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 Leiann's Essential Oil Blog

Hormone Balancing: Testosterone and Estrogen. The use of Man Up and XY Essential Oil Blends and Rosemary EO.

Perhaps one of the most observable signs of a Hormone imbalance is along the lines of Testosterone and Estrogen. For the most part, people out on the street will think that if a man is having issues with his "manhood" in the bed, then he just needs to take some testosterone. If the female is having her "womanhood" issues in the bed then all she needs to do is take some estrogen. Then everything will be just fine. For the most part, these same people have no idea that anything else is involved with this issue. What they need to know is there is a whole lot and I mean a whole lot is involved with these two hormones. I have also found that some people are purporting themselves as being all-knowing on this subject and upon further examination, it becomes obvious that they know even less than those before mentioned people out on the street. The associated bed-related stuff is hardly touching the surface. In our discussion, I will discuss some of those related issues and some possible...

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What is the deal with Corn Mint Essential Oil?

Corn Mint; (Mentha arvensis), is a type of mint plant that grows on every continent of the world. In some places, it is known as Field Mint or Wild Mint. In some botany circles another closely related plant, almost the same by some accounts is one called by a number of names but one that is related to the country they are growing in, such as Canadian Mint, or Mexican Mint, and so on. The Latin name for that is Mentha canadensis. But one should not get confused as the main overall mint of the Corn Mint is just that. However, another name for it is the Japanese Mint. Corn Mint as sold under the name of Japanese Mint is one of the most important mint crops sold worldwide. Also, one must not get Corn Mint confused with Peppermint. Peppermint is a crossbred, hybrid of the crossing of Corn Mint and Spearmint. Perhaps a simple way to look at this Corn Mint oil and along with the family relationship with Peppermint and Spearmint is to think of and picture Corn Mint as the old man...
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What is the deal with Coffee Essential Oil?

Coffee Essential Oil.
Coffea arabica:

Coffee essential oil is an oil that appears to have found its place in time. In the past several suppliers have offered Coffee essential oil and after a while, they discontinued it. But over the past few years, the Coffee has been offered in two versions of it, namely; the Roasted type and the Green type. The Roasted type is made from actual roasted Coffee beans. The Green type is made from the Green Coffee beans. Although in many analyses respects, their main properties are almost the same, the huge difference is in their aroma. The Green Coffee one has a green/herbal aroma while the roasted one has an aroma of a pot of freshly brewed Coffee. Both oils are of the middle note. The Green Coffee oil color is yellow to medium darkish green with a light to medium viscosity. The Roasted Coffee oil has a thick dark brown coloring to it with a high viscosity.

One of the interesting aspects of Coffee essential oil is that in the past, some suppliers...

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What is the deal with Amyris Essential Oil?

Amyris Essential Oil. Amyris balsamifera L.

The Amyris plant is also known or referred to as Balsam Torchwood or West Indian Sandalwood. Although most literature lists Amyris as a flowering plant, which is slightly misleading, as it is really a very woody, dense bush, and yes, itis a flowering plant, specifically a bush. The wood is a very flammable wood because of its high levels of resin. The Amyris essential oil is a distilled resin. Technically the resin is classified in the aromatherapy world as an "Oleoresin" which is just a resin and a resin is a viscous substance or even a solid substance in some circumstances. Resins are usually converted into polymers for industrial applications and left in a resin form that is distilled or cold-pressed for aromatherapy or medical use. For the most part,

Amyris oleoresins are obtained from the area of the Caribbean Islands or on some outlying mainland countries. Since we are discussing the aromatherapy applications of Amyris, we will not...

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What is the deal with Spike Lavender Essential Oil?

Spike Lavender; (Lavandula latifola).
Spike Lavender is one of the many types of Lavender plants that are grown primarily as donor plants for the purpose of obtaining an essential oil. When the Latin name is looked at you will find a long list of Lavender essential oils that have the first name of Lavandula. The second name is where the big difference is found between the various Lavender essential oils are found. A more simple way to think of it is to compare the names on a comparative basis, you can say that the latifola would be the first given name of the person and the Lavandula would be the last name or surname if you were looking at it in a Latin name aspect. But the normal people out there just calls it Spike Lavender. Many people out there will have their favorite type or versions of Lavender. Some versions will work better than others for a given use/purpose/application. This idea is consistent, across the board, with almost any other essential oils.

As we look specifically...

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Photosynthesis, Global Warming, and Plants. Chapter Three.

Fertilization by Nature.

As we move on past the plant types and how they work and yadda yadda along those lines, we will now look to how they get nutrition and just how nature takes care of its own. Although we are looking at Photosynthesis and Plants specifically in each chapter, and in this chapter, we will still look at the Global Warming and why it is a natural phenomenon as it has taken place before man had a chance to intervene and it will continue long after men and women have run their course. We are going to talk about the desert setting/aspect for a while.

Thirty-Three percent (33%) of the world is considered to be under desert classification. and Twenty Four percent (24%) is considered Mountainous. So with those figures and the figures of 2/3 of the world's surface is covered with water, and of that remaining 1/3 is landmass, we see that, well generally, that 43% of that 1/3 of the landmass is used by humans on an active living basis, as in the deserts and mountains we...

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Photosynthesis, Global Warming and Plants. Chapter Two.

An understanding of the 3 Carbon Fixation Plant Categories.

As we found out in the previous chapter, we discovered an idea that this whole C02 thing and all that goes with it is simply life on this planet. Is an ongoing process. However, in this chapter, we will pick up in the area where we left off in the last chapter and go into specific details of each of the 3 main plant types and their relationship to providing the necessary elements for life. In later chapters, we will look into some interesting concepts of applications for us as individuals as well as how it all affects the quality of the plants as well as animal life forms.

The 3 main plant types are the C-3, the C-4, and the CAM types of plants. This nomenclature is of a scientific nature when referencing how the plants take in and process C02, generally into Carbon and Oxygen. This specific naming process and the identification of the Carbon fixing pathways were discovered in the early '60s. Outside of this specific...

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Photosynthesis, Global Warming, and Plants. Chapter One.

 I originally conceived the idea that in order for me to explain in conversant phraseology it is necessary to explaining each step of an extremely important and complex process. In an effort to do so I will try to break it down into generally understood idea because most people are not familiar with certain types of scientific languages, so to speak. So here is an attempt to cover some of these ideas. Photosynthesis; In my mind, I consider this to be one of the most important miracles to ever take place on this planet. What is more important s that it didn't just happen once and then retire, it is happening on an ongoing basis. Our existence depends on it. Of course it isn't the only factor of our existence, but the key factor. Without Photosynthesis, essentially nothing happens as far as plant and animal life is concerned. So just what is Photosynthesis? In simple terms it is the conversion of light energy into chemical energy and the processes used to store that converted...

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Frequency of Essential Oils and the Selection of Them.

A question on a social media page posed a question related to the whole idea of the frequency of essential oils. So since I was asked for my comment, here is my perspective. I hope it is rational. KK

I have a different perspective on this whole frequency thing within the framework that you are asking for within your needs. I am not sure how much good the level of frequency does if the receptacle receiving the (whatever level) of frequency is not capable of receiving that frequency. In simple words; How can you get a radio station to play over/through your speakers that is broadcasting on 1400 MHz when the dial is set on 900 MHz? So within this concept, you have 2 different perspectives on it. One claims to raise the frequency, all you have to do is charge the entity with that desired frequency. The other line of thinking claims that you have to have the conditions operating that will receive and hold whatever frequency is transmitted to it. That is by bias as that is the way I see...

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Gardening Tips; Fall Quarter, 2020 Edition.

I have decided that it would be better to serve all of you by going to a quarterly Garden Tips situation. While this past year I did the monthly tips, it was necessary to bring everyone up to speed on a number of aspects. Now that we have covered those, as it applies to people doing their gardens, I feel like we can move to a more generalized exchange of information. I still want to do some important discussions on certain topics, it might be better to do those by topic. So here we go with the first quarterly discussion with this being the fall of 2020 discussion.

Many people will naturally follow the example of their plants that the fall of the year, for those in the Northern Hemisphere anyway, to call it a day and let nature take the course and start planning for next year, at least after taking a break for a few months. You must resist the temptation to do so. Fall is the most important time for the success of next year's crop. Just keep in mind that you are changing the order of...

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