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 Leiann's Essential Oil Blog

Obesity, Type 2 and Zinc.


This discussion is centered around the connections of Obesity, Type 2 Diabetes and associated nutrients required to avoid these issues.

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Black Pepper, The Plant: The Spice, EO and Mineral Associations.

Today we are going to be looking at Black Pepper in general and Black Pepper Essential Oil in specific.
Way back when, whenever that “When” was, I didn’t pay much attention to Black Pepper EO. I really don’t know why, then somewhere along the way, I kind of got cornered into having to work with it. I thank my lucky stars every day that the event happened to me. Then when I started working with Black Pepper EO, I was shocked at what good things can happen with Black Pepper EO. Plus, actually using the spice in it’s basic form, is just flat out a miracle spice.
First we need to look at the main types of Pepper types. These ones that we are talking about are the types that are grown in the more "wet" environments. We are not going to be talking about the Pepper oils and plants grown in the more dryer, IE; desert type settings. 
Black Pepper; This type comes in 3 basic kinds. One is the Black Pepper, which centers
these 3...
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Fennel: The Plant, The Seed and The EO, Uses and Applications.

Today we are going to be looking at a plant, more specifically Fennel Seed and Fennel
Essential Oil. Fennel is a really cool oil in that it does so much and can be used on many
Normally, you can buy the Fennel plant in the produce section of the grocery store.. The
plant can be used raw or slightly cooked. Over cooking it should be avoided as it degrades the qualities of the actual use of the plant. You can eat virtually the whole plant. I personally like to use it in the raw state and use it as a side dish or as a stand alone snack. With Fennel, it is one that you will either love or hate, depending on if you like Black Licorice.
Usually, it will have a very strong to slightly strong Black Licorice taste and even aroma.
There are two main chemo/variety types, if you will, of Fennel. One is referred to as Sweet Fennel and the other is Bitter Fennel. Overall, most of the time these two varieties are very close in their chemical profile. Normally, the big difference or...
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Fixed Oils; in General and in Aromatherapy.


This discussion focuses on Castor Oil and Wheat Germ Oil, with references to a number of related Fixed Oils.

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Rabbit Brush Essential Oil.

Today we are going to look at a few of the essential oils that are more of a indigenous type of oil that is done by a local distiller. I am particularly fond of these types of oils. The reasons are many but the main ones are that I can inspect and participate in the distilling process and am fully aware of exactly where these oils come from and how the whole extraction process that has taken place has come down. There is a long list of oils that fit into the “Indigenous Oils Program” that we want to develop and have a grouping of oils that come into this category. Rabbit Brush is perhaps one of my most desired oils and has actually done more to help me with my issues. I will explain about this oil in the following essay. I know, I know, I said in a previous discussion that I would not like to not have Rosemary in my personal collection, but Rabbit Brush is equal to that Rosemary oil. I didn’t mention this oil in that Rosemary discussion as there are not many people...
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Rosemary; The Herb and Essential Oil.

Normally when using the name of a plant, a Latin name is used to specifically define the plant that we are talking about. Most of you will know Rosemary as used in aromatherapy circles as Rosemary officinalis. Around the late teens, maybe about 2017, 2018 time frame the name was changed to Salvia rosmarinus by the people dealing with names and botany. The Rosemary officinals will continue to be used as a synonym when describing this oil. Just be aware of this  official designation and the change that has taken place, “officially”. Although many of us when dealing with essential oils will normally be using the 1,8 Cineole type. The1,8 Cineole is likely the most popular form of Rosemary used in aromatherapy, with the Camphor type being the next most popular type. From that point on the types are many and with just as many variations.
The 1,8 Cineole type carries a predominant level 3 positive charge. The Camphor type will normally carry a...
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Molybdenum; One of the most important minerals, Part 2 of 2 .

In our discussion of Molybdenum, in this part 2, we are going to be looking more the various
ounces of Molybdenum and the interaction/interrelationships that allow Molybdenum to
The one area that we need to see clearly is that Molybdenum serves a somewhat direct role
in just about everything. In some areas it serves a passive role and in others it serves a
direct role. The easiest way to describe this is to look at some of the direct roles and just say
anything not mentioned in dissect roles is served in the indirect roles.
The one direct role that is forefront is the interaction with Sulfur. If you get too much Sulfur in
the relationship, then you end up with sulfide buildup and all kinds of things go weird as in
bad digestion to non-digestion taking place. Then it ripples from there. From there we end up
with a Copper buildup and a copper toxicity or even on the other end of the scale a lack of
Copper.In simple terms here we see Copper going wacko and all kinds of problems going
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Molybdenum; One of the most important elements, Part 1 of 2.

 Today I would like to discuss this one particular mineral, Molybdenum. Although we looked at this in a video discussion, the written form will be briefer and cover the essentials. So why is Molybdenum so important and why do we need to understand it? For starters it has everything to do with digestion, reproduction and in dealing with toxins. Although a lack of or a deficiency is not necessarily an either-or deal in and of itself, a less than optimum level makes the aforementioned events lack in their overall performance overall for the body. However, yes, the lack of, leads eventually to a disaster. Basically, in everything you might do from a nutritional aspect, if this element is not present and working, will be an exercise in futility. Molybdenum has a direct relationship with Sulfur. You might see this as a counterbalance with Sulfur. As Sulfur goes up, Molybdenum goes down. When Molybdenum goes up, Sulfur goes down. In order for this to take place it is largely driven by...

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Molybdenum: The Key to The Digestion and Reproduction System Functioning.


Molybdenum has everything to do with digestion and reproduction. This nutrient is totally dependent on pH. Also, this is the only nutrient that gets more active as it moves up the pH scale. Whereas other Nutrients become more active as they move down the pH scale.  Molybdenum is a key element in working with alcoholics and their addiction. .

Also, because of time, I was not able to include the part about being vital to toxin removable. Although Sulfur is an essential part of toxin and heavy metal removal, by natural processes, without Molybdenum, the removable is not effective, IE: ineffective and not anywhere as effective as it could be if Molybdenum were at sufficient levels, level. Ratios with other co-factor/companion minerals should be included in this idea as well. Bottom line here is that Molybdenum is essential for toxin removable.    

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Practical Gardening Series; Getting Serious About the Program, Chapter 4

 Now that we have gotten to the point of being serious about the program of doing some kind of gardening, we now need to get a better view of just how to go about that very thing. So first I want to bring up the idea of looking beyond what we are talking about with us sitting around the table, talking turkey. Here I want to introduce you to a good place to start. 

 Perhaps one of the best books to study is this book, The Vegetable Gardener’s Container Bible, By Edward C. Smith. You can look it up, I bought my copy at Tractor Supply. The listed price is $19.95. But I am sure you can find it without a whole lot of effort elsewhere if you want the book. It would be the best 20 bucks you could ever spend as it deals with getting started. He outlines the many different plants that you can grow in containers and what types of containers work best for that particular plant. On page 16 of the book, he makes mention that the 5-gallon bucket is the likely one of the best...
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