Today I would like to discuss an aspect of essential oils and detail, somewhat at least some aspects as to Sclareol in Clary Sage essential oil.
Perhaps one of the main aspects to Clary Sage is the one main ingredient in that oil and that is a component called Sclareol. Also, an isomer called 13-EP1-Sclareol is present as well. However, these are just some main components that I want to focus on here today. Also, one must remember that Clary Sage does not or is not a provider of Estrogen. It does however help to promote an Estrogen like action potential. The actual Estrogen and Estrogen like activities are two different action potentials.
As with most essential oils people will usually resort to the Gas Chromatography/Mass spectrum analysis to identify the quality of a Clary Sage sample. Unfortunately, this is not an accurate way to determine or to qualify the sample of this oil if you are measuring for the Sclareol content. Sclareol is a very low volatility type component and in fact many times does not show up in the GC/MS report. So with a GC/MS analysis, a very low % of the Sclareol content will even show up in an analysis of this oil. To properly analyze this oil a person must use a system called High Performance Liquid Chromatography or HPLC in short form. This is a different system that is used to assess on more definitive terms what is in a sample of product. This system is widely used on food products, medicine, and many other various quality control samplings.
The HPLC is different in that it works with low volatility products and is able to more accurately separate the various components in a sample. Whereas the GC/MS is a system that works better with highly volatile type samples, such as what is found with most essential oils. But as with all things essential oils, nothing is 100% consistent, across the board, all the time. The HPLC is used where you have low volatile liquid products. In some samples of Clary Sage, unless the HPLC is used, the Sclareol won’t even show up. With a normal GC/MS report, you will get the highly volatile components showing up, like Linalyl Acetate and Linalool. Sometimes those two components alone can take up to 90% of the total components in a GC/MS report. So you then have 10% of the remaining room for everything else that would be detected in a GC/MS report.
When you use a HPLC to analyze a Clary Sage sample, you can sometimes see up to 70% of the total components showing up as Sclareol as to the contents of that sample. Then you have the remaining room, 30%, for all the other components that would normally show up in this type of a analysis. So then you have 90% of that 30% of the total available room in this zero sum game showing up as Linalyl Acetate and Linalool. Then you have 10% of that 30% for everything else. Well, sort of because in one report not everything shows up. In simple terms, it is like a steam distilled sample of "something". then compare that sample to say a C02 extracted sample, in that type everything comes over and so a C02 analysis of a given sample won't give the same analysis report as a C02 sample of the same product. The HPLC will be more similar to a C02 analysis than a GC/MS sample of the same product. What sampling method you would use depends on what your needs are, yet the unknown components will still be there, maybe. Confusing? Yes. So you can now see when people uses a particular report to "Prove" quality, maybe they just don't really understand.
Are you still with me in trying top keep all of those figures in order with no confusion? Hint; sometimes it helps to write them down,works better for me anyway. So when we look at this aspect to this one particular oil, we can see that a GC/MC is not really an accurate report as to quality and other aspects in determining what the oil is to be used for then requires a great deal more in depth study would be indicated. Before we move on we need to remember that other methods are used to determine quality, such as Optical Rotation, Refractive Indexing and Specific Gravity, just to name a few. Many times the new broad list of Organic offerings by many companies do not show a GC/MS report, but will simply state that when the GC/MS checkpoint shows up as, GC/MS: Meets Requirements. Don’t take what I am saying as not being in support of GC/MS reports, I use them extensively when making determinations in blending. I am saying that with certain essential oils and especially with fixed oils, this will not always give a true picture. That reason has everything to do with basic chemistry, nothing more or nothing less. Clary Sage is one of those oils. I am not going to try to list and have the necessary discussion at this present discussion about which oils are like Clary Sage, so as to avoid confusion.
Sclareol and one of its many roles;
One of the main roles of Sclareol is for the struggle with various cancers. According to mainstream medical studies/reports, Sclareol shows a strong cytotoxic activity against most Human Epidermal Carcinomas, Human Lung cancers and most forms of Leukemia. The cytotoxic effect is due to a phase specific mechanism that will introduce apoptosis. The Sclareol will also introduce apoptosis and arrest growth in human breast cancer cells.
Also, when the isomer, 13-EP!-Sclareol is present in the Clary Sage oil, it has shown to inhibit growth of Breast and Uterine Cancer cells, in Vitro. According to the studies and reports it has been noted that This Sclareol is slightly more potent than Tamoxifen. Keep in mind that in the medical field when using Tamoxifen, the protocols require the patient to usually use the Tamoxifen for 5 years to deal with what the Tamoxifen deals with and to run its protocol course. So the question is this, will a good high quality Clary Sage with a known high level of Sclareol shut down breast cancer? Or even some types of cancers? According to the reports in mainstream medical studies, yes, it suggests just that very thing.
But in reality, 99%+ of essential oil users will not end up using more than one 10 ml. bottle, which will likely last one month, for a protocol. Most will use a few drops and then complain that they didn’t get healed. In other mainstream medical studies they have shown that breast cancer in humans has been cured, at the 100% point by the use of the Morning Glory as an herbal solution. Of course that would suggest that this type of cancer has a strong Silica/Silicone component. Well, I shouldn't say, "suggest", as in other studies, it has shown that Morning Glory does in fact shut down Breast Cancer. Of course there are several other natural minerals and related components that are needed, as part of the mineral support complex, for this type of a protocol to work. But the reality is that we have several essential oils that work really well, the main one of which is a particular type of Clary Sage, with Spearmint taking a strong supporting role. We have several herbal solutions and even some medical solutions. I think that if all of these solutions are used as a group, remarkable results will be achieved. They really don’t conflict with each other. Also, one must keep in mind that what these protocols that I have talked about appear to be targeting women, they will also work for men, so it isn’t a gender specific thing with Clary Sage. Also, high Sclareol Clary Sage Oil has been used to demonstrate a strong antiviral activity..
The Morning Glory that I mention is also widely known as Field Bindweed. In Soybean production this Field Bindweed is considered to be perhaps the main reason for making most Soybean production, GMO. It can be a real problem in Soybean production. Comical isn’t it, how Nature fights so hard to give humans a natural solution for Breast Cancer and we as humans do not like to deal with it, so we devise all sorts of ways to shut down the natural process.
I have been involved in the Dairy production end of agriculture most of my life and when I consider the benefits of this Morning Glory as an herb, I figure that it could solve a lot of the high Somatic Cell counts, maybe even be a component of a protocol in taking care of the mastitis problem. I know that there is likely an almost 100% solution rate, in theory at least, of dealing with the mastitis issue if we could come in with this high Sclareol Clary Sage in a protocol like with humans as mentioned in this discussion.
I have not mentioned the positive effect of these oils/minerals/herbs, that I have mentioned when dealing with Hormones. Works wonders there too. Another discussion for another day.
However, if this were to go more mainstream vs. A self help thing, they would use synthetic components and you know what? In this types of stuff, synthetics just don’t do the job. You end up with false indicators that just don’t work. So really, this is an individual/self help, driven thing.
Closing; Thank you for your time. Kent
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