In today's discussion, we will followup on a mineral that was introduced in part 1. As I think about it, I see that I have failed to tie in some other aspects to this mineral thing. Namely the associated Amino Acids. This is really important as not only the mineral is important, but the Amino Acids are as well. One does not function without the other, even though the Amino Acids are made up of mineral formulations. Still, the Amino Acids are part of the overall functioning. Also, I like to approach the health aspects of our discussions from looking at one or even several minerals and then walking them forward and examining some of the main, overall functions of those minerals, either as an individual or collectively as a grouping. So the mineral that we are looking specifically at is Lanthanum and the Amino Acid is Phenylalanine. The chemical formula for Phenylalanine is C9 H11 NO2. So Carbon, Hydrogen and Nitrogen Dioxide, or in simple terms, Nitrogen and Oxygen. This is really a very interesting deal here. As we go along, you will end up with your head swimming. So let's go swimming.
Lanthanum is directly tied to Yttrium, Boron, Silica, Magnesium, and on and on to all things brain. There is another mineral, Lutetium that ties in here, but we will try to not hit it very heavy in this discussion. Most of these minerals that we have been talking about are pretty much Micro Nutrients, or aka; Trace Minerals. Another extremely idea that you need to get is this. In the Trace Mineral world, if a Trace Mineral ends up not being there or available in the growth medium, then the plant will call up a substitute Trace Mineral. Sometimes this works out, somewhat, good enough, to get the job done. However, at times it doesn't work well because of this one idea, that being that the substitution process is very inefficient and/or very costly to the plant in terms of the DNA trauma and overall energy of the plant. This is why I say, not so fast when people make the claims that most of our plants are devoid of minerals and essential basic nutrition available to us. The problem we get into with this model is that we create selective starvation settings, which in turn creates an over amount of one constituent and a lower or shortage of another constituent. Then that leads to the whole idea of the Law of the Minimum. That means despite whatever the supercharged levels of some constituents might be, the performance will only rise to the level of the lowest contributing constituent. This is why the ratios and balances are so important, much more important than just upping the levels of a few components that we think we know of and not paying any attention to the ones that we know not of. Enough of the editorializing and back to Lanthanum. This mineral's main role is working with the DNA. It protects the working genes to absorb the electrical shocks and disperse those electrical spikes while protecting the genes. Remember in part one I made reference to it being a Myelin Sheath protector, ie; insulation for the circuits of nerve impulses. It also acts to hold the DNA stuff together, sort of a DNA glue, so to speak. But in order for the glue to stick, and hold, it needs to have Silica in the mix as well. Since we see Lanthanum acting like an insulator of sorts, and since we have nerve impulses throughout the body, we end up seeing a huge amount of Lanthanum being called for in a normal healthy functioning person and by default, all mammals. One must be concerned with this one as we are exposed to extremely large numbers and all across the spectrum of electrical impulses from outside of the body, bypassing the normal sensory preceptor pathways. Because of my educational background with psychology and having at least a concept of how this process works, I always say that I am amazed that we as people and really all animals, can even function on any level of normalcy. But we do and it is largely because of the protective properties of Lanthanum as a driving force behind this protection.
Other applications of Lanthanum, in various forms of it, is as follows; Have you heard of Fosrenol? Well, this is basically Lanthanum Carbonate. It is used in some medical treatments such as end-stage renal treatments, to absorb excess phosphates. It also acts on the same receptor site as does Zinc. So we end up with that connection and that is directly associated with sexual performance, among other activities that require the complex coordination that needs to take place in various activities of the body as to the regulation of processes. Those processes include Metabolism, Blood Pressure, Appetite, and in lowering cholesterol levels just to name a few. Since it acts on the same receptor sites as does Zinc, one can begin to connect the dots. In some experimental studies, they show where the science people have injected Lanthanum directly into the brain and have observed opiate pain killer properties, for example, such as Morphine would have on the human. Of course, they don't claim to understand, but they have observed the relationship of pain killer and Lanthanum.
A study of Lanthanum would not be complete without also looking at the amino acid Phenylalanine. This is where this whole thing gets really interesting. This amino acid is considered to be de-nova in humans and by extension, animals. That de-nova means that they cannot synthesize it and must obtain it from dietary sources. It is found in abundance in animal livers, milk, and soybeans. It is also found in any food that contains, drum roll... Aspartame. Yes, the artificial sweetener. This is why I say this part gets really interesting. What happens here is that as Aspartame is metabolized, it produces Phenylalanine as one of its end metabolites. Since we do need a small amount of this amino acid, one does not need a large amount of it. A large amount produces negative effects, such as interfering with Serotonin production or limiting other cofactors such as Iron. Phenylalanine uses the same pathway as Tryptophan to cross the blood-brain barrier. Also, it further is used or is involved with the flavoring of food. It is done in the form of cinnamic acid. Cinnamic Acid has a honey-like aroma and is found in many foods and several essential oils, such as Cinnamon EO. Another aspect of this is that the industrial world is how they produce Phenylalanine. I am sure you have heard of E.Coli. Yeah, that big bad bacteria, E.Coli. Under these industrial settings, it produces huge amounts of Phenylalanine. This amino acid is used to produce the sweetener Aspartame, as stated earlier in this paragraph. There is a lot of material that I am sure you would enjoy along these lines that are associated with this discussion, but alas, it is too much material and just confuses the issue.
So getting back to the main points of this discussion, Lanthanum, and Phenylalanine. Since both of these are dietary sourced related, how do you support our needs? From a supplement side, you can buy these as a stand-alone supplement. Not a bad option, if the correct forms are obtained and if proper amounts are used. This is some of the many that follow the rule of a little bit is great, a lot is bad. But beyond that of supplements, one can consider foods. Foods and herbs containing good sources of these two are as follows; Cabbage, Lettuce, Persimmon, Coconut, Cashew, Black Walnut, Almond, Pecan, and Pistacho. Parts of the following can be used, has to be made into a tea; Black and Wild Cherry stem, Black Oak stem, Sumac leaf, and stem. Base sources of the properties can be found in Cinnamon Bark and leaf oil. Several of the Balsam oils carry the necessary properties. Some times you will find the properties in Ylang Ylang EO.
So as we bring this discussion to a close, we need to remember that all of these minerals and amino acids that we will discuss here all tie together. But as we focus on Lanthanum and Phenylalanine, we see that many times we can source both from the same sources. In natural form, it appears that an herbal tea made from leaves and shoots seems to carry the best usable quantities of this mineral and amino acid. Although we can and do get it from several food sources as well. Also, you need to keep in mind that with most of these minerals and amino acids, an overabundance of them, as in overdoing it, will manifest closely the same symptoms as a deficiency will manifest. So with these a good useable and reasonable amount will likely be the winning ticket. Inhere I introduced you to some stuff that many of you were likely not aware of, namely that Phenylalanine is a product that can come from several sources. One is from the breakdown of Aspartame. Another is from the E.Coli bacteria and lastly from ingested food type sources. The amino acid Phenylalanine works directly with Lanthanum as well as many other minerals. Lantanum works directly with Lutetium. The mineral Lutetium also works directly with Cobalt. I am telling you this because in the next discussion we will explore this aspect as well. Where this leads is from Cobalt, which is a master link between the metal and non-metal minerals. Cobalt also serves as within a command position, reporting directly and working under the command, if you will, of Boron. Which from the other 2 discussions, I introduced you to the master mineral, Boron and it's equal command staff of Yttrium, Magnesium, and Selenium. But right directly under the command of these 4 master controllers are Lanthanum and Cobalt. Within the DNA code, there are only 3 terminations or stops codes and those are Sulfur, Hydrogen and drum roll... Yttrium. Although these 3 are not interchangeable in the end codon position in the DNA sequencing, a lack of one of these, when itis called for, will result in a junk DNA being created and when this happens, the body then drops that defective DNA sequence into the recycling bin. From here they are broken down into element once again to be reused. But here is the rub. In the newly recycled collection of base elements, you end up with a deficiency once again as the process attempts to rebuild a newly constructed DNA strand.
Anyway, back to the Cobalt connection, and this is cool. When Cobalt goes out there and picks up a Cyanide molecule, and brings it back to connect with Carbon and Hydrogen, we all of a sudden have Vitamin B-12. The chemical formula for B-12 is C63 H88 CoN14 O14 P. So a very complex formula. So the question, Why is this even mentioned in this discussion? Simply put, a B-12 deficiency results in a serious problem, sometimes irreversible damage with the brain and nervous systems. The connection with all three of these discussions is the brain and nervous systems and of the main material involved with the proper maintenance of those 2 systems. Hopefully, we can have an understanding of these systems and what is involved, so that we can make decisions and take preemptive action to avoid a breakdown of these systems. As a side note, somewhat comical, when a person is involved with a cyanide poisoning episode, the remedy is to give the person a concoction that has properties from and of this B-12 deal that essentially turns the Cyanide into B-12 and then that excess amount of B-12 is excreted from the body. In this situation, the B-12 is considered to be harmless. We will explore the B-12 aspect in more detail in another discussion.
So with this, we will bring this discussion to a close. In the next discussion, we will likely stay with the brain and nervous systems, but we will also bring other aspects into the "formula". Thank you for hanging in there with me.
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