Mineral: Iodine and Related Discussion.
Jun 30, 2022
Now we begin to look at what is considered perhaps one of the more essential minerals of all, Iodine. It is one of the most essential because it plays such an important role throughout the whole human body and all of the systems to allow the human to function, both physically and mentally. The codon for Iodine is CAG, with Glutamine being the controlling amino acid. Iodine is used 19,084,067 times in the DNA sequencing and carries a valence of -1. The molecular weight is 126.90. A simple one liner, a drive-by function of Iodine in the body is that of it being the thermostat for the body. Although that characterization is grossly misleading, it is just one of the many major functions of Iodine within the body system. There are many others that are just as important, but the thermostat is a good general characterization for a general perspective. Another major function of Iodine is for cellular metabolization.
Iodine is found in the earth's crust at about 0.46 parts per million. So it is not a very abundant element at all. It is also not found distributed uniformly at that rate. The 0.46 ppm is sort of a general, average distribution rate. For the most part, the rates occurring naturally on land and in higher rates are closer to ocean type waters. So one of the best sources is the saltwater body of waters. Perhaps this is due to the fact that iodine seems to attach to other minerals quite easily. Since salt water generally contains massive numbers of other minerals, it is rational to follow that line of thinking. On the earth's crust, ie; non-water sources of Iodine is most abundantly found in Caliche type soils. Caliche is from the Latin word Lime, so Caliche is simply, Limestone. I use the word Caliche here because of the customary distinction between the type of Limestone found below the surface of the soil, usually found in the 3 to 12 feet depth, with the Caliche being fractions of an inch thick to several feet thick. Caliche is also known as Hardpan and that name fits the description very well. This type of Limestone is formed by a leaching of the porous soil above that level. So that action will tend to concentrate the trace amounts of Iodine as well as other minerals found in the crust to that area and hold it there. Normally Caliche is very solid, almost like cement in some areas. In some places where the Caliche is mined, in part anyway, for Iodine, the Iodine concentration can be as high as 10,000 parts per million. So compare that to 0.46 ppm on average for the surface crust concentration of Iodine for perspective. What you might find interesting is that these "on land" sources of Iodine found in Caliche soils are really below what used to be prehistoric lakes where the runoff had accumulated for years, then began to dry up, concentrating the water and minerals into more concentrated forms, until it became a dried desert. We have a number of areas like this in various forms in the area where I live. There is a salt mine that mines natural salt and other minerals just down the road from where I live. Actually, there are a number of mineral type mining operations within a 50-mile radius of where I live that mines and distributes minerals for agricultural use and in some cases, human use. Then you have the mine where the Plant Derived Minerals are sourced from, then you have the Great Salt Lake in Northern Utah that is a work in progress in this evolutionary process of concentrating minerals and drying them. In most of these operations, Iodine is not found in large concentrations, but it does register on the analysis enough to be a contributing overall part of the mineral package of samples taken from those sources.
In these mining operations where they mine the Caliche, there are other minerals that they focus on as well, as the mining is usually not always for Iodine specifically. Another source of Iodine is brine solutions. There are a number of these worldwide but the more well-known ones are in Japan and Oklahoma in the US. However, Japan and Chile are the two largest producers of Iodine in the world today. With these brine solutions, they go through a somewhat complicated chemical process to end up with the iodine. The solid form of sources of Iodine must also go through a somewhat complicated chemical process to separate the Iodine from the other minerals. There are many industrial uses for Iodine, perhaps one of the more famous ones is with cloud seeding. We mentioned Potassium Iodide in discussing another mineral, one of many forms of Iodine, which is more popularly used for direct human use when there is a danger of radiation poisoning from Cesium 137, for example. We talked about that in the discussion on Cesium. Iodine is widely used in agricultural/animal feeding applications. In these situations, we have Iodine taken up by the plants and prepared by the plant for our use, the life forms living in the soil and/or animal use. There are many effective methods for us to obtain Iodine. Unfortunately, this is considered to be a micronutrient and not everyone replaces the micronutrients as they should. So more needs to be done in this area. Another area for Iodine sourcing is with Iodized table salt. This concept was started back, perhaps around 100 years ago. This was to deal with Iodine deficiencies. In all likelihood that was really a good idea, hard to argue against the effectiveness of that program. But with the anti-salt movement, the observations of Iodine deficiencies then started to move back up. In this day and age, if you live inland from salt water, eat a largely processed food diet, you should use Iodized salt, at the very least. As likely, you won't be getting Iodine from any other source.
The human body, depending on the size, of course, needs between 100 and 200 micrograms of Iodine per day. By contrast, most sources claim that about 1/4 of a teaspoon of Iodized salt will provide for around 90 to 100 micrograms of the nutritional Iodine that a person needs on a daily basis.
Now let's get back to the purpose of Iodine. It really is hard to single out specifically a simple purpose of Iodine. Why? Because it is used in virtually every single process in the body. Aside from being or acting as a thermostat for the body, which in effect regulates many body functions, it also is a direct contributor to cellular metabolism. Think of that, every cell in the body is using Iodine in its metabolism process. Here is a definition of metabolism from Wikipedia. Metabolism (from Greek: μεταβολή metabolē, "change") is the set of life-sustaining chemical transformations within the cells of organisms. The three main purposes of metabolism are the conversion of food/fuel to energy to run cellular processes, the conversion of food/fuel to building blocks for proteins, lipids, nucleic acids, and some carbohydrates, and the elimination of nitrogenous wastes. So as you can see, pretty much, all cellular activity, when the word of metabolism and iodine is involved in the same sentence. Also, the Thyroid is very deeply involved with Iodine. But it still goes directly back to being covered by all cellular activity and metabolism. So any and all cell activity has to have Iodine or it just doesn't happen. So how important is Iodine? I would say extremely essential. So as we mention the word essential... we will move on to the essential oil aspect.
Essential Oil Aspect;
Iodine has a tendency to bind to most any mineral element. Iodine is essential to any and every cellular activity, not only in biological entities, such as humans and animals but in all plants, in any form as well. Iodine is highly water soluble and is one of the more lighter elements, well below the 300 MW threshold. Can you see the picture I am painting? Lets color in the picture more. If Iodine is in the charge material being distilled, it will come over. The big question is will it separate from the steam and go with/attach to, the distillate water or with the essential oil? My guess is that since it attaches very easily to all of the main elements, it will go both ways. But since the essential oil will have the more heavy elements, I would tend to argue for Iodine going in that direction. However, I can see an argument for it going exclusively one way or the other. So the truth of the matter is that it likely will go both ways. At the very least I wouldn't want to bet against it going both ways. There are plants that likely will have iodine more likely than others. Those are the ones grown near the oceans, and the plants that are fertilized by the attention being paid to the Iodine levels in the soil and specifically for that particular plant's needs. So the bottom line with Iodine. If it is in the soil of the plant that is being distilled, it will be in the essential oil and the distillate water. Ready for the curveball? What about the cold pressed or expressed sourced oils? Now, this is without question. It will be there in the oils, as there is no separation into oils and waters. What plants are those? Well, the citrus oils for starters. Plus many plants grown near the oceans, need we go on any further? I think you see the picture.
Now I am going to goose you with a real-life situation. Way back a number of years ago when I used to do a lot of clinical type work with the Zyto system, I observed a common connection between the need for Orange essential oil and people living in the path of the down winders. I, of which am one of those. The compilation of issues related to this and the present day environment creates an interesting mix of issues that are difficult to work with. That situation provides for a blockage of Iodine uptake anyway, plus being in a low natural Iodine area, contributes to a not good situation. The body is starving for Iodine. , in doing maybe in the range of 1500 to 2000 scans on individuals from within this area, I noticed a pattern that was more than just a pattern. Everyone needed Orange essential oil. Not only just Orange essential oil but a particular type. That type is the high Aldehyde type that is from Portugal, that we use, BTW. Now to explain, I am going to cover a long and very complex explanation in just a few short sentences. So bear with me. But to qualify my views here, this first. Over time I first thought this Orange oil was providing Iodine. Then over time and listening to some very high qualified chemists talk about some chemistry issues that are related to this, I sort of changed my view to the idea that it was acting as a surfactant of sorts that facilitated the absorption of Iodine. Then after a few years and learning more, I found out that I was right on both accounts, but not fully right on both. The facts eventually came to the surface and that is where I am trying to go with this now. The higher levels of Aldehyde provides for several actions to take place. One of these actions is a better and more complete bonding of a number of molecules, namely, Carbon, Oxygen, and Nitrogen. This provides for a surfactant aspect when combined with the big 3, the before mentioned Carbon, Oxygen, and Nitrogen, to be carried into the cell and by taking in the Iodine that is present in the oil, into the cell. The source of the oil also contributes to the action as the iodine source is from the Orange trees being grown in soil that is near the ocean and has not been played out yet. Also, grow in soils that have not been leached by too much water or rain fall on it. Usually, about 35 to 40 inches water per year will start the leaching process, which removes the minerals from the soil faster than the plant can uptake the minerals. However, the lack of leaching and minerals from the ocean creates those conditions that contribute to the higher Aldehyde levels in this particular oil.
So based on scientific principles and by following through with these concepts and actually measuring the end of the line of what actually evolved and the eventual outcome of the individuals involved, patterns emerge. What that means is that by treating these people with this particular Orange essential oil for at least 3 months, their need for Orange oil and the signs of Iodine deficiencies were measurably better. In fact better to the point of not showing signs of Iodine deficiencies for at least 6 months in most cases, after having them abandon the protocols. Some of the people scanned used oils from other companies, which was a different type of Orange and they did not show signs of improvement or signs similar to the ones that I observed in the high aldehyde, Portugal sourced Orange essential oil, users. Although the protocol was the same, just different type of Orange oil. The other Orange oil was perfectly good essential oil, it just had a different chemical profile, which had lower levels of Aldehydes. So we learn here that not all Orange essential oils are the same, even though they are all of high quality.
So for me, after seeing a vast number of changes in people's lives in following this particular protocol with specific essential oils, I see no other rational explanation for the observations and measurements. Now keep this in mind. Iodine is not as necessary for plant growth as it is for human and animal growth. So Iodine levels are not that important for the plants, but it is vital for humans and animals, so by putting the iodine on the soil or having iodine in the soil for uptake by the pants is for the consumers of the plants, not really for the plants. Of course, a lot of the microbes and necessary creepy crawlers in the soil that makes the soil develop, do need Iodine as well. Just keep that concept in mind.
Further discussion on Iodine and related issues.
The Animal feed industry uses a very large portion of the Iodine that is produced worldwide. My guess is that the high amount is largely due to the fact that very little Iodine is found in the types of feed they are fed and that most of the feed is processed, at least to some degree. One of the most effective forms of animal feed Iodine is the Ethylenediamine dihydroiodide type of Iodine. This type is essentially a solid form. I find it to be an effective type of Iodine. It comes in a solid form, if you will, mixed in salt. Of course, many of the mineral packages fed in animal rations will contain Iodine naturally and if not naturally, then it is added to the ration. Iodine is recognized as vital part of an animal's diet. So close attention is paid to the iodine ratios and levels in prepared animal rations. Other forms of Iodine comes in Logual's solution, Natural Elemental Iodine and Providone forms.
So what did I learn and what have I learned from this Orange oil deal? I have learned that this particular Orange oil contributes greatly to Idone uptake and to aid in the functioning of Iodine at the cellular level. Of course, many other oils will likely have iodine or Iodine assimilation properties in them. As mentioned oils grown near the oceans will likely have the Iodine factor in them. Oils from farmed crops will stand a good chance of having the Iodine factors in them and the least likely ones to have the Iodine factor in them is the wildcrafted oils. I put wildcrafted one in this category because of the fact that the Iodine is not found in uniform levels on the earth's crust. Plus the wildcrafted are the least likely to have Iodine supplements added to them. But in reality, they will either have high levels, if close to oceans and low levels if far inland. A contributing factor in the living close to oceans is that the wind whips up the waves, and in a micro level size, you will have particles of sea minerals, which are many in number, including Iodine, caught up in the sir and it is blown in over the soil and deposited. Wow, people, plants the soil, all very much alike, strange isn't it! You have an assortment of minerals, vitamins, amino acids, proteins, plus much more than can be mentioned here, then some programming, read, DNA stuff and stick it with some electricity, ie; photosynthesis and guess what? You have life, It's alive! Whatever "it" is.
A lot of food will have a tendency to draw up iodine if it is there in the soil. These foods are the Green leafy types, many of the root crops, and most dairy, fish, and meat products. Of course, the less processed they are the more likely to have higher iodine levels. One of the big dangers in food sourced Iodine in today's world is Iodine that is exposed to radiation and pollution. Iodine seems to grab onto any, shall we call them Hitch Hikers?, it comes across and drags them into the cell with it. That situation does pose a problem in today's world. A solution to that is to grow some of your own food and supplement those plants with Iodine. That type of Iodine uptake will be of the best benefit to you. Now keep in mind, even though I carp about Iodine being there in the soil, it is not for the plants as much as it is for the consumers of the plants. The plants are just the organizer and delivery system of the Iodine.
Now another area. This phenomenon is a several-fold issue, but Iodine deficiency is at the center of it. This has to do with the most common tumor found in women, that is a Fibrocystic Tumor or aka; Ovarian cyst. What this ends up being is a caffeine toxicity paired with an Iodine deficiency. This leads to Potassium falling out of solution and collects in pockets that harden into cysts. So when women ( I think it applies to men as well) crave chocolate and really ingest way too much, it overloads them with caffeine and adds that to a lack of Iodine, the Potassium solution breaks down and the cysts form. BTW, this is at the center of the issue when you hear of Chocolate not being good for dogs. Some have observed that chocolate having killed their dog, after the dog ingested chocolate. Same issue with the dog as with the human here. Anyway, the normal protocol, outside of the US is to take large amounts of Iodine, under the medical supervision of course, and then that just dissolves the cysts. That protocol usually takes place over 3 to 4 months. Another Iodine deficiency indicator is the little "sleepy things " in the corner of your eyes. Some of the other issues with a lack of Iodine is blocking of mineral uptake. Iodine cannot be taken up without the aid of Selenium. In fact, Iodine needs other minerals to function as well. For example, the Thyroid needs Selenium so as to make the Iodine function in its function with the thyroid. Mental retardation in children appears to have a direct link with a lack of proper levels of Iodine during fetal development. The same "lack of" can cause stillbirths. Addition of an Iodine protocol, post-fetal stage, has shown tremendous progress in the symptoms of mental retardation. Also, Iodine is used as a precursor ingredient in the production of Meth. I really shouldn't explain how that comes down, drug cops don't like that to be known. lol. Oh, the treatment in the US for some of these issues??? Treat the symptoms with some weird drug, which does not solve the problem, but some quack will say that Iodine isn't the problem, something else is, as long as the person receiving the treatment has money. LOL. We have to mention the cancer aspect. Always have to bring cancer into the discussion. In some studies, it appears that by injecting Iodine into a cancer cell, the cancer cell dies. Many other studies have shown Iodine inducing apoptosis in breast cancer carcinoma cells as well as several other types of cancer cells. Apoptosis is defined as programmed cell death. In this setting, the present cells are in a sense programmed to die off and are replaced with more healthy cells.
I could go on and on with Iodine related material. But I think you have a clear picture or at least should have an idea that iodine is vital for our life and all aspect of our biological functioning. It is hard to say, oh this will solve all of the problems related to Iodine or lack of iodine. But since iodine is needed in such small ie; micro levels, but a continued supply of Iodine is necessary and actually vital. There are many sources of Iodine and any or all will help. It is easy to develop an Iodine deficiency as it takes place over a long period of time, without knowledge of it evolving. An overabundance of Iodine is really hard to obtain, but when it is attained, the symptoms are usually noted rather quickly because of the knowledge of the attempt to overdose or intake large amounts. Without iodine, life can get really bad. With proper levels of Iodine, life is good.
Iodine has a tendency to bind to most any mineral element. Iodine is essential to any and every cellular activity, not only in biological entities, such as humans and animals but in all plants, in any form as well. Iodine is highly water soluble and is one of the more lighter elements and moved easily by water.. Can you see the picture I am painting? Lets color in the picture more. If Iodine is in the charge material being distilled, it will come over. The big question is will it separate from the steam and go with/attach to, the distillate water or with the essential oil? My guess is that since it attaches very easily to all of the main elements, it will go both ways, at least that is what I have observed. But since the essential oil will have the more heavy elements, I would tend to argue for Iodine going in that direction. However, I can see an argument for it going exclusively one way or the other. So the truth of the matter is that it likely will go both ways. At the very least I wouldn't want to bet against it going both ways. There are plants that likely will have iodine more likely than others. Those are the ones grown near the oceans, and the plants that are fertilized by the attention being paid to the Iodine levels in the soil and specifically for that particular plant's needs. So the bottom line with Iodine. If it is in the soil of the plant that is being distilled, it will be in the essential oil and the distillate water. Ready for the curve ball? What about the cold pressed or expressed sourced oils? Now, this is without question. It will be there in the oils, as there is no separation into oils and waters. What plants are those? Well, the citrus oils for starters. Plus many plants grown near the oceans, need we go on any further? I think you see the picture/.
Now I am going to goose you with a real-life situation. Way back a number of years ago when I used to do a lot of clinical type work with the Zyto system, I observed a common connection between the need for Orange essential oil and people living in the path of the down winders. I, of which am one of those. The compilation of issues related to this and the present day environment creates an interesting mix of issues that are difficult to work with. That situation provides for a blockage of Iodine uptake anyway, plus being in a low natural Iodine area, contributes to a not good situation. The body is starving for Iodine. , in doing maybe in the range of 1500 to 2000 scans on individuals from within this area, I noticed a pattern that was more than just a pattern. Everyone needed Orange essential oil. Not only just Orange essential oil but a particular type. That type is the high Aldehyde type that is from Portugal, that we use, BTW Now to explain, I am going to cover a long and very complex explanation in just a few short sentences. So bear with me. But to qualify my views here, this first. Over time I first thought this Orange oil was providing Iodine. Then over time and listening to some very high qualified chemists talk about some chemistry issues that are related to this, I sort of changed my view to the idea that it was acting as a surfactant of sorts that facilitated the absorption of Iodine. Then after a few years and learning more, I found out that I was right on both accounts, but not fully right on both. The facts eventually came to the surface and that is where I am trying to go with this now. The higher levels of Aldehyde provides for several actions to take place. One of these actions is a better and more complete bonding of a number of molecules, namely, Carbon, Oxygen, and Nitrogen. This provides for a surfactant aspect with combined with the big 3, the before mentioned Carbon, Oxygen, and Nitrogen to be carried into the cell and by taking in the Iodine that is present in the oil, into the cell. The source of the oil also contributes to the action as the iodine source is from the Orange trees being grown in soil that is near the ocean and has not been played out yet. Which those conditions also contribute to the higher Aldehyde levels in this particular oil. So based on scientific principles and by following through with these concepts and actually measuring the end of the line of what actually evolved and the eventual outcome of the individuals involved. What that means is that by treating these people with this particular Orange essential oil for at least 3 months, their need for Orange oil and the signs of iodine deficiencies were measurably better. In fact better to the point of not showing signs of Iodine deficiencies for at least 6 months in most cases, after having them abandon the protocols. Some of the people scanned used oils from other companies, which was a different type of Orange and they did not show signs of improvement or signs similar to the ones that I observed in the high aldehyde, Portugal sourced Orange essential oil users. Although the protocol was the same, just different type of Orange oil.
So for me, after seeing a vast number of changes in people's lives in following this particular protocol with specific essential oils, I see no other rational explanation for the observations and measurements. Now keep this in mind. Iodine is not as necessary for plant growth as it is for human and animal growth. So Iodine levels are not that important for the plants, but it is vital for humans and animals, so by putting the iodine on the soil or having iodine in the soil for uptake by the pants is for the consumers of the plants, not really for the plants. Of course, a lot of the microbes and necessary creepy crawlers in the soil that makes the soil develop, do need Iodine as well. Just keep that concept in mind.
Kent King