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Earth Scent

Mar 26, 2017

You know how you see a word and suddenly it reminds you of something? Earth. That’s the word that did it for me. I used to know a guy from Earth. Earth, Texas.

And no, until he told me, I didn’t know there was an Earth in Texas either.

But digress (you may have noticed I do that).

I’m sure you’ll agree with me that there is something comforting about Earth. First, it’s where we live! And there’s always something comforting about home. Plus, it smells so … earthy. I like the smell of dirt – you know, the kind in your yard, nurturing those blades of grass (and maybe a weed or 40).

There’s also something comforting about Earth Scent. When I smell it, the grounding aroma of patchouli makes me think of the 70s, when “the children and the flowers (were) my sisters and my brothers.”* To me, it’s a comforting scent, and comforting seems to fit this blend.

Earth Scent was formulated to help reduce overall stress levels (ahhhh … that sounds comforting to me) and mental chatter. It helps support a good night’s rest, by helping you to focus on the task at hand (sleep). But it’s not just a night-time oil. Earth Scent can help you with the focus you need during the day.

For these reasons, Earth Scent has performed well for people with autism. When your thoughts are scattered, this blend can help your brain pull them together. Not only for the young, or those with autism, Earth Scent can assist those who are aging or having other factors that result in the mind working more slowly. It’s a brain-focused oil.

With patchouli as the strongest scent (at least according to my sniffer), you would think it is the most important essential oil in this blend. However, the driving oil, the one that addresses the brain-focused purpose of Earth Scent, is Vetiver. It also has an earthy aroma, and it is known as the “oil of tranquility” as it works to calm the nervous system. Vetiver also addresses insomnia and depression. It is helpful for the circulatory system as well, which, in turn, is good for the brain.

Other essential oils in this blend that add to the brain-focused benefits are

Amyris (stress, anxiety, sleep disorders), Cedarwood (nerve-calming),

Clary Sage (depression, anxiety) and Juniper Leaf (anti-inflammatory, which is stress-relieving).

Earth Scent includes two more essential oils that benefit the circulatory system, Ginger and Juniper Berry. In addition, the latter oil benefits the urinary tract and helps ease anxiety and stress.

There are a few cautions for Earth Scent:

  • do not use for pregnant women because of Clary Sage and Cedarwood in it (but it can be used for labor)

  • for those under age 3 – use highly diluted only

  • do not use in a nebulizing diffuser because, as a very thick oil, it will clog it up (but it can be used with ultrasonic [water] diffusers)

Men like Earth Scent because it doesn’t smell flowery. They might not realize it is also helpful for emotional challenges that – yes – guys have, as well as testosterone-related issues that – yes – even women have as well as men. Earth Scent can help with migraines, can be used in a relaxing bath at the end of a long day, and enhance libido. If you use Earth Scent at night, try Heaven Scent in the morning for its uplifting qualities.

How do you learn the safest ways to use Earth Scent? Get the book or the free e-book. Foundational Aromatherapy is the book by Leiann King and Brenda Wright and is available here: 


For the nights my cats’ purring doesn’t sent me off to Sleepytown, or the times their strolling across my computer keyboard stresses my nerves, it’s Earth Scent for me.

Have a purrfect day!


Written by Liz Leopardi.


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