I thought maybe we ought to discuss why we talk about Essential Oils and try to tie them with minerals. That is really an important aspect to Aromatherapy. People that are immersed in the Aromatherapy scene will usually focus on whatever their modality specialty dictates as a base from which to work with. For example, a Massage Therapist might focus on what the aromatherapy application will do and affect muscle relaxing. So a person schooled in that area might select an essential oil that will have a strong and observable effect with oils that will make the muscle relax.Some people that works directly with basic nutrition will maybe select oils that will have a strong and observable effect with will push the efficiency of the foods the person eats to a more efficient manner. People that are focusing on helping a person with their Hormones might select an oil that offers vastly different properties that any of the before mentioned modalities. The nice thing about the various oils is that they offer many different options to assist in helping another person just do a lot better overall.
So with that in mind I want to talk about the use of essential oils in the basic function of working as a catalyst for other naturally occurring body functions. In this case we are going to make mention of some of the basic minerals that help to form Vitamins and some of the oils that help that process to work more efficiently and maybe even work directly as a catalyst.
So let’s look at Vitamin A. Some of the key minerals needed for the formulation of Vitamin A are as follows; # 1 is Boron. With this mineral we find that Rosemary 1;8 works really well. With Boron we don’t see many plants that are used as donor plants for essential oils as being a major contributor for Boron. But we do see many plants that we normally consume in a good balanced diet being major contributors. #2 is Iron. Here we see many of the Iron containing plants in the category of donor plants for essential oils. Among the major ones are Thyme, Oregano, Peppermint, Corn Mint, Spearmint, Ginger Coriander,Calamus Root and Rosemary. The #3 of the minerals are Magnesium. Here we see Dill, Fennel, Thyme, Basil, Grapefruit, Pinyon Pine, Juniper Berry, Nutmeg and Orange, just to name a few of the main, commonly used oils. Then lastly we see Zinc playing a major factor in Vitamin A formation. Here we see Cinnamon Bark and Leaf, Allspice, Marjoram, Red Cedar, Sage Brush, Wormwood, Coriander, Ginger, Black Pepper, Cumin, Cardamom,and Coffee EO, just to name a few. When it comes to the use of essential oils to help with Vitamin A formation within the body system, you can see that a lot of options are available and can work as a single or part of a blend.
Now let’s look at Vitamin B. Well, here we have many different forms of this Vitamin. The one overall theme that you need to keep in mind is that Vitamin B and its many forms are all about energy and Nitrogen plays an overriding factor here. Many energy drinks use Caffeine. All Caffeine is in simple terms, Nitrogen. It is no wonder people are addicted to Caffeine. It makes up the basis of Nitrogen which develops energy. Yes, people love the energy thing because we as humans like to move around and do things. We hate just sitting around doing nothing. So the whole B Vitamin thing is about giving us the energy to get up and move around doing something/anything as opposed to doing nothing. Why do some people drink coffee to get up and go? Yeah, this is why. But just a few specifics, for Vitamin B1, we need Magnesium, Zinc and Manganese. I mentioned the Zinc and Magnesium in the Vitamin A and they are the same sources for those 2. But for Manganese we see Red Cedar, Short Leaf Pine, Clove, Fennel, Cinnamon, Dill, Catnip, Cardamom, and Ginger. Then with For Vitamin B3 we see Iron as a driver here, which is mentioned above with the other B Vitamins. Vitamin B6 will use Magnesium and Zinc as primary drivers and then with Vitamin B12, we see a different mineral coming in here and that is Cobalt. The thing to remember about Cobalt is that it is a higher energy mineral and it ties in the non metal and the metal minerals. Without the contribution of Cobalt, the 2 types of minerals can’t function together. Here we have Juniper Berry, Thyme, Garlic, Valerian, Lemongrass and Ginger.
Now we move into Vitamin C. The Vitamin C vitamin is used in many immune related processes.But keep in mind that Vitamin C is simply a sting of Carbon molecules connected with a Sulfur string. However, the string/connection has Silicon making the connection hold together. Normally we always use the Citrus oils as a go to for this factor. There is no doubt that these oils do a fantastic job in Vitamin C development and function. However, we do see a number of plants making a Silicone contribution. These are Dill, Thyme, Lemongrass, Onion, and Juniper Leaf and Berry. These plants that contribute Silicone will also contribute Sulfur. So you get two for the price of one. But the huge contributor to this B12 deal, overall, is Pine Needle oil, all varieties, if grown in the mountains.
For Vitamin D, when formed naturally, are Boron, Magnesium and Zinc. For those donor plants, refer to previous mention of the above minerals. But a curve ball here is that Vitamin D is also harvested from Sheep Wool. That process extracts the Lanolin Oil from the Sheep Wool, then it is further processed and we end up with Vitamin D3. Sheep will for the most part graze on plants that are high in the uptake of Boron, Magnesium and Zinc, so it is just another way to obtain Vitamin D3. So animals do contribute oil much like a plant will do. .
Vitamin E. The main driver here is Manganese. It does use many others but the pinnacle for this Vitamin is Manganese. The contribution plants for Manganese are listed in the B Vitamin section. Here is a curve ball for some of you. We don’t like GMO plants. We don’t like to use them. I preach against them. But guess what? In some plants the GMO process hyper elevates the Manganese. In some Herbicides, the same thing happens. OK, this can be good or it can be bad, right? The bad side of it is that most people in these natural circles don't really ascribe to the synthetic form of medicine and nutrition. This is generally when a single element is used in a large quantity in a treatment protocol. The natural approach is to use a broad spectrum approach and in a more balanced ratio. So you can decide which works for you here.
Basically all physiological processes of the human body are formed and all function depends on a cooperation between minerals. All plant life depends on the same deal. We need the plants to do certain actions in this process, then we use what the plant will contribute. We use minerals to help form Vitamins. We can use essential oils to help that process. We use many foods to make the whole deal actually work. Then those Vitamins are used in the production of various enzymes. Enzyme function depends directly on minerals. We have the production of Hormones. Hormones drive everything and influence all actions. So kind of important here. Amino Acids and Proteins totally depend on minerals. Basically all actions with plants and animals depend on various ratios for life to happen. This is why we talk about Minerals and Essential Oils in the same sentence. They just help the whole process work more efficiently, is used properly.
So as you can maybe connect some dots here, which basically will show that you can use some commonalty used essential oils to help you with your daily Vitamin protocol. They work good for this purpose if properly planning is followed. Since they are highly bio-available, they will work effective. Many people have reported that using them for this purpose has helped them improve their health overall. This does not mean that you should drink them. You need to apply them topically. The key here is to select, based on personal needs, oils that tend to fit into a number of the categories, Just make up your own blend if you want, or use single oils. Rotate through several oils over time and see the results, you will be rewarded, positively.
Thank you for your time and interest. We might be able to look at other parts of
this in the future.
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