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What is the deal with Coffee Essential Oil?

Nov 12, 2020

Coffee Essential Oil.
Coffea arabica:

Coffee essential oil is an oil that appears to have found its place in time. In the past several suppliers have offered Coffee essential oil and after a while, they discontinued it. But over the past few years, the Coffee has been offered in two versions of it, namely; the Roasted type and the Green type. The Roasted type is made from actual roasted Coffee beans. The Green type is made from the Green Coffee beans. Although in many analyses respects, their main properties are almost the same, the huge difference is in their aroma. The Green Coffee one has a green/herbal aroma while the roasted one has an aroma of a pot of freshly brewed Coffee. Both oils are of the middle note. The Green Coffee oil color is yellow to medium darkish green with a light to medium viscosity. The Roasted Coffee oil has a thick dark brown coloring to it with a high viscosity.

One of the interesting aspects of Coffee essential oil is that in the past, some suppliers offered it as a distilled product and some offered it as a cold-pressed oil. Once they went to offering the two types, it went in the direction of being a cold-pressed essential oil. The analysis reports do not report these oils in the typical distilled essential oils listing of components but rather a component listing as if it were a fixed or carrier oil. The following is a listing of analysis as reported in the documentation of these oils. Keep in mind that the main difference between the two oils has been listed previously and the following are the properties listed, which both oils score at about the same values; The values listed are based on averages. Palmitic Acid; 32%, Stearic Acid; 8.5%, Oleic Acid; 9%, Linoleic Acid; 44%,Linolenic; 1%,Arachidic Acid; 3%. Remember these are averages of a number of analysis reports, but the variations of these values are usually only about 1% on the averages for the lower numeric numbers and 3 to 4% on the higher numeric numbers. It could be argued that these Coffee oils are really a carrier oil. But there are some carrier oils that are used as a person would use essential oil. For example, most carrier oils are used as maybe 90 to 99% of the volume in a rational aromatherapy application, and maybe 1 to 10% of the volume would be an essential oil, depending on dilution rates. Coffee oil is used as you would use an essential oil as a single oil and/or other essential oil or oils that would be in a blend with it and then added to a carrier oil for the desired dilution rate. For the most part, both Coffee oil types blend well with oils from other plants that are grown in the same growing zones. IE; Cinnamon, Vanilla, Nutmeg, and Allspice to name a few of the more popularly used oils that are blended with Coffee oil. The Green Coffee oil will diffuse reasonably well. However, the Roasted Coffee oil does not diffuse well, due to the high viscosity, unless a well developed synergistic compatible, low viscosity oil is blended with it before attempting to diffuse it. Almost any diffuser will plug up when using a high viscosity oil.

Coffee plants are an evergreen plant and follow the C-3 Carbon fixation pathway. Because of this and the area where Coffee plants grow, usually in tropical setting, it has a high C02 compensation point, so that means that it doesn't sequester carbon all that great. What this also means is that because of the environment where coffee grows, it can easily find its self in a setting where too much oxygen has produced and when this happens, it switches course, switching from photosynthesis to photorespiration, and takes in Oxygen and produces C02. So this keeps the plant from producing beyond its ability to make high-quality fruit in an environment that allows for unrestricted growth. Although there are a number of Coffee plant varieties, the main variety used in the Western World is the Arabica type and at the present time that is the variety we are working with. It is likely that the other varieties will perform similar to the Arabica type when used in Aromatherapy settings. When all conditions are normal, the Arabica variety's berries will ripen in 6 to 8 months. As a side note, some Coffee is grown in desert conditions, but still along the equator line, in some  Western African countries, for example. it does require a great deal of water. The commonly recognized rule of thumb is that it takes 37 gallons of water to produce one, as in a single coffee bean. So the advantage to raising Coffee in areas of heavy rain fall is overwhelming.

As of the present time, not a whole lot is known about how to use Coffee oil or how it would perform within the needs of the Aromatherapy world. So in reality, if you were to use the Coffee oil it might be advisable to use it within the knowledge field of what Coffee as a beverage used or not advised to be used or to follow herbal guidelines for Coffee.  However, if you were to follow the herbal applications for Coffee as an herb, you will likely have very similar indications and results. For example, based on studies that have been done with Coffee, one might not want to use it on people that have an anxiety disorder. Yet, on the other hand, the studies have shown that it might be helpful with working with your Parkinson's clients, some studies have shown the appearance of helping people with cancers to help them in dealing with cancer, both mentally and physically. Another area that has shown promise is working with or helping to prevent type 2 Diabetes. Of course, the most widespread use of Coffee is for morning pickup. This is likely due to the Caffeine content, but then again Caffeine in the past was thought to be a bad thing. But current research has pointed in the direction that maybe it isn't such a bad thing. Plus as a final drum roll... Most people just love the aroma of Roasted Coffee beans and/or freshly brewed Coffee. The Roasted Coffee oil will go a long way to satisfying the desired aroma needs of those Roasted Coffee lovers. Green Coffee will serve those who would like to have the benefits of Coffee oil yet doesn't exactly love or desire the typical Coffee aroma. People working on intense weight loss programs typically benefit from both types of Coffee oil, but the majority usually do use the Green Coffee oil for that purpose. However, one area where the Coffee oil might be really desirable is for those who use instant coffee, for whatever reason, but would prefer the richer flavor and aroma of the Roasted Coffee that is usually lacking in the Instant Coffee offerings. You might see this as a way to "soup up" the instant coffee.

The bottom line for Coffee oil is that the learning room has a lot of room for you, as a casual essential oil user to a full-fledged Aromatherapist to learn about this oil and experience its positive effects, first hand.

End of info sheet. KK.


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