue with satiety which is the inability to detect when the gut is full, which results in the inability of a diabetic to regulate food consumption. Leptin also messes with the regulation of insulin, which is a problem for diabetics. Then on top of that, we end up with sores in many diabetic cases that will not heal, are a sign of Zinc deficiency. These are all a sure sign of type 2 Diabetes in various stages. Then on top of that, we see many of these people having problems in the bedroom. Diabetes is blamed. The hormone Testosterone is credited and It affects both men and women, but overwhelmingly men. A Testosterone issue is directly associated with Zinc deficiency. No Zinc equals a lack of Testosterone. I can go on and on with this subject of the Zinc and Type 2 connection, but it is really hard to lay the blame of Type 2 Diabetes on anything else than a Zinc deficiency. I know that many other elements are used to justify the existence of Type 2, but at the pinnacle of the issue is without question, Zinc. To back up this idea, I was talking with a man I have been working with for a number of years. We were going over some of his issues, most of which are plaguing him because of being sprayed with Agent Orange in Vietnam not only once but several times. He offhandedly made mention that several years ago he had an operation, (back-related), and they told him that he was borderline type 2. Shortly after that, he started taking Zinc for a different set of issues and when he was in for his DOT Physical Exam, they told him that his sugar levels were in really good shape, ie; no danger of being in that borderline position anymore. But he got flagged for his Blood Pressure as it was higher than the 140 over 90. So they told him to come back the next day, he did and passed. What he didn't know is what a Dr. told me at one of my DOT Physicals, and that is the White Coat effect can raise the pressure between 10 and 20 points. So when I go in for my annual physical, yeah, I got flagged too, several years ago, lol. When I set in the office I am always high and over the limit. So after all of the other stuff is done, I go out in the hallway, sit for ten minutes, then check it again. This last time it ended up being 122 over 78. So I passed. That psychological deal can really mess with things some times. But as I mentioned in this paragraph, I could go on and on about the Type 2 deal and the Zinc angle, but the bottom line is there is a direct connection, without question. But the challenge that most people have is being patient enough to hang in there until the Zinc replenishment takes place.

From this point, we can look at likely the most important aspect of Zinc Deficiency and that is as follows; DNA replication, RNA transcription, cell division and of course cell activation. However, too much Zinc, ie; and overdose can cause a Copper Deficiency. This is not an unusual type of activity as it pertains to any of these minerals, especially with the trace minerals. So when a severe Zinc deficiency is being treated, clinically, the Copper issue has to be monitored because Copper and Zinc competes for absorption. You would not believe it but exercise can really use up Zinc. So when you look at exercise freaks, they show signs of sexual atrophy associations with hormones, such as the above-mentioned low levels of Testosterone, which is characteristic of Zinc Deficiency. Then when you carry it further, you see things such as those on a strict Vegetarian diet and other issues such as those typically associated with Gluten issues, many times can actually be a Zinc issue. Many people associate Gluten sensitivity with Gluten it's self, but at times it is highly likely an issue of Zinc deficiency coupled with a few other contributing effects. Some of those are psychological issues and the many Herbicides used on food crops in addition to parasite infestations

After having come to the realization that Zinc is likely involved in almost every biological activity of the human being. So from this point, we need to look at nutrition as nutrition is about the best source for obtaining the correct ratios of Zinc. So let us start with the soil. If you see this aspect then the rest becomes more clear. For most food plants, the soil needs to have between 6 to 8 PPM (Parts Per Million). This amount needs to be maintained for proper plant development. When the soil contains this amount on a PPM basis, then the plants will have the proper amount of Zinc to supply the crop with the proper ratio of Zinc in relationship to the other elements that tend to pair up with Zinc on that horizontal level. Since it has been only recently that serious concern has been paid to looking at Zinc amounts in the soil, it almost requires remedial action to bring the Zinc back up to proper ratios. Keep in mind that the plants won't even grow if there is no Zinc, so there is usually some Zinc but at woefully low amounts. So once the level of Zinc is determined, remedial action takes place. It does not work very well to try to do it all in one year. So usually 3 years is more on the optimal time frame. Interestingly with Humans, it takes at least 3 months and at times up to 6 months to restore proper ratios of Zinc. So 3 growing seasons for plants, and 3 months for cell replication on humans... I just find it interesting. So when restoring Zinc in the soil, it usually takes about 2 pounds of Elemental Zinc to raise the PPM by 1. So depending on the amount of Zinc in the soil, the amount being removed by the crop, then to target the 6 to 8 PPM levels, it can take that 3 to 6 years real easy. Much like the 3 to 6 months required by the Human Being. Don't you just love the relationships we see with the soil? There are 3 forms of Zinc, one is Elemental Zinc, one is Zinc Oxide and the last one is Zinc Sulfate. The Elemental one is not really used on Humans, it just doesn't work. It does work great in the soil. Zinc Oxide is not the best as it is not water-soluble and does not really provide for a reliable supply of Zinc when needed. So the preferable one is Zinc Sulfate. So this type is used for the best transferring of Zinc to the plant and to the animal/human.

So since most plants require and will contain at least some Zinc, we will look at this aspect in another discussion. It would take up too much of the discussion and take away from other points. The other minerals in the "gang" of trace minerals that pairs with Zinc are as follows and the PPM levels within this gang: Maganese at the 25 PPM to 50 PPM. Interestingly, with the pH in soils as it goes past the 6.5 pH and as it goes higher, the deficiency shows up quicker as the pH goes up. Copper comes in at 2 PPM to 3 PPM. It requires 1 pound of Copper to raise the Copper by .5 PPM. One has to be careful as if to much Copper can crowd out Zinc and create Copper toxicity. Next is Boron at 2 PPM to 3 PPM. It usually takes 2 pounds of Boron to raise the PPM level by 1 PPM. The last one of these is Iron. This is kind of a wild card because the PPM is based largely on the need for the crop and the pH of the soil. But the need for Iron depends on the pH of the soil, so it is hard to determine the PPM ratios as we have done in the other minerals. When it comes to Iron, it usually isn't expressed in PPM but rather in Grams. The adult male needs to maintain about a 4 Gram level within their system. The adult female needs to maintain about a 3 Gram level within their system. The Iron is best absorbed at the 6.5 range. As it moves up the scale of the pH, the less available it is to the plant or animal for that manner, so even though the soil test may reveal a high level of Iron, it is not there. Then on the lower end, as it moves downward, it moves into the plant easier, but the soil test will trick you as you think there is not enough, so you add more Iron and then it locks up the Iron, then it gives a false positive reading on the test. So the whole Iron can really mess up the Zinc levels and Zinc uptake. So special attention needs to be given to the Iron levels and even Manganese, as sometimes a problem with Manganese will give a false observation for Zinc as the two are often confused as the appearance is similar. Then along with the Iron connection to Zinc, we see the copper deal having an influence on Iron. So this ends up being a confusing mess of musical chairs with Zinc being pushed around and influencing these other minerals in this complex. What a confusing mess. So the true solution for Zinc is not a simple fix. So we end up with the 3 to 6 months protocol being indicated Zinc, as the other minerals balance themselves out.

Well, here we are at this point in this discussion. There is much more material that we could examine as it relates to Zinc, but this should give us a good working knowledge with Zinc. The most important thing to remember about Zinc is thus, extremely important to many, many body functions. If you don't have the proper levels of Zinc, you can become all messed up. The foods that contain Zinc is almost all foods if it is sufficient in the soil to be passed on to the plant. Have a good day and I hope you learned something that you can use from participating in this discussion.

End of Discussion.


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