We’ve all heard the phrase time and time again, “It's all in your head.” Women that are full of emotions and feelings have come to hate that term. Because for us our feelings are real. Our emotions are worth listening to and comforting.
But what if I told you that it all was in your head? That by simply using one essential oil, you can decrease your brain games from a high stakes blood battle of jousting everyone in your path, to a calming game of chess instead.
In my own opinion Clary Sage is the oil that saves most of men's lives. Not because they use it, but their wives do! It also saves women's lives as well. As a woman and even if I were a man, I suggest having this oil in my pocket all the time.
Clary Sage is mood altering – it lifts up a bad attitude and, as a sedative, calms the mind. This is what I suggest – rub three drops of Clary Sage onto your palms and then rub on your temples, through your hair, behind your ears, then down the back and front of your neck. Help your mind unwind by taking three deep breaths in and out.
Relax and enjoy this strategic move into your new and improved brain. Checkmate!
Written by Leiann King.
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