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Mineral: Molybdenum and Related Nutrients.

Jul 28, 2022

Today we are going to look at a nutrient that is kind of all over the board when it comes to understanding it. Perhaps the reason why this is typical is because of a long list of factors affecting the expression of it and its primary role of functioning behind the scenes. I like to think of it as the backstage director that makes the whole show work out like a well rehearsed, well rounded production. So in this discussion we will look at some of those ideas and how it applies for you.

It wasn’t until just recently that this mineral was identified as an essential micro-nutrient. When I say micro-nutrient, that is what I mean. The difference between the deficiency and a toxic overload numbers do not have a whole lot of margin between them. Normally a person does not supplement for this perceived deficiency in animals (read; humans as well). When it comes to plants, usually the higher order plants can show a deficiency and when this happens one must be very careful to not overdo it. There are a number of factors that contribute to how effective this mineral can and will be absorbed/metabolized in both plants and animals.As a general rule this mineral is very pH sensitive. As the pH scale moves to a lower pH, IE; more base, the less effective it is metabolized. Then you have a double whammy as this condition also gives way to a higher level of expressed Nitrogen and Sulfur expressions. Both of these minerals will suppress/block the daylights out of Molybdenum. This is a general rule, but specifically some species do not follow this rule. So one size does not fit all.

Then on the other hand, as the pH scale mores ,upward, IE; more Alkaline, the more efficiently and effectively the mineral is metabolized, to a certain point and in most plants, but not all. Same applies in animal life forms. Clearly any rule with Molybdenum does not apply to all crops and to all animal life forms. Again we see various conditions contributing to this situation. What is interesting is that in the western US, we are awash with molybdenum in our soils, so in theory we should be getting a good transfer of the nutrient to the foods we eat that are grown here. Which is pretty much true, but as we move along with the current political climate, IE; Globalism, the variety of food we consume, that is grown here is very limited.

As a general rule, Molybdenum is very easily trans located within the root systems. However, translocation in the leaves is not effective and is almost non-existent until the plant is more mature, with some plants. The jury is still out among soil scientists as to the role of organic complexion in the availability of usable Molybdenum for the plants to use. Overall, it appears that when the Molybdenum is found  in desert soils, IE; Alkaline alluvial soils, Molybdenum is almost totally unavailable. But these studies have shown that when Iron is present, then it becomes much more available to be metabolized. So this suggests that, as known, water will trans locate Molybdenum very easily and Molybdenum is very dependent on Iron in order to be utilized. One must also keep in mind that the number one factor of Molybdenum is that it is highly sensitive to pH levels. Also these other minerals, such as Sulfur, Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Copper are major factors in this whole Molybdenum situation. In fact, one of the reasons why one would not be well advised to take Molybdenum as a supplement, whether in a stand alone element or a major element in a complex would be that it can create an overload of this nutrient, then we end up with a Molybdenum induced Copper Deficiency. I know of an area not far from where i live and they have specific located salt blends for cattle that they have for that area that is very high in Copper. It is not recommended that this particular salt mix be fed to cattle outside of that area. So in theory, and it is my theory only here, is that I seriously doubt that the soils there have been analyzed for soluble Molybdenum and taken into account for this Molybdenum induced Copper deficiency. Since the whole understanding of Molybdenum is still in its infancy, then maybe it will prove out to be so. When one takes into consideration that the soils in that area are perfect for Molybdenum saturation, well, the connecting of dots paint a picture to suggest this idea to be potentially, factual, although not yet proven.

So what plants can we look to for this highly essential nutrient? First off one must look at it in general terms. Plants grown in well drained, acidic soils will tend to be low or deficient in Molybdenum. Plants grown in Alkaline soil conditions tend to accumulate Molybdenum. Molybdenum transferring or translocation to humans and animals is much more likely under these conditions of plants sourced from most Alkaline soils. But this is also dependent on a number of other factors of various minerals being in balance. So the actual 2nd most important factor is the balancing aspect of other minerals, specifically the ones mentioned earlier, with Iron being the most likely dominant one. Another major factor is the Sodium exchange complex in semiarid soils. This Sodium, along with Chloride, aspect is vital to pH conditions in a positive sense. Also, any time you consume immature crops/foods from those crops you run the risk of Molybdenum toxicity promotion and that affects the Copper ratios, which in turn affects Iron metabolism. Shall I throw you a curve ball? Yes, I will, lol. In real simple terms, Aluminum, the nutritional type and Iron will form an attraction to Molybdenum to make the trip of embolization much more effective. Even this is pH dependent. Of course this then depends on a proper Boron/Aluminum balance. Boron has a tendency to block out Aluminum, so a balance has to be in place of these as well. Since industrial Aluminum will force dominate nutritional Aluminum, this becomes vital as to having these in proper balance. 

So now back to the  plants used for food. What plants. One would find the best possible source from Root crops that are mature when harvested from higher than base pH soils. Essential Oils from donor plants grown under the same  higher than base pH soils will more likely have elements of or actual Molybdenum present. One oil comes to mind here and that is Coriander EO. Of course if it is detected in a sample test it would be because of extremely sensitive testing equipment. It will likely be there, it is were to be tested for. In normal testing of essential oils, this is not tested for. Potatoes are a very effective food source for Molybdenum. Foliage crops and root crops would be most any plant from the Brassica family of plants. They always test very high for most essential nutrients, both macro and micro.  Most small grains will test high or sufficient for Molybdenum. The most revealing aspect to this is that based on soil tests done throughout our country,(the US), you will find soluble Molybdenum closely associated with a nutrient condition that allows for a good electron-magnetic functioning in the soil. So the question, Which came first, the electron-magnetic functioning of the soil to attract these minerals or the mineral conditions present that allowed for the electron-magnetic condition to take place? Obviously the latter took place.  We as animal life forms are no different than the soil in this regard. IE; we are sick and diseased when we do not have the correct functioning of this electron-magnetic situation functioning as it needs to function. Molybdenum is a key factor for this condition to exist and function.

So why should Molybdenum be of concern to you and why would you have a need for this nutrient?  It plays a major role in brain function. It helps with moderating hormone production, it has a major role in electron-magenitic function throughout the body as a whole and not just the brain. It has a role in governing the blood system  All of this is done backstage and when toxicity issues arise, it usually appears as something different than Molybdenum, such as a Copper toxicity issue. However, the most important role that Molybdenum serves is in many of the Mental Health Issues. If you have a problem that has its base source related to Molybdenum, then you will suffer from Mental Illness. Likely this will be expressed as depression, dementia, and lack of a sufficient nutrient load to the brain and anything not good can and will happen, with almost 100% certainty. The sad thing is that Molybdenum is involved with pretty much anything to do with the Brain. Molybdenum is almost always serving an supervisory role at any function at any X-Y axis point in a proper balance of any nutritional complex structure.  Many times it serves as the higher energy contribution service factor.    

I hope this helps you in understanding a vitally important nutrient that we need and some of the possible sources for the sourcing for it. As always, thank you for your time. I appreciate the fact that you take the time to consider what I am presenting to you. Until next time, hang in there. KK.



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