Today's mineral is Aluminum. This is one of those minerals that have a really bad name in the biological functioning world. Rightly so as pretty much everything on this mineral is negative as it applies to the animal/human body. The same applies to the plant world as well. However, all is not lost, there is some positive, a slight ray of light. But first, the technical points. Aluminum pairs with the amino acid, Isoleucine It is recognized by the symbol of Al.
In all of the text references out there, it lists all of the bad things about Aluminum. It doesn't talk about the positive effects of Aluminum. We know that there is a biological function for Aluminum and we are just now discovering some purposes of this mineral. I think it is best to lift a quote from Pub-Med concerning this mineral, as they do a better job of describing the potential of this mineral, plus it isn't just coming from me.
Here goes: A biological function for aluminum is proposed in which this abundant, high charge density metal cation has a significant role in Bio-molecular compaction. Sometimes, molecules ectopically aggregated by Aluminum are associated with pathological conditions. The data further suggest that a specific consequence of "Aluminum bio-compaction" may be particularly important in the condensation of A+T-rich chromatin domains, and in silencing the expression of specific kinds of genetic information.
So when I read this and broke it down to simple terms, along with other publications talking about this same thing, I set back and ponder the idea of this concept and ask myself this question. Is the mineral Aluminum an agent? Especially when functioning in a biological role akin to a Gestapo force of sorts? So what we know, is that if we have Silicon in proper ratios and quantities, Aluminum does not seem to present any problems. It just passes on through. Then when we look at its traveling companion, Isoleucine, and its role and function it begins to form a picture. Why I say a Gestapo force of sorts, Aluminum does not seem to have much mercy. If a problem exists, it "fills in" and begins the process of breaking down a biological entity in the return journey back to natural elements, a preparatory stage for recycling. It also works to keep the protein/chromosomal actions in line for proper replication. When you consider this one little simple thing, it is profound. It is huge! It means that Aluminum functions at the very base levels of the basic Chromosomal level. It functions at the very early stages of life by making sure the integrity of the chromosomes are intact before further progression takes place. But in order to work correctly, the Aluminum has to be cycled through a plant before it can function in its proper role. If it hasn't been converted properly, then the elemental Aluminum does the "other" actions that are associated with not good for the human body.
When it comes to Aluminum, a deficiency is hard to detect. Why? As a general rule, since not a lot is known or at least recognized by the vast majority of people that claim to understand Aluminum and its functioning, it is hard to establish a set of protocols that will lead to diagnosing a deficiency. Everything associated with Aluminum seems to point in the direction of an excess rather than a lack of the mineral. So how do we understand this picture? Well first off we look at all of the other material that is associated with Aluminum. Namely, we know that Aluminum crowds out Boron. So we have Boron coming into the picture and we have talked about other minerals in past lectures that work against Aluminum, such as Sulfur. Sulfur either keeps Aluminum from becoming solid or once it liquefies, the already solid Aluminum stored in the brain and the bones. It then does it in a somewhat casual way, encouraging the now liquid Aluminum to exit the body in a form of detox. However, in the effort to detox the Aluminum from the body, a lot of Silicon is used up. Also, Aluminum will totally overrun and neutralizing the Yttrium if given the chance, by way of a Boron deficiency. . With this combination of heavy use or neutralizing of minerals that the Brain is dependent on, we have a serious compromising situation taking place with the Brain. That is, of course, a very serious situation, would you not agree? Since we mention Boron and Aluminum in the same thought, the main role of Boron in the one aspect of gene expression is to keep Aluminum out of the brain, by way of blocking the Aluminum from entering the Spinal fluid. Although it's used for a number of specific purposes in the body, it isn't a desired element within the brain. If a person has a Boron deficiency, the Aluminum will rush in and fill the void. Also, if the mineral is absent, Aluminum will rush in to take its place as well. The spinal fluid content is really measured in terms of a zero-sum game.
Now I have mentioned how serious the types of or the forms of Aluminum that have not been processed through a plant, can be on the biological entity, but I have also mentioned how the proper types and forms of Aluminum are absolutely necessary for that same biological entity to actually function. When all things are running in a natural setting, the likelihood of an excess actually taking place, as likewise, a deficiency will not likely take place either. The problem we have is that way too much of the "bad" types added to our food and medicines. Processed food is one of the worst sources of the excessive, "not good" types or forms of Aluminum that we ingest. The processing tends to concentrate on the mineral. Although some sources believe that a high amount of Aluminum will pass through when taken as a dietary source. It appears that even what little bit does not pass through will accumulate in the bones and that leads to the problems of a dietary source of the wrong forms of Aluminum being potentially destructive to the human/animal's health.
Now when we walk this through the whole picture, we can clearly see support for the theory of the Chromosome relationship with Aluminum. We see if in diseases such as Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis, also known as ALS, it should be noted that around maybe 10% of the cases can be blamed on genetics, IE: defective Chromosomes and the other 90% carries an unknown source for the cause. However, only a small number of cases of ALS are assigned to an individual Chromosomal dysfunction, a large number of different Chromosomes are noted as being involved,.So when all of the small percentages are added up, a very high number is arrived at. In the last few years, one particular medicine has been developed to treat ALS. That drug is Edaravone. My sources claim that this drug costs close to $150,000.00 per year in the US and 1/3 of that in Japan. All it really does is slow the progression. In fact most all of these drugs to treat all of these conditions related to the conditions to Aluminum toxicity, all only really either slow the progression of or delays the end result.
I admit that I am carrying a bias in this, a bias that is based on a lack of understanding of why "they", they referring to anyone that adds Aluminum to food or any other source of injecting the wrong forms of Aluminum into or onto the body or onto the plants that we use for food sources. I would welcome a rational, scientific sound reason as to why. I have seen a number of lame, stupid, or even outright majorly stupid statements as to why. But I have yet to see or hear of a solid, rational explanation of the type I am looking for to explain this. So in light of this whole thing, one must conclude that since these people decry "conspiracy theories", one may very well call this a conspiracy theory, but then again, the fact is sometimes harder to believe than fiction. So what is the fact with Aluminum toxicity? As of right now, the facts appear, if you choose to believe them, that Aluminum appears to be a key factor in a large percentage of these nerve and defective chromosome related conditions.
So what makes Aluminum so toxic? Now keep in mind that we are talking about Aluminum in general of the non-plant sourced forms of it. Plant-sourced is defined as natural forms of a mineral being taken up through a plant, processed by a plant in preparation for consumption by an animal or human. For the most part, an animal or a human has a very difficult time or cannot process some minerals that are taken directly from the earth. They have to be processed through a plant first. However, some minerals can be processed directly but the efficiency of the use of those minerals is very low, likely in most cases, a single-digit percentage. Aluminum is one of those minerals that are very unstable when introduced into the animal/human system from non-plant sourcing. .That is unless it has the amino acid Isoleucine functioning with it. This is a key in many minerals actually working within the human/animal entities. Another factor with Aluminum is this, it appears to have the factor of acidity involved. IE; the more acidic the body, ie; the lower the pH, the more damage that is associated with Aluminum toxicity appears. This makes perfect sense as in nature, high acidity levels are associated with the dissolving/eroding of Aluminum. This is known as "Acid Rain". With this, it sets the stage for the next section of this lecture, so let's move on to it.
Essential Oil Connection.
Since we are on the subject of pH and its association with Aluminum, I would like to mention that I have tested quite a number of essential oils for their pH levels. Mind you I have not tested "all" essential oils, but the ones I have tested, all come in at the neutral range. Also, these liquid plant-derived minerals all come in within that neutral range or very close to it. So this is one point where essential oil and plant minerals will help to promote a condition of promoting the stabilization of the pH balance. This neutral condition of the body makes it very hard for Aluminum to accumulate and liquefy, which leads to these various Aluminum toxicity conditions. I might qualify this as being the theory, got to make sure we don't make a definitive statement. Now if you overreact and go way above that neutral stage, well, that then creates other issues that are undesirable as well. So in this situation, standing in the middle of the road is a good, safe place to be.
An interesting "fruit" that is high in Aluminum, the good form of Aluminum, is Cucumber. You have heard that an apple a day keeps the doctor away. Well, really, it is a Cucumber a day is the more of a factual observation than an apple. It carries more nutrition than perhaps any other food and when looking at the whole picture in light of preventing the ill effects, in theory, especially from Aluminum toxicity, it makes perfect sense. Here is why. Now not all acidic soils are saturated with Aluminum, but when the Aluminum is in high amounts it acts with the acidity by increasing the Aluminum cations leading to reduced foliage and root growth. So if you have a healthy plant, one can be assured that it isn't saturated with undesirable forms of Aluminum and therefore safe to ingest. So with a healthy Cucumber plant/fruit, we have a corresponding level of healthy forms of Aluminum. We normally see a Cucumber coming is at 21,000 ppm. The next plant we see at 12,900 ppm is Coneflower/Echinacea Root, Then Red Cedar at 8,800 ppm. This is in an essential oil form and is known as Cedarwood Virginia. This is really the first plant that we use for an essential oil when working with Aluminum related aspects. This is usually listed as Juniperus virginiana L.variety. on the Latin Name. From that point on the ppm numbers drop rather fast, but a whole long list of herbs, not the most common types contains appreciable ppm levels. Then at 1,050 ppm, we have the common carrot, root, good food as I recall. But at this level, we have good fruits, Peach, Grapes, all varieties, so by extension, wine from these grapes. Then we have Thyme, which we use as an essential oil, at 920 ppm. Ginger is at 663 ppm. From this point on, we have a lot of commonly used foods and herbs that carry decent amounts of Aluminum. Beets come in at 420 ppm. Why do we always call it Beets/ Rather than Beet? Maybe because we can't just eat one??? You are supposed to laugh at this point. Farmers, gardeners, and foliage eating animal keepers might be interested in this, coming in at 331 ppm is our good old enemy, Quack Grass. I have always figured that there had to be a use for that destructive plant. But it also contains a lot of Cobalt. Good nutritional source of Aluminum for animals. Basically, Quack Grass is the local version/equalivant of Ginger Root. Then at 330 ppm, we have Grapefruit. So we go from this point down with various foods and plants that are widely used as herbs. The range of sources of these plants is from across all climate conditions and latitudes.
One of the areas that we have to watch for is this Aluminum concentration in the plants that we obtain oils from. But it isn't evaluated as a stand-alone analysis of Aluminum directly. We have to look for telltale signs. This is also one of the reasons why we tend to go easy on the distillate water thing. We don't have the ability to really tell the levels of the various minerals, such as Aluminum, Silicon, Sulfur, etc., in the waters. So the water thing is one that we approach very cautiously. Those that we do use, we feel confident that we are OK with them as to this issue. One of the reasons why extensive testing is not done on them is that the money just isn't in them to justify the cost of extensive analysis of all of this stuff. For the most part, only a generalized analysis is done on the waters. I mention this because Aluminum is a very lightweight mineral and is highly volatile and the likelihood of it staying in the essential oil is extremely remote and very likely to be collected into the distillate waters if the bad form(s) of Aluminum were in the plant in the first place, IE; environmental pollution sources. Of course, if the plant was healthy, then the good form(s) of Aluminum, along with it's traveling companions, then we don't have an issue. One of the telltale signs is the earlier mentioned pH thing.
Now that you have stayed with me thus far, I will give you a simple solution for you to use to help detox from an overload of Aluminum. Are you ready??? Drum roll... The one big staple from Mexcian Cuisine... Cilantro if you are eating the leaves of the plant, and in the US and Canada it is better known as Coriander. In the essential oils sector, we usually see Cilantro Essential Oil coming from the leaf. With the Coriander we see the Essential Oil coming from the seed of the same plant. The leaf oil costs about 2 times as much as the seed oil does. But either oil will serve the purpose of Detoxing from a toxic overload of Aluminum. Personally, I feel like the two oils should be mixed in a blend, 50/50 for exponentially better results. The Coriander/Cilantro EO's are a deal like Dill Seed and Dill Weed, two different EO's from the same plant. Although the Leaf and Seed oils from these plants will test almost the same, Dill Seed and Dill Weed and then the Coriander and the Cilantro. Both of these will have a few components individually that are not found in the other, ie; seed vs. the leaf or weed oil, that work better if the Leaf and Seed oils are combined from their respective donor plants. As a side note, the best solution/protocol for Aluminum Detox is the same as for Mercury Detox. So if you have one of these issues or both, use the same solution for either or both. It also helps if you also consume the plants from the Coriander/Cilantro and the Dill in addition to using the EO. As with all removal processes, one must use support and the best EO, in my opinion, is the Organ Master blend, for that purpose.
Now in my own opinion. Another aspect that has to be considered is the radiation factor with Aluminum. Radiation comes in two basic forms, Radioactive Radiation, and Non-Radioactive Radiation. The cool thing about Aluminum is that it will deflect Radiation, in either form. So if the Aluminum is present in the skin, then it is protecting the body at the best point, it isn't getting past the skin level. With this is Boron, as Boron prevents the Radioactive Radiation from "Sticking" in the body. So with Aluminum at the outer layers, then Boron at the deeper levels, you have a 2 tier protective action with protection from Radiation. In this day and age, this is vitally important. We are assaulted by both types of Radiation at every single moment of our life. The bottom line here is that with this aspect, Aluminum and Boron are vital to our life in the protection sense. In light of this, it also makes perfect sense for Aluminum to step into the Spinal Fluid and then onto the whole brain to protect the brain when the two other protectors are absent, Boron and Yttrium. One must remember that everything is centered around protecting the Brain. Radiation, in both forms, is the most damaging of all assaults to the brain that is known to exist.
Summary and Discussion;
It really is hard to grasp the degree that Aluminum is both helpful and destructive. Aluminum is being studied and the theory appears to be soundly based on research, on Chromosome activity. We really need to have this mineral, that is without question. But it has to be in the proper forms, This is where we get into trouble with it. We seem to have all sorts of so-called very smart people that can't think beyond a simple stimulus-responds event. What I mean by this is that since Aluminum seems to pass through for the most part, based on some questionable anecdotal studies I might add, these "people" promote the use of Aluminum in everything. I mean everything possible, everything that needs a filler. Then we wonder why we see all sorts of nerve-related diseases and even other diseases like Diabetes, Kidney Disease, and even Maple Syrup Urine Disease. Now, this Maple Syrup Urine Disease is believed to be caused by a defect in mainly 4 genes. But without question Aluminum is at the core center of this issue. So here we have a connection to the Chromosome Integrity provided for by Aluminum. But and the big but is this, in order to deal with this disease, the diet of these carriers must have solid levels of Isoleucine. I mean I can go into the connections all day long and it makes perfect sense. We need a next to the perfect balance of Aluminum along with it's traveling companion of Isoleucine to make sure the integrity of the genetic material is sound. It eliminates so many diseases if this balance is there. It also is so destructive when that balance isn't there.
However, the kicker here is that only the proper form(s) of biological compatible Aluminum will positively associate with Isoleucine and then function as a useful positively useful mineral in the biological setting. Another mineral that that is needed for the proper function of Aluminum is Sulfur. We will cover this in detail in the discussion on Sulfur. Then we also have Silicon in this group as well. The role of these 2 before mentioned minerals is to liquefy, remove, and cause to pass through the digestive and waste disposable system of the biological entity. This process allows for the Aluminum not to accumulate in the body. I guess these before mentioned smart people that advocate the use of Aluminum in the various fillers used across the board in all things, pretty much all things anyway, are not connecting the dots. I guess they assume that the proper levels and the integrity of the minerals like Sulfur and Silicon with their amino acid traveling companions are present and accounted for as they advocate the widespread use of Aluminum. Either that or they just disregard the use and function of minerals overall. I know of highly educated people that see the whole mineral thing in just such a way.
So how do we deal with the Aluminum toxicity thing and then replace the bad forms of Aluminum with good forms of Aluminium? I mean we all have issues going on. For example, tooth decay.. related to Aluminum toxicity. Also, a number of other tooth issues are related to this as well. We use essential oils to help repair the Chromosomes and even other cell replications. We use herbs for the same purpose. We can use these minerals that have been cycled through plants to help get control over this issue. One of the most important things that we can do is to avoid highly processed foods. That is one of the worst sources of the bad forms of Aluminum. However, even doing all of these things, one must keep in mind that it will take some time to fix the problems. But if you don't recognize this issue and the seriousness of it, you are just inviting the grim reaper to an early get to know each other party. Also, some research has pointed at Aluminum having a strong connection to Breast Cancer. So how do we fix this issue? It has been shown that Morning Glory or AKA Field Bind Weed, will kill Breast Cancer cold dead in its tracks. This would make sense as some of the other cancers that should have the same treatment protocols, such as the use of essential oils, have no reaction. But if you use an anti-Aluminum protocol, results are observed. To me, this is shocking and should be an item that you medical people may want to research more thoroughly. It would be interesting to see if the mainstream is going there or not. But the studies on Morning Glory, AKA as Field Bind Weed directly comes from Main Stream Medical research. But it is not used because it directly conflicts with the Glysophate market and there is more money to be made there than with growing and processing Morning Glory, so other ideas to wipe out breast cancer are pursued. This Glyspohate market is largely focused on killing Field Bind Weed. (BTW, it does a crappy job of doing it, but people keep hoping against hope). See the connection there, lol. I sure do.
In the essential oil part, I did not list all of the various oil and herbs that you can use as 2nd. tier support. That list gets big and wide real fast. Also, we are trying to focus on the material that is directly related to the specific mineral being discussed.
So we are at the closing of this lecture. There is so much more material that could be added, but I am banking on the idea that most of you already know most of the stuff, so I tried to focus on the biological aspects of this mineral rather than to go extensively into the industrial aspects and so forth. Thank you for your time and interest. I appreciate the time we spend here in these discussions. Next discussion on a related mineral. So until next time, take care.
End of Discussion.
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