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Nitrogen and Nitrogen Toxicty and Related Elements.

Today we are going to be looking at a few aspects of Nitrogen. Many times we don’t give a lot of thought to the idea and maybe we should. The air we breathe is about 78% nitrogen. The same air is about 18% Oxygen, yet when our air supply is restricted we scream out the words, “I need Oxygen”. Yes we do need Oxygen, but we need about 4 times as much Nitrogen to go along with it. Nitrogen plays a vital role in about every activity in the body and in the soil that takes place. Well, we actually say  the same thing about every element that the body or soil uses, but hey, who is keeping score, right? Every single element that you can read about or know about also fits into this “vitally important” role. But right now we are focusing on Nitrogen and a little bit about it. 

In this discussion I would like to address a condition called, Nitrogen Toxicity, and the role it plays in both the soil and in animal life forms. In this I don’t want to...

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Minerals: Tellurium and Related Entourage of Nutrients.

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Mineral: Molybdenum and Related Nutrients.

Today we are going to look at a nutrient that is kind of all over the board when it comes to understanding it. Perhaps the reason why this is typical is because of a long list of factors affecting the expression of it and its primary role of functioning behind the scenes. I like to think of it as the backstage director that makes the whole show work out like a well rehearsed, well rounded production. So in this discussion we will look at some of those ideas and how it applies for you.

It wasn’t until just recently that this mineral was identified as an essential micro-nutrient. When I say micro-nutrient, that is what I mean. The difference between the deficiency and a toxic overload numbers do not have a whole lot of margin between them. Normally a person does not supplement for this perceived deficiency in animals (read; humans as well). When it comes to plants, usually the higher order plants can show a deficiency and when this happens one must be very careful to not overdo...

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Mineral: Iodine and Related Discussion.

📷Now we begin to look at what is considered perhaps one of the more essential minerals of all, Iodine. It is one of the most essential because it plays such an important role throughout the whole human body and all of the systems to allow the human to function, both physically and mentally. The codon for Iodine is CAG, with Glutamine being the controlling amino acid. Iodine is used 19,084,067 times in the DNA sequencing and carries a valence of -1. The molecular weight is 126.90. A simple one liner, a drive-by function of Iodine in the body is that of it being the thermostat for the body. Although that characterization is grossly misleading, it is just one of the many major functions of Iodine within the body system. There are many others that are just as important, but the thermostat is a good general characterization for a general perspective. Another major function of Iodine is for cellular metabolization.
Iodine is found in the earth's crust at about 0.46 parts per million. So it...
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Video:Iodine and Related Matarial.

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Video: Plow Pan Theory of Nutrition and Related Insights. General overview.

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Homesteading in today's world.

A friend that I have worked with professionally over the years reached out to me to ask my opinion on this subject. This would be a first of several in a series.

Xxxx (name);
I am only guessing as to what you are actually looking for. You said that it is related to homesteading/small acreage type stuff from what I recall. There are a few questions that you need to ask yourself. The main one is the overall goal. Next is to what degree you want to participate within the overall society. Are you concerned about being close to family, etc.
Over the years I have observed so many people with high hopes and great theories that just wasn't workable in the end. Perhaps the main reason as to why they didn't make it was because of a lot of stuff that is running in the background, much like with computer stuff, that the people wasn't aware of, that did them in.
So in this part of the discussion, I can only give some general ideas. I will go into more specific details if you want in later...

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Video;:Plow Pan Concept of Nutrient Utilization and Related Perspectives. Introduction.

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Video; Respiratory System and Related Perspectives.

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Video; Silicone and other perspectives related to Silicone.

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