The Purr essential oil blend is used in most applications as an emotional blend. It is not formulated to be used internally or for physical applications. Although a person might find that it does indeed work for physical needs, but that would be mostly be found by doing a trial and error over time to find where it would fit in within this respect. This blend was developed as part of an evolutional process in an attempt to develop a different type of physical blend. As we were working with it, it kind of took on a life and direction of its own and when the "dust" settled, we discovered we had formulated an excellent emotional blend. When we finished with the blend, I asked our daughter Elisabeth to pick out a name for it. After she enjoyed the aroma for a while she came back with "Purr". I asked her why that name and she said that once you really take in the aroma from the blend, it just makes you calm like when you are petting a cat and the cat starts to Purr. So this is how this blend works to ease stress and produce a calming effect on the person and those around them. In this batch and going forward the formula will be changed slightly from the original. I feel like this change has made the blend much richer and deeper in the calming effect than previously.
Now for a list of the oils in this blend and a few comments on each of those oils.
Petitgrain; Petitgrain essential oil is obtained from several varieties of citrus trees. Whenever the Petitgrain is listed as the type of essential oil, the variety has to be noted. This oil can come from Lemon trees, Orange trees, and the various citrus types within these species. But the vast majority of Petitgrain oil comes from the Bitter Orange tree and most of the higher quality Petitgrain will be referred to as Petitgrain, Bigarade. In this discussion, we will be referring to the Bigarade type of Petitgrain oil and will hereafter be referenced simply as Petitgrain. This is the type you received in the R & D program. The Petitgrain EO is distilled from the leaves and small twigs of the Bitter Orange tree. Other oils that come from this tree are Neroli, which is obtained from steam distilling the blossoms and the Bitter Orange oil which is cold-pressed or expeller-pressed from the peel of the fruit. The Petitgrain EO can come from several countries, most any country that grows the Bitter Orange fruit. However, this one that we use is from Paraguay. This oil is a moderate priced oil.
Cedarwood, Virginia; Whenever we hear or see the word "Cedarwood" we can become slightly confused. However, the type of Cedarwood being used here is more of the Juniper tree type. For the most part, the vast amount of this oil will come out of Texas. Although at times you will find it as coming from a different source other than Texas. Most propaganda on this oil will actually list it as simply, the origin of the USA. This tree is more commonly known as Red Cedar. As most of you age challenged women will recall, the popularity of the Cedar Chest... well the wood used in making Cedar Chest is usually the Red Cedar type. I honestly don't know if the younger generation still uses Cedar Chests or not. Anyway, you might recall the aroma from those chests when you opened them up. Really nice aroma, right? This type of Cedar tree is well known for its ability to not rot when in the open. Of course, it is not rot-proof and does require some attention albeit not much to maintain it's integrity. The oil in the wood is a strong anti-parasitic agent. It is used in some anti-parasitic oil blends, usually clinical level type formulations. The color of this oil is almost indescribable, as it carries a rich red type color os the wood, yet more defined and much deeper in its richness. This oil is a lower-cost type of oil.
Pinion Pine; Originally we used a Frenea type of Frankincense. This type of Frankincense is a high quality of Frankincense. But with everything going on in the world, we felt that the supply security of these popular types of foreign oils should be seriously reconsidered in what we use. Plus the sustainability of this Frankincense oil is questionable. It is one of those oils that the quality of it is in a slow declining course. So as many of you know we are moving to obtain more of the oils we use closer to home. The oil that best replaces Frankincense is Pinion Pine. It really is or should be seen as the American type or sourced of Frankincense. I feel like it does a much better job than Frankinces does on any day of the week. The sustainability of this oil is strong and the quality is over the top. Plus it is sourced locally, well, somewhat locally. We know the distiller personally and can visit his distillery as we please. However, he does respect his privacy and strongly requests that visitors not to ask to visit him or his operation. He lives in an extremely remote part of Utah.
Lavender; This is where we did another change. Originally we had used Spike Lavender. This type of Lavender is good oil, better to be used in blending than as a single. But with the before mentioned change, the Lavender that we changed to seems to blend in with Pinion Pine much better. The Lavander we use here is the Bulgarian type. I have found that the Bulgarian type tends to blend in with the locally sourced oils, such as the Pinion Pine as well as others, so since it joins in better than any of the other Lavenders, we chose to go with this one. Lavender seems to be one of those oils that will either make or break a blend. That is why using the right Lavender is so critical in formulations. Plus the right amount is also critical. I feel like the Lavender we used here and in the amount used came together as nearly perfect, well, perfect if that is possible.
Ylang Ylang; This oil is a flower oil. It makes for a real neat tie in with most of the other oils in this blend. Here is a little know secret in blending. For example, this oil has a number of components that are the same as in Lavender and Palmarosa and those oils have a tie in with the same components in the other oils in this blend. From a technical point of view, I call them, bridge oils. I have no idea what others call them in this type of use setting. This Ylang Ylang oil that we use is from Madagascar and is the "complete" distillation type. They generally classify Ylang Ylang with 5 different classifications. They are as follows; Complete, Extra, 1st., 2nd., and 3rd., distillation. Although each distillation will produce many similarities to the Complete, each of the distillations will produce a specific uniqueness that makes them different from the others. All of the distillations are of the highest quality, but they are slightly different and many times those differences are needed for specific purposes.
Palmarosa; Palmarosa gets its name from Palm and Rose smell. It is a grass and is primarily grown in Inda and Nepal. Other names it is known as is Ginger Grass and Indian Geranium. In fact, you can make a fake Rose oil by using Palmarosa and Geranium oil. Sometimes a mix of Geranium and Palmarosa is pawned off as Rose Geranium and/or Rose oil, depending on how the adulteration is carried out. So great care has to be observed with selecting Rose Geranium or some Rose oils that it isn't one of the fake blends made with Palmarosa. But don't get me wrong, Palmarosa is an excellent oil in and of its self. A little known secret, but commonly known in some circles, is that Palmarosa is an excellent oil fro used against Black Mold. As a single oil used against Black Mold I subscribe to the idea of it as the best one to use. But using it with Lemon and or Dill will work remarkably well in the war on Black Mold. Palmarosa is wildly used in a number of areas, such as food flavoring, anti-parasitic applications to a bug repellant, and of course aromatherapy. When I first started using Palmarosa I did it as a replacement for Tea Tree. It will do pretty much the same job as Tea Tree and it is not as harsh in either aroma or in its application. Back then it was much lower in price than Tea Tree but now it has surpassed Te Tree by about 10% from ost suppliers, and sometimes even more. The plant its self will grow to about 10 feet tall in the right conditions. It is very hard to grow a strong healthy plant that produces a high-quality oil, but it is done and the oil is an excellent oil. My preference is to use it in blends, but a number of people have told me that they use it as a single and like it that way. As a side note here, I would be willing to make a hypothesis and that being that it would likely be highly effective against this so-called Cova-19 deal. Palmarosa is a totally sustainable plant for purposes of aromatherapy. Once the oil is extracted, the plant material is recycled by composting and used in the following new crop of Palmarosa.
Amyris; Amyris is simply a poor man's Sandalwood, it comes from Haiti. The oil is distilled from the bark of the Amyris tree. It is a thick resinous type of oil. This tree is part of the citrus family of trees. The aroma is listed as being very strong, but I have never found it to be that strong, more of a moderate-woodsy-earthy aroma. It does have sharper notes to it that does Sandalwood. I like those sharp notes, but I also like the smoothness of no sharp notes of the Sandalwood. From a nutritional point of view, Amyris is an excellent oil. It contains components that help with the biosynthesis of hormones and fatty acids. It also helps with the liver in its conversion processes of cleansing. It also encourages the activity of defensive biosynthesis of well, in cutting out the technical stuff, Nitrogen Metabolism. This action is necessary for a healthy body to function in healthy ways.
Nutmeg; Now we wrap this up with the final oil in this blend. I am sure that many of you have heard of the Spice Islands? This is basically what Indonesia used to be called. There are many spices that have their origins in those areas and Nutmeg is one of them. Nutmeg is derived from the seed of the fruit of the Nutmeg tree through steam distillation. Another oil comes from this tree as well. Mace comes from the husk of the seed of the Nutmeg tree and we also get Nutmeg butter from the seed as well. Nutmeg oil and spice can be a little bit toxic if too much is consumed. Generally, if you only use the amount used to spice your food, then you will not have any negative reaction. Same with the oil. If you use only the normal amount used for aromatherapy use, then no ill effects either. But with some people essentially "drinking" essential oils, ie; using large amounts by ingestion, then some bad stuff might happen. (Actually will happen, think an LSD psycho trip and you might be close to being right). Overall the Nutmeg oil is used quite often as the secret oil in topping off a blend with a positive result for the user. As with any diet, you need to reward yourself at the end of compliance, and in this blend, the Nutmeg oil is there for that purpose.
In the beginning, I said that this blend was formulated as an emotional blend. In trying to keep this short enough to keep your interest up, I lightly touched on a number of points. I explained how each of the oils in this blend is tied together with each other. Also, you will notice a strong approach to anti-parasitic and anti-pathogen angle. This is a very prevalent theme in many emotional stresses. These little buggers can really wreak havoc on an individual's emotional well being. Not only does this blend take on the emotional stress factors but it also takes on the emotional caused stress by addressing basic physical functioning within the body that has a direct connection to emotions. When I set here and type out the information for this blend it occurs to me that this oil blend also fits hand in glove with a good solid formulation, in theory, that would address the emotional side of the Cova-19 deal on a number of fronts. So there you go with the basic idea of a super good blend for a long list of applications. I hope you enjoy hearing yourself Purr.
End of Report.
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