To help you make essential oils simple, fun, and safe! Become a member today!
Our mission is to help you get to know those essential oils sitting on your dresser or still in a box in your closet no matter what company you purchase your oils from, create blends, try new recipes and enjoy a community of like-minded people. Face to Face! Are you ready? Are you excited?
I can barely contain myself, so let’s get started (read through everything, we've got some important things I don't want you to miss out on.) …
AROMATIC LIFESTYLE is for those who want to ...
To help you make essential oils simple, fun, and safe! Become a member today!
- Make essential oils way less overwhelming
- Gain confidence with ongoing help from a supportive community
- Understand the plant medicine in that little bottle
- Have easy access to the very best resources, any time you need them
- Complement a school or program that you are already enrolled in
- Dive deep OR just want to dabble (which is why we price it so low)
- See what it's like to step on the path of home aromatherapist and healer
It’s difficult to become a home aromatherapist by signing up for a single course.
You really do have to infuse healing essential oils into your daily life in order to deepen your experiences and skills.
It takes ongoing inspiration, trustworthy mentoring, and an awesome community. This is what the Aromatic lifestyle is all about.
You never know where YOUR aromatherapy path is going to lead you, and we are excited to help you find out.
Everything included in your membership
You're going to LOVE this!
Monthly zooms with Leiann King-Author, Master Aromatherapist, Iridologist, Master Herbalist, Life coach, Professional aromatherapy product creator, and founder of The Applied Aromatic Institute, will guide you in how to become more confident in your knowledge and practical application of essential oils and answer questions you may have about using essential oils in your everyday lifestyle from skin-care to weight loss or pet care for your fur babies. Also, we will be assessing the pictures of your eyes you send in to broaden your knowledge of Iridology.
Learn the leading-edge science and research of essential oils monthly with face-to-face zooms with Kent King: Soil scientist, Agronomist, Master Aromatherapist, Professional essential oil blender, Aromatherapy researcher, Author, and Clinician.
An Exclusive Aromatic Lifestyle vault where you will find videos of past calls, events, retreats, Mini-courses, workshops and DIY recipes, this will also be where all your zoom calls and courses and events with Kent and Leiann will be stored for you to go back to review as much as you want.
A Private Forum - Come and get to know everyone over in our private forum!
Introduce yourself and share a selfie!
Join our recipe of the day postings where we encourage you to share how you are incorporating essential oils into your lifestyle from cooking to cleaning
Post your AM and PM routines,
Let us cheer you on with the goals you are setting and achieving!
Share your favorite skincare regimes using essential oils,
Post pics of your gardening success
Share your career integration using essential oils to inspire others in the group.
Ask aromatherapy and iridology questions from our graduates and Kent and Leiann and get answers!
Bonus Courses and events!!!!
As a special BONUS
Aromatic Excell life coaching $997 value Get personal coaching directly from Leiann King
Reach your goals and dreams with essential oils magical ability to interact with the limbic part of the brain, the seat of your emotions and memory.
Our Aromatic Excell discussions and personal life coaching with Leiann. Accountability and personal support are the keys to moving forward in our lives, you will receive this and much more!
A completely different approach to creating success. It’s a fabulous formula of training married with the support, accountability, connections, and community we all need to grow and thrive.
A monthly live workshop is usually the first Saturday
of the month 8-10 mountain time combined with virtual weekly accountability.
Super Saturday Make and take a thons - $57 x 12=$684 value
Themed days make recipes and products according to the themes such as
12 gifts of Christmas
Holiday green Cleaning
Pamper yourself, spa day
Fur babies, fun for all,
Aromatic gardening and house plant success
Yummy, quick easy, and healthy aromatic meals
And many more to come!
Aromatic Lifestyle creation days - $97x2= $194 value
If you have done Aromatic Creation Day with us before you know how powerful this process is... if you are brand new, here is what to expect!
Twice a year we will guide you to set up your calendar for the year.
Guide you to create and keep the goals you most want to accomplish
Create declarations
Use essential oils to access your limbic brain fully to have the greatest year ever!
Yearly virtual retreats - $397.00 value
Fun-filled virtual retreats as close as you can get to being there in person with Kent and Leainn along with
Special guests in aromatherapy, personal development, chefs, artisan distillers, and more
Make and takes and DIY
Spa day
And more
Discounts on all future courses or events
Total bonuses value over $2200.00
2 Monthly live calls worth $197
Monthly life-coaching workshop worth $85
Virtual super Saturday workshops worth $57
Private community & Exclusive vault which is priceless!
Total monthly value of $339 per month
Plus Creation days and virtual retreats worth $591
A total of over $2200 in value