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 Leiann's Essential Oil Blog

Thank Heaven for Lavender

When you think of Lavender essential oil, you probably think of fields of purple. These fields are generally from photographs you have seen. These photographs are generally ones taken in Provence, a region in southeast France along the Mediterranean Sea.

If you’re like me, you work on your fake French accent and say “proVONCE, FRONCE.” Then, if you’re like me, you think of a song. Because that’s what I do. And you already know I’m probably going to come up with one, if you’ve read my blog posts.

So, enjoy Maurice Chevalier singing “Thank Heaven for Little Girls” from the 1958 movie Gigi as you enjoy learning about Lavender …

I found some interesting details about Lavender, Mailette in the winter, 2000 issue of aroma, The International Magazine for Essential Oils (and yes, they use a lowercase “a” for “aroma”). In the article Cousins and Clones:


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Volatile Oils

Volatile Oils.

Many times it is very easy for people to get confused about the term that is usually used in the same sentence as essential oils and that is Volatile Oils.This is somewhat misleading.  Sorry but none of around here came up with these terms, we just have to live with them. This question came up in relationship to someone saying that you have to be careful about using essential oils that might end up on clothing that might end up ending up in a dryer.

Volatile means that they evaporate easy when it is discussed in essential oil circles or in any thing aromatherapy.  Combustible means that the substance can explode easy. EO"S just evaporate. I have heard some people say that if you Yadda Yadda with the oils they will explode. I have tried and tried to get them to explode or combust. I have failed at that task. In theory I can see if you buy a bottle of oil for say a buck or two from some discount joint, that is nothing more than just a synthetic or made from a...

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Emotions: Body & Mind

What positive emotions do you experience when you use essential oils?

“Emotions are at the interface between mind and body, going back and forth between the two and influencing both.”

"All thoughts and all bodily functions involve peptides (chemicals). Each peptide (chemical) mediates a particular emotional state. All our perceptions and thoughts are colored by emotions. There is no such thing as objective, rational thought. A chemical network of peptides integrates our mental, emotional and biological activities. So where are the emotions? It used to be thought that mind and consciousness were located in the brain but the answer is really quite shocking. The emotions are happening everywhere simultaneously and we really need to learn to think of ourselves in a totally new way. Emotions are in the digestive system, in the immune system, in the endocrine system etc.”

– Dr. Candace Pert, Molecules of Emotion

We smell essential oils , bathe in them, rub them on...

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My Intimate Secrets About Cedarwood

I want to start my post off by sharing something personal. If I haven't shared this yet I am sharing it now. I have strong Native American blood in me, and I have a way of fine tuning into the vibrational energies of plants, as well as what God our creator (or the Great Spirit as Native Americans call him) has to offer me.

My feelings on Cedarwood essential oil are that if you are going to use it, use it gratefully. It took a whole tree to get such a small amount of pure essential oils into your palm! Indians used the whole tree, seeds and all. There was no waste.

Because it was believed that the tree itself carried protective properties from their native ancestors, Native Americans carried a piece of cedarwood around their neck for added support.
Whether my ancestors knew it or not, those necklaces kept the pesky bugs away!

Cedarwood was also burned and used as a purifier to cleanse homes and sacred places from negative vibrational energies.
Today in this chaotic world, where our...

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Sweet Sooth Blend

Hi Everyone,

Sweet Soothe EO Blend

In one of the groups I sort of got into a conversation about the Sweet Soothe Essential Oil Blend. I thought it would be nice to introduce you to some of the back ground of this oil blend. In my perspective, it always helps to have some of the back ground of a given thing, so that a person can work with it better.

Sweet Soothe has its origins in a blend that was widely used as an anti parasitic formula. Somewhere back in time someone came up with the idea of using Coriander, Fennel and Dill to do a number on parasites. Generally this was to combat the typical stomach worms. Then it was discovered that it helped with upset stomachs and helped with digestion. Some companies actually use a form of these 3 oils as a basis of their digestion related oil blends. For the most part, any one of these oils as a single does a good job for digestion related, up set stomach type issues. So if you only have one of these oils, don't feel bad about trying these if...

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Inside/ Outside: Application Of Oils

Hi Everyone,

I wanted to do a follow-up of sorts related to the internal/external application of the oils. This is a big deal to a lot of people. I want to be short and to the point, so I will share an actual personal experience. Even though we are all adults, sometimes certain types of discussions can be uncomfortable and this will be one of those types. So if you can handle it, read on, if you can't then move on I guess. I will present this in simple speak.

Quite a few years ago I was messing around with the base of the Sweet Soothe EO blend. That is a 3 way, equal mix, of Coriander, Fennel and Dill. Many people over the years have used this base for a number of purposes. One is for upset stomachs, one is for a basic parasite cleanse and for help for diabetics. I had used it a few times for an upset stomach after I ate one of those cheap hotdogs on an empty stomach. Yeah, lots of fun. Yuck. Anyway, that was done, heaven for bid, orally. It helped, made all the difference in...

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Course of Action Part 1

Many times I set down and really try to answer a question with some thought being put into the process. You know what, I sometimes come up with a real good answer.  Then I throw it out there and it goes real good with the majority of people. Then you have a person ask a question that you thought was covered in the idea in your intelligent answer.  As you think about ti, you realize that, well, I can see how I wasn't real clear on that.  So back to the drawing board, so to speak.  So here we are with one of those deals, that deal being, what course of action do I follow?

One of the big questions that comes around all the time is the comparison aspect.  A new person to the oils or even to a given company, ie; coming from using one company's oils and then going to another company, wants to know, in all sincerity what oil in the new company is comparative to their old company's offering. This is not limited to the blends but to singles as well.

As a general rule...

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Good Night Coming Soon

Good Night is a new oil that will be coming out right shortly.  The purpose of this blend is to assist with sleep issues. So Good Night, to help you have a good night's sleep.

Over the years I have worked with a number of different formulations to help with the whole sleep deal.  Some have been pretty good; others,were just mediocre. A while back Dave Briskie asked me if I could work on an essential oil blend for sleep, as a number of people that he had talked with had requested this type of blend. Since he requested this blend, I asked him to do the honors in naming it, which he did, so thank you Dave.

I looked at what I had already been done and went to work. When the dust settled, we ended up with this particular blend. You will not find this blend or a blend like it anywhere else, at least for now. Down the road you will be able to find it; but for now, this is an exclusive type of oil. The base oil in this blend is our Earth Scent EO blend that we already have. Then...

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Sleep Part 4

In going back through the 3 parts that I posted I found that maybe, just maybe I wasn't as clear as I would have liked to have been or should have been on a few points.  So I will sort of clear up a few areas.

One of the biggest challenges to a good night sleep is stress. Plain old stress.  In fact stress is at the center of almost every disease that a human being can end up with. Again, it does not cause it but it makes it far worse than it would be on its own.  So in working with sleep we look at stress as a factor in the whole. Some may say, well the stress is just in your head.  Well most stress is, but since it is in your brain, it is real, as real as anything in life. It has to be worked with just like anything else.

We talked about the parasympathetic and the sympathetic nervous systems and their roles in sleep and stress associated with sleep. What we need to keep in mind is that if the source of the stress is more or less driven by the parasympathetic...

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Styles of Aromatherapy

First off there are 4 main lines of thoughts with aromatherapy. The German method. says that you are only suppose to smell essential oils. Never do you apply topically or ingest. If you do they freak out. Then you have the English Method. With this one you can smell and apply topically. Then you have the French Method. With this one you can smell, ingest and apply topically. Then lastly you have the American Method. With this one anything goes. I guess at YGY they have chosen to follow along the lines of English Aromatherapy. The FDA has basically come down on just about everyone in the American and French lines of thinking, they say, NO you do not follow or teach certain parts of those. They started with the 2 main big companies following the American and French methods. Because of this misuse and misapplications of the American and French Methods, it is deemed best to follow the English Method of Aromatherapy. It tends to be safe and yet allow more applications to be served than...

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