I’ll just let this essential oil, Neroli, tell you about itself:
“The bitter orange tree has little white flowers. That’s where I’m from. They can only be picked in late April to early May … only on sunny and warm days … early in the morning ... just when the little white flowers begin to open … and it takes 1 ton of these little blossoms to make up to 2 pounds of essential oil. One tree can yield up to 60 pounds of flowers. But these trees are also the source of two other essential oils – Bitter Orange from the fruit peel and Petitgrain from the leaves."
“I was important to royalty and marital harmony in the late 1600s. Prince Flavio Orsini of Nerola, Italy, made sure I was readily available to perfume the bath water and gloves of his Princess Anna-Maria de la Tremoille Orsini, who was also the Dutchess of Bracciano. I’m named after their village, located near Rome. I am also known as Orange Blossom essential oil."
“I am the main ingredient of the famous Eau-de-Cologne, the perfume from Cologne, Germany. “And I have a secret … I may be one of the ingredients in the hush-hush recipe for Coca-Cola. Shhh…”
Neroli – a rare and regal essential oil. If Neroli were a person, it might be a bit annoying. Let’s be glad Neroli is an essential oil and not a human being.
However, the antidote to annoyance just might ironically be Neroli essential oil. Its sweet and calming fragrance helps balance emotions (such as depression), the heart, the nervous system due to shock, anxiety, anger, PMS and menopause. Neroli helps relieve insomnia. It is non-toxic, non-irritating, non-sensitizing and even non-phototoxic, unlike other citrus-based essential oils.
The antidote for skin sensitivities can also be Neroli essential oil. Its antiseptic properties, as well as its abilities to improve wounds and scars, helps tone and repair every skin type, and challenges from acne to aging skin.
How do you learn the safest ways to use Neroli essential oil? Get the book or the free e-book. Foundational Aromatherapy is the book by Leiann King and Brenda Wright and is available here:
When I want to feel like the daughter of the King, I shall reach for my bottle of Neroli essential oil. And I’ll try to be a humble human about it.
Written by Lori (Roberts) Wilson.
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